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Social capital and the generation of technological innovations in Ecuadorian companies

2021 , Morales-Urrutia D. , Morales Molina, Tania , Morales-Urrutia E. , Quiroga-López M.

The objective of this research is to analyze social capital in the generation of technological innovations in Ecuadorian companies. From the methodological point of view, the data from the Ecuadorian Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) are taken from the ACTI 2012-2014 survey. The results point to the existence of an influence of social capital in the creation of technological innovations in companies. In conclusion, the importance of the networks and the links that are managed strategically in the sectors are highlighted. © 2021, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Technology-Based Companies: The Case of South American Countries

2022 , Morales Molina, Tania , Núñez-Torres G. , Hernández-Espín V.

In recent decades, technology-based companies have achieved significant global recognition, given their importance and substantial contribution to the economic and sustainable development of organizations and society at large, through job and wealth creation. The research objective focuses on determining the relationship between technology-based companies and R&D and innovation spending. To meet the objective, the methodology applied was based on the application of Pearson’s correlation coefficient statistical technique, since it allows to obtain an association coefficient between variables that do not behave normally. The results indicate that R&D spending and innovation are representative factors for the operation of technology-based companies. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Factors Influencing the Economic Growth of the Business Sector in Zone 3 of Ecuador

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Figueredo-Morales C. , Vásquez G.B.B.

In zone 3 of Ecuador there are diverse economic and productive activities, therefore, in this research work we intend to analyze the factors that influence growth in the business sector, a documentary-bibliographic research will be carried out through the review of different scientific articles, documents, books, texts and doctoral theses in order to build the state of the art, as well as data from secondary sources of national statistical offices will also be used. The result focuses on the discussion among public, non-governmental and private sector actors, on the economic factors that stimulate the emergence of new companies and the strengthening of existing ones with general information, which affect the initiative to the contribution to business growth and sustainability of the company. In the conclusions we can refer that the entrepreneurs of zone 3 should be more linked among themselves, should be more communicated, have more cooperation among them and establish long-term relationships between them, to generate better conditions that favor the business system and strengthen productivity and innovation. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Efficiency of Permanent Crops: Bananas, Cocoa, Coffee in Ecuador. An Analysis During the COVID 19 Pandemic

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Martínez Mesías J.P. , Aldas Salazar D. , Morales-Urrutia X.

Ecuador is in a privileged climatological zone. It admits that in its territories permanent crops of high demand are generated both locally and internationally, as is the case of bananas, coffee, and cocoa. For this reason, it is important to control the resources involved in its production and verify the level of efficiency in order to maintain competitive standards worldwide. Thus, in the present study the technical efficiency of the aforementioned crops is calculated and analyzed in a period of great importance such as 2020–2021, since it significantly marked the world economies due to the COVID 19 pandemic. To calculate the efficiency, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used, that works with inputs and outputs, which were identified in the database of the Continuous Surface and Agricultural Production Surveys (ESPAC) report, generated by the Directorate of Economic Statistics and the Agricultural Statistics Unit of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC). Determining production as the output variable and the main input variables: planted area, workers, fertilizers, and insecticides. The main results indicate that banana has not undergone significant changes in its production efficiency, while cocoa and coffee maintained lower levels of efficiency in 2020 compared to 2021 in most of the provinces of Ecuador where it is grown. Evidencing that the management of resources during the pandemic were limited and, in many cases, scarce. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Health and Economy: A Necessary Relationship to Face the Path Towards Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Post-covid

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Morales C.F. , Vásquez G.B.B.

The health–economy relationship has recently emerged as one of the top priorities at the international level, and the emergence of the virus has caused a lot of human and economic pain. The pandemic has brought human and economic suffering to the international community. Most countries have been affected, and this has been evidenced in the deterioration of health and the contraction of economies, with greater incidence in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main objective was to highlight the current situation of both sectors and possible future developments. The methodology used was a quantitative–descriptive type of scientific research with updated bibliographic information, using as instruments secondary source documents such as state economic reports, updated statistical data, relevant scientific articles and publications in public institutions. The results reflect a difficult health and economic panorama due to internal and external causes, favouring the increase of inequality, poverty and political corruption. The conclusions demonstrate the little evolution that has existed in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) post-pandemic in the health sector and in the economy, which was on the verge of total bankruptcy in the face of such a devastating scenario of the coronavirus, with losses of -7.0% of GDP at the American level. Although new variants of the virus appeared and there was a relapse, by the end of the same year, the real GDP was predicted to increase by 6.3% in 2021, to moderate to 3% in 2022, taking into account the reopening of tourism as one of the main sources of income of these countries with 15.5% of the gross domestic product, all in terms of growth and sustainable development. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.

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Transfer of Knowledge and Technology to Ecuador’s Business Network

2022 , Morales-Urrutia D. , Rivera-Badillo L. , Morales Molina, Tania , López-Samaniego C.

Currently, universities perform a more leading role in economic growth and social progress, as their mission has extended beyond the scientific character and contributes to the promotion and generation of new ventures, through an established link with industries. The role of higher education institutions today is to support and promote entrepreneurial skill in students and staff in general, so that it is transferred to the reality that today's society faces and timely solutions are given to the needs identified through technology transfer in the implementation of a new spin-off or startup. The data analyzed come from the Science, Technology, and Innovation Activities (STIA) survey for the period 2012–2014. The objective of the study was to analyze cooperation for the transfer of technology and knowledge between public and private organizations and companies in Ecuador. The results show that there is greater cooperation with customers and suppliers. In conclusion, despite the existence of policies aimed at cooperation between government, business, and university, no visible results are evident in the Ecuadorian business network. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Ecotourism in Ecuador and the Lack of Cultural Education for Health Benefits

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Morales-Urrutia X. , Figueredo-Morales C. , Bucheli-Vázquez G.B.

Ecotourism or ecological tourism is a tourist typology that consists of carrying out recreational activities in natural areas with an environmental sustainability approach, the success of ecotourism in recent times lies in the multiple benefits it brings to our health. The objective of our research is focused on highlighting the lack of cultural education on the subject for health benefits through some strategies. The methodology applied has a mixed approach, documentary-bibliographic type through the review of different scientific articles, documents, books, texts and doctoral theses in order to build the state of the art, at the empirical level, we will work with statistical data from secondary sources in national statistical offices. The results reflect the lack of education that Ecuadorian citizens have on the benefits that ecological tourism brings to health and in the conclusions some strategies are recommended to give solutions to the cultural ignorance of people in the ecological field and to materialize education from early ages to achieve a healthy population, free of stress and improve the quality of life of Ecuadorian inhabitants. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Safety During the Fruit and Flowers Festival and Its Impact on Local Entrepreneurs

2021 , Morales Molina, Tania , Núñez Torres G. , Bucheli Vasquez G. , Machado López L.

This research focuses on the need for touristic safety by domestic and foreign visitors in the city of Ambato, during the Fruit and Flowers Festival. The objective of the research is to determine the level of physical insecurity perceived by tourists visiting the city of Ambato during the festival. The methodology used was developed on a descriptive and exploratory level, as well as a bibliographic search; in addition, interviews were conducted with 40 domestic tourists and 30 foreigners, who visited the province during the festivities in the 2020 carnival. The method of observation was also applied. The results obtained were of concern to the province, as tourists are not satisfied with security and the different actions that were applied in relation to it. The conclusion reached is that tourism security policies must be implemented; in the same way, security needs to be intensified by implementing surveillance strategies in smaller spaces, as well as enforcing public order and monitoring the presence of misbehaving individuals. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Entrepreneurship: The Case of Ecuador

2021 , Morales Molina, Tania , Llamuca Pérez S. , Morales-Urrutia X. , Victor V.E.

In recent decades, entrepreneurship has experienced a significant increase worldwide, being considered as an important tool to improve the economic growth of a country. This article aims to present an overview of the current situation of entrepreneurship at both national and local levels. The methodology used was descriptive, also a literature review was conducted, the data analyzed came from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of the directory of companies for the period 2013–2016, the number of enterprises at the level of Ecuador and specific by province was analyzed. After the analysis, it was concluded that there is a significant increase in micro-enterprises throughout the country, especially in the provinces of Pichincha and Guayas. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Cultural and Ethnographic Routes as a Tourist Resource for Rural Development: A Theoretical Review

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Morales-Urrutia X. , Lascano N.

Cultural routes have become an important income-generating resource for the different countries they pass through. At present, this type of route is promoting a series of activities related to the tourism field and that have drawn special attention from its visitors, this has made the governments of the day develop policies aimed at promoting and implementing actions that allow stimulate the development and economic growth of the rural areas in which they are located. The purpose of this research is to carry out a review of the current and evolutionary status of the contributions made for the enhancement of historical and heritage value of these routes. In the present research, a literature review of the main cultural tourism routes and their contributions to the development of the areas through which they run was carried out. In general, the cultural routes have become an important contribution to the growth and economic development of rural areas; and, above all, they have generated jobs and improved the quality of life of the population. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.