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Water quality assessment of the cutuchi river basin (Ecuador): A review of technical documents

2021 , Zapata D. , Oleas Gallo, Nora Helena , Páez-Vacas, Mónica , Tobes, Ibon

The Cutuchi River Basin extends over the inter-Andean valley south of the Cotopaxi Volcano, in Ecuador. It flows through two provinces, Cotopaxi and Tungurahua, and its waters are extensively used to irrigate crops that provide food to the main cities in the country. Unfortunately, the basin receives untreated domestic and industrial discharges. The need for an environmental quality assessment of the river has been acknowledged over the years. The aim of this study is to gather information about water quality of the Cutuchi River through a historical bibliographic review. A total of 57 works published between 2007 and 2018 were found, including books, articles, thesis and project reports. Only 18 documents provided biological, physical, or chemical data linked to water quality. The data obtained through the literature review were compared with maximum thresholds from national and international regulations. Unfortunately, revised studies were scattered on time and randomly along the basin and did not provide robust information to evaluate the state of the water-system. Some contamination was detected significantly exceeding safety thresholds. More exhaustive studies along the basin are needed as a baseline to help the decision makers to design management plans and mitigate human impacts. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.

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The Natural History, Distribution, and Conservation of Lonely Rainfrogs, Pristimantis eremitus

2016 , Hutter C.R. , Liu V. , Kell T. , Lyons J.A. , Guayasamin, Juan M.

Natural history and behavioral information for species of the genus Pristimantis is scarce. We conducted an extensive study of Pristimantis eremitus, a vulnerable species for which there is scant biological information. We monitored 17 individuals for movements and intraspecific interactions for 13 mo. We describe the species' variation in dorsal color and pattern, which we used to uniquely identify individuals during the study. We also present results on the habitat utilization and home range of this species, providing evidence that this species shows a preference toward the bromeliad microhabitat when compared with other microhabitat types. We also describe the advertisement call and associated behaviors of the species. We update the known distribution of the species. Our data provide a baseline for future researchers to survey and identify individuals of P. eremitus, and which could be applied comparatively to other species where little of their natural history is known. We also show how an in-depth in situ study can provide useful information for species conservation. © 2016 by The Herpetologists' League, Inc.

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The Communication Between Client-Developer in the Process of Requirements Elicitation for a Software Project

2021 , Alvarez S. , Duy K. , Zapata M. , Galarza J. , Martinez D. , Puco C.

Communication is a fundamental part of the requirements elicitation process for a software project, but the constant changes in the requirements make it difficult to complete a project successfully, and sometimes the customer’s expectations are not met. The problem of communication has different reasons, among them, the shortcomings in the process by which the requirements engineer contacts the customer and the customer does not always have a clear idea of what he really needs. In order to identify the reasons for the communication problems between the requirements engineer and the customer, we have carried out a survey with the participation of employees from two software development companies. The results show the comparison and contrast of the effectiveness of the traditional processes against the current processes in the same way, we can highlight the preference of the experts when choosing a method of elicitation against another one and the advantages and disadvantages that each one represents. We also get results about how to improve the processes that present the greatest number of problems. In addition, it is worth mentioning that results were also obtained regarding how professionals recognize when there is a problem between the developer and the client or vice versa and the possible solution that should be applied to avoid some kind of conflict in the medium or long term in the software’s development project. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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ICT as a Contribution to Ecuadorian Emerging Tourism in Regional Contexts, Balsapamba, San Miguel, Bolívar Province

2023 , Oleas-Orozco J.A. , Jara-Garzón P. , Castillo, L , Aguilar I.

Tourism currently constitutes a financial income for developing countries. However, the tourism management depends of public and private administration. In Ecuador, geographical conditions, nature, biodiversity, culture, and more have great potential as tourist attractions. The state administration prioritizes natural places, heritage sites and cultural representations located in main cities. Therefore, new and emerging regional initiatives have difficulties in dissemination and communication. In this scenario, ICTs constitute an alternative and economic way to spread new and potential tourist destinations. This research analyzes the ICT usefulness, such as mobile devices applications or APP, within an emerging tourist destination such as the Balsapamba parish, of Bolívar province. The study was carried out in two stages, an exploratory stage with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), to know the communication status and tourist attractions diffusion. Also, it was inquired about ICT tourists’ habits. The info allows to produce an APP with tourist content. The second stage consisted of APP testing and verifying its usefulness and contents relevance. The results showed an effectiveness greater than 90%, relevance of content greater than 85% and technological usability satisfaction tool equal to 100%. The great versatility of ICT in the tourism field can be inferred for new destinations dissemination, not been considered by public administrations. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Friend or foe? Social system influences the allocation of signals across functional categories in the repertoires of the New World jays

2016 , Rosa G.L.M. , Ellis J.M. , Bonaccorso, Elisa , Dos Anjos L.

Many factors could influence repertoire size and function. Here, we provide a review of the descriptions of vocal repertoires of New World jays and a unifying terminology for function of their vocalizations. We summarized 19 different functional types of vocal behaviour shared by at least two species, for review purposes. Comparing the 14 studied species, we also classified vocalizations into four major classes defined a priori: 'Social Integration', 'Conflict Resolution', 'Predator-related', and 'Breeding'. Cooperative breeding, as well as group size, are related not only to repertoire size, but to how species allocate their vocalizations into functional classes. We discuss the tendencies of Conflict Resolution and Social Integration and the possibility of the existence and implications of a trade-off between those functional classes. We identified gaps in the current knowledge on vocalizations of the studied species, and emphasize the importance of empiric evidence of vocalization function in the New World jays. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2016.

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Unveiling the evolutionary relationships and the high cryptic diversity in Andean rainfrogs (Craugastoridae: Pristimantis myersi group)

2023 , Franco-Mena, Daniela , Guayasamin J.M. , Andrade-Brito D. , Yánez-Muñoz M.H. , Rojas-Runjaic F.J.M.

Background. Pristimantis is the most diverse genus of terrestrial frogs. Historically, it has been divided into several phenetic groups in order to facilitate species identification. However, in light of phylogenetic analysis, many of these groups have been shown to be non-monophyletic, denoting a high degree of morphological convergence and limited number of diagnostic traits. In this study, we focus on the Pristimantis myersi group, an assemblage of small rainfrogs distributed throughout the Andes of Ecuador and Colombia, whose external morphology is highly conserved, and its species diversity and evolutionary relationships largely unknown. Methods. We inferred a new phylogenetic hypothesis for the frog genus Pristimantis, including all available sequences of the mtDNA 16S rRNA, as well as new DNA sequences from 175 specimens. Our sampling included 19 of the 24 species currently recognized as part of the Pristimantis myersi group. Results. Our new evolutionary hypothesis recovered the P. myersi group as non-monophyletic and composed of 16 species. Therefore, we exclude P. albujai, P. bicantus, P. sambalan, and P. nelsongalloi in order to preserve the monophyly of the group. We discovered at least eight candidate species, most of them hidden under the names of P. leoni, P. hectus, P. festae, P. gladiator, and P. ocreatus. Discussion. Our results reveal the occurrence of a high level of cryptic diversity to the species level within the P. myersi group and highlight the need to redefine some of its species and reassess their conservation status. We suggest that the conservation status of six species within the group need to be re-evaluated because they exhibit smaller distributions than previously thought; these species are: P. festae, P. gladiator, P. hectus, P. leoni, P. ocreatus, and P. pyrrhomerus. Finally, given that the Pristimantis myersi group, as defined in this work, is monophyletic and morphologically diagnosable, and that Trachyphrynus is an available name for the clade containing P. myersi, we implement Trachyphrynus as a formal subgenus name for the Pristimantis myersi group. Copyright 2023 Franco-Mena et al.

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New relevant chorological and conservation data on Carex (Cyperaceae) and Hypericum (Hypericaceae) from Ecuador

2023 , Jiménez-Mejías P. , Morales-Alonso A. , Oleas N.H. , Sánchez E. , Martín-Bravo S. , Masa-Iranzo I. , Meseguer A.S.

Background Knowledge of Carex L. (true sedges) and Hypericum L. (St. John's wort) in the Neotropics is fragmentary. New information As a result of a fieldwork campaign in Ecuador and revision of herbarium collections (K, QCA and QCNE), we present here relevant records of twelve Carex (Cyperaceae) and four Hypericum (Hypericaceae) species. Regarding Carex, we present the novel report for South America of C. aztecica, as well as the first Ecuadorian records for C. brehmeri, C. collumanthus, C. fecunda, C. melanocystis and C. punicola. The three later records have additional biogeographical significance, as they represent the new northern limit of these species. We also include observations for another five species included in the Ecuadorian Red List of Endemic Plants. As a result, the list of native Carex reported for Ecuador would now include 52 taxa. With regard to Hypericum, we include the new report of H. sprucei for the province of Bolívar, and the confirmation of the presence of three rare species (H. acostanum, H. matangense, H. prietoi) in their type localities, although with extremely low population sizes. We discuss their conservation status and implications © Jiménez-Mejías P et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

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Knowledge Cities: ICT and Urban Components

2021 , Cueva-Ortiz S. , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge

Based on a shift in the production matrix from goods and services to knowledge and innovation, countries on at least three continents have invested in the construction of knowledge cities. However, to what extent are knowledge cities (KCs) linked to the information and communications technology (ICT) on which they are based? Are KCs a technological consequence, or a political ideology oriented towards the reinforcement of an economic system? To answer these questions, three global examples and the 22@Barcelona case study were examined using qualitative methods. The findings revealed how political agreements and the modification of urban plans impacted the cities. We observed existing relationships among ICT, KCs, and the business structure that was implemented, although the latter was not part of the KCs. This study presents a theoretical input for KCs and highlights the need for new urban and architectural spaces that respond to the innovative milieu of nascent societies. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Virtual Environment for the Mashing and Boiling Process in Craft Beer Production

2023 , Pogo S.I. , Granizo J. , Andaluz V.H. , Varela Aldas, José

Process automation allows to increase production and improve the quality of craft products. This paper presents the implementation of closed-loop control algorithms for a mashing and brewing plant of craft beer. The proposed control scheme is implemented through the HIL technique, for which a virtual environment that simulates the behavior of the industrial process and a control card where the control algorithms are implemented are considered. To represent the behavior of the plant level and temperature processes, the mathematical model of each process is obtained, this model is used for the design of the control algo-rhythms, and the plant is modeled in 3D and incorporated into the graphics engine also has effects of realism together with been 3D in order to increase the level of realism to the process. For user interaction with the environment, an HMI type mantle center is incorporated to visualize and control the process manually, semi-automatically, and automatically, in order to test the control algorithms safely and avoid the risk of instrumentation damage or loss of real materials. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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2023 , Puyol A.C. , Rodríguez Salcedo, E.

The declaration of the party is an evidentiary element recognized by the Ecuadorian legal system capable of proving the habitual state of disharmony in the marriage, within a judicial process of divorce. In Ecuador, since the enactment of the General Organic Code of Processes in 2016, this figure is contemplated as an innovation to the evidentiary system, the same that is accompanied by several principles that guarantee orality in the procedural field. The research allows to unveil the way in which the statement of the party should be used as a key and fundamental piece to prove the third ground of Article 110 of the Civil Code in force. A qualitative approach of the research allowed the deep and detailed analysis of the object of study, so that, by means of the corresponding observation, the expected results could be obtained, concluding that, in effect the declaration of part is a valid and sufficient evidence to corroborate the habitual state of lack of harmony in the marriage. © 2023, University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. All rights reserved.