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Temporal Focus as a Mediator between Cultural Values and Subjective Happiness: Evidence from Ecuador and Russia [Временной фокус как медиатор взаимосвязи между культурными ценностями и субъективным счастьем: на материале Эквадора и России]

2022 , Zabelina E.V. , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Guadalupe-Lanas J. , Deyneka O.S.

Though numerous scholars have studied subjective time, its predictors and effects, the general model considering demographic variables, cultural values and level of wellbeing is not presented. This study seeks to bridge this gap by contributing a comparative study of two very different countries: Ecuador (N=745, aged 19—76, 48.7% male), a Latin American developing country, and Russia (N=428, aged 18— 72, 40.2% male), an emerging Eurasian nation. We assumed that temporal focus plays the role of a mediator in the relationship between cultural values and subjective happiness in both countries. To predict the temporal focus (Temporal Focus Scale by Shipp, Edwards, and Lambert, 2009) in both countries, based on the previous literature the study tests the importance of three groups of variables: demographic factors (gender, age, education, income), subjective happiness (Subjective Happiness Scale by Lyubomirsky and Lepper, 1999), and cultural values (Cultural Values Scale by Yoo, Donthu and Lenartowics, 2011). The first stage of analysis involved confirmatory factor analyses and invariance tests for the scales used. Subsequently, multiple regression models made it possible to establish that sociodemographic variables, introduced as covariates, had little influence on the prediction of people's temporal orientation. However, the cultural and psychological variables (long-term orientation, uncertainty avoidance and subjec - tive happiness) introduced as predictors played an important role in the prediction of temporal (current, past and future) focus. Additionally, there are some cultural and psychological predictors of temporal focus specific for each country. Ultimately, structural equation models demonstrated that temporal focus plays the role of the mediator in the relationship between cultural values and subjective happiness in both Ecuador and Russia. © 2022. Cultural-Historical Psychology. All Rights Reserved.

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Consumer Behavior in the Disposal of Products: Forty Years of Research

2018 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Arévalo-Chávez P.

Consumer behavior in the disposal of products has consequences for the consumer's well-being and also for businesses, society, and the environment. In recent years, this field of research has experienced remarkable growth; however, efforts to systematize existing knowledge and to propose future areas of research have been scarce. This study presents a review of 62 selected articles using a consumer behavior model to present the results of their findings. Finally, the results provide practical insights on marketing and promotion and communication. © 2017, © 2017 Taylor & Francis.

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Clothing Disposal System by Gifting: Characteristics, Processes, and Interactions

2017 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , González R. , Gascó J.

The study of clothing disposal systems, involving the flow of clothing from one household to another, is of great interest because of the positive social and environmental consequences. Based on 35 in-depth interviews with adult men and women in Ecuador, a Latin American country, the authors sought to expand knowledge regarding one of these systems: clothing disposal by gifting to family, friends, and acquaintances. The respondents’ narratives indicated that the clothing disposal system by gifting is noncentric; based on social exchange, it strengthens the links between givers and recipients while allowing for clothes to circulate for a longer time. The data also indicated an intersection between age and gender, offering insight into how the process of clothing disposal by gifting develops within households. In some disposal events reported by participants, the clothing disposal system by gifting demonstrated autonomy, but in other events, it interacted with the clothing marketing system. © 2016, © The Author(s) 2016.

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Interactive Model of Executive Functions to Understand Error Correction

2022 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Ramos V.

This article reports an investigation aimed at analyzing an interactive model of executive functions, which seeks to explain the process followed by human beings to correct their mistakes. The method followed was an analysis based on structural equations, considering the maximum likelihood process around a model that considered six executive functions. We worked with a randomized sample of 771 subjects (mean age = 39.86, SD = 15.47; 50.5%, women, 50.50%). The findings suggest that error correction is a complex executive function as it is the product of the internal language capacity that regulates behavior and cognition, adequate regulation of the limbic system, adequate decision-making, and control of automatic impulses, determining how to act and verify the thoughts and behavior of the subject. The contribution of the proposed theoretical model lies in understanding the process by which human beings manage to correct errors. In addition, how this explanatory model could help neuropsychological intervention processes to work on this cognitive ability in individuals with difficulties in correcting errors. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee ESJ, Italy.

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Consumer value creation through WhatsApp use: A qualitative multimethod approach in a Latin American scenario

2019 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Guadalupe, J , Zabelina E. , Palacio Fierro, Andrés , Velín-Fárez M. , Staniewski M.W.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand in-depth how consumers create value in their lives using WhatsApp, the leading mobile instant messaging (MIM) application. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopts the perspective of customer-dominant logic (CDL) and uses a qualitative multimethod design involving 3 focus groups and 25 subsequent in-depth interviews. The research setting was Ecuador, a Latin American country. Findings: Analysis and interpretation of the participants’ stories made it possible to identify and understand the creation of four types of value: maintaining and strengthening relationships; improving role performance; emotional support; and entertainment and fun. In addition, the present study proposes a conceptual model of consumer value creation as it applies to MIM. Practical implications: Understanding the way consumers create value in their lives using MIM is important not only for organizations that offer MIM applications, but also for those companies that develop other applications for mobile phones or for those who wish to use MIM as an electronic word-of-mouth vehicle. Originality/value: The current study is one of the first to address the topic of consumer behavior in the use of technologies from the perspective of CDL; this perspective enables an integrated qualitative vision of value creation in which the consumer is the protagonist. © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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The use of disliked gifts from a consumer behavior perspective

2015 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , González R. , del Val Núñez M.T.

To use or not to use a disliked gift is a dilemma for recipients. Their choice will affect their relationship with the giver as well as marketing and business. However, the study of this topic is scarce in the consumer behavior discipline. Through a survey on 1269 adults in Ecuador, a Latin American country, this study identifies variables from the recipient, the giver, their relationship, and the gift. These variables provide the solution to the dilemma and, according to these findings, present implications for theory and practice. © 2015 Elsevier Inc.

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Private Urban Garden Satisfaction and Its Determinants in Quito, Ecuador

2018 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Oleas Gallo, Nora Helena

Because of their importance to people, nature, and societies, domestic gardens have attracted increasing research interest. However, significant areas of interest remain unexplored, such as the variables that determine individuals’ satisfaction with their gardens. Our main goal was to address this gap. We surveyed 1,005 individuals with home gardens in Quito, Ecuador, to collect information on three groups of variables: (a) psychological and individual factors, (b) social and family aspects, and (c) garden characteristics. We used these groups of variables as predictors of satisfaction in a regression model (R2 = 0.242), with the first and third contributing the most to our understanding of satisfaction. In particular, people tended to be more satisfied with gardens composed of mostly native plants. In addition, individuals tended to be more satisfied if their motives for garden use were related to nature. In contrast, a high level of consumed resources negatively affected satisfaction. © 2018, © The Author(s) 2018.

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Consumer value creation through clothing reuse: A mixed methods approach to determining influential factors

2019 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Guadalupe-Lanas, Jorge , Velín-Fárez M.

Clothing reuse is a consumer disposal behavior that has been underexplored, although it has important consequences for the society. From the perspective of customer-dominant logic, reusing clothing is a consumer value creation behavior. To measure this tendency, we conducted a mixed method study in Ecuador, a developing Latin American country. We used 20 in-depth interviews followed by a survey of 425 adults to identify the factors associated with the tendency to reuse clothing. The study also identified gender differences regarding this behavior. Several factors in consumers' lives were revealed that explained the tendency to reuse clothing, including income, occupation, altruism, and physical environment. The study also showed that various population groups (e.g., lower income groups, younger individuals, students, and women) had a greater tendency to reuse clothing. © 2018 Elsevier Inc.

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Evaluation of Online Learning Platforms in Latin America

2022 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Cóndor-Herrera, Omar , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge

Introduction: The use of online learning platforms has made a huge contribution to the online learning process. A key tool in this world is videoconferencing, which allows the efficient advancement of knowledge of a specific subject during synchronized timing. Objective: With this proposed context, the objective of this investigation is to determine which online video-conference platform has more benefits to be applied in Latin America. Method: A study was carried out with a quantitative method, transversal temporality, and a correlational and comparative process. There was a sample of 272 participants between 12 and 55 years old. Results and conclusion: It was found that the platform with the most benefits according to the analysis of gender, age, and profession is ZOOM. These results allow us to analyze the usefulness of this platform and its benefits in the learning process in Latin America. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee ESJ, Italy.

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Consumer expenditures on clothing and footwear: a mixed methods study

2018 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Arévalo-Chávez P. , Guadalupe J.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish the predictors of consumers’ annual monetary expenditures on clothing and footwear in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, a developing Latin American country. Design/methodology/approach: The research followed an exploratory, sequential, mixed methods design. The first phase consisted of in-depth interviews with adult individuals. The second phase involved surveying a similar segment of the population. Findings: The present study supports the importance of demographic and psychological factors as predictors. The study also identifies two new groups of predictors: consumers’ reception of used clothing and physical space at home and its management. Practical implications: In addition to demographic variables, consumer panels that measure expenditures on clothing and footwear should include psychological measures of participants, particularly clothing involvement. Clothing manufacturers and retailers in developing countries should consider the impact of receiving used clothes by consumers. Because clothing buying and disposal behaviors are positively associated, companies should become more involved in their customers’ disposal behavior. Originality/value: The contribution of the present study is twofold. First, it contributes to the understanding of clothing and footwear expenditures by considering the individual consumer as a unit of analysis. Furthermore, it provides insights into this behavior from a little-studied context. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited.