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Scratch as a Tool to Promote Computational Thinking in Technological Education

2023 , Núñez Naranjo, Aracelly , Luis-Masabanda J. , Morales-Urrutia E. , Goitia J.M.G.

The objective of this work is to improve computational thinking through the approach of algorithms in Scratch, thus giving a solution to the main problem detected, which is the case of knowledge of digital tools as a means for the development of computational thinking, this has led to the creation of a mobile application that teaches programming in Scratch. For the study, a mixed methodology with qualitative and quantitative approaches was used, and a pretest and a posttest based on exercises were applied to measure computational thinking. The following results were obtained as a starting point with the pretest, a value of 6.81, and at the end of the practice with the mobile application, the posttest assessment was 7.86, demonstrating a positive effect on the development of computational thinking. Therefore, it is concluded that the algorithms and the Scratch tool motivated the students and stimulated the development of computational thinking. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023.

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Constructivist Didactics in the Teaching-Learning Process

2022 , Núñez-Naranjo, Aracelly Fernanda

This paper reflects on the applicability of didactics in the constructivist approach, derived from different ideologies and worldviews associated with the teaching-learning process, based on the analysis of the tradition of educational practices in the classroom, as well as the characteristics adopted by teachers in the applicability of the curriculum, within the comprehensive training. The methodology was based on the systemic bibliographic review and in which the performance responds to the questions what, how and when to teach. The results show that there are different didactic strategies aimed at constructivism. Reference is also made to constructivist didactics as an organized and complex activity, in which the learner constructs their own learning, through interest, previous learning and transformations. It is concluded that the evolution of education has undergone significant transformations, where the passivity of the learner assumes a role in innovation and creativity. © 2022 IEEE.

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Academic Tutoring in Virtual Education: A Case Study in University Students

2023 , Núñez-Hernández C. , Núñez Naranjo, Aracelly

Tutoring plays a crucial role in students' success by providing them with academic support, helping them overcome obstacles, and fostering their confidence in professional development. Specifically, in higher education, tutoring aims to complement academic training and address dropout and educational lag. Virtual tutoring offers advantages in terms of scope and logistics, but also presents challenges in building online relationships. The interaction between teachers and students is a key factor that influences the motivation of the latter, and personalized virtual tutoring is highly valued by distance students. This study employed a descriptive and quantitative methodology, collecting data from a representative sample of higher education students in Ecuador. An adapted questionnaire was used to assess students' satisfaction with the university tutor, as well as the organization and content of the tutoring sessions. The results revealed satisfactory levels regarding the tutor's personal skills, the work performed, and university tutoring in general, both in face-to-face and virtual modalities. The conclusions highlight the importance of virtual academic tutoring for student success, emphasizing its personalized support and positive impact on motivation. Further research is recommended to delve into the factors influencing satisfaction with academic tutoring and to utilize these findings to improve the tutoring process in higher education. © 2023 IEEE.

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Gamification: From Motivation and Challenges to Improving Academic Performance in Learning Mathematics

2024 , Núñez Naranjo, Aracelly , Sinailin-Peralta J. , Morales-Urrutia E.

Gamification is a didactic strategy that motivates and improves teaching processes, for this reason the present study has been proposed in which a methodological proposal is structured that seeks to improve academic performance using gamification as a strategy for teaching operations with applied polynomials. Students of the first year of high school of an educational institution in the city of Quito, the methodology is addressed from a descriptive and correlational level given the exploratory approach that has been carried out, for the development of the proposal the principles of gamification that relate to motivation with learning challenges, we worked with 28 students in scheduled class meetings, a pre-test and a post-test were applied to them, obtaining the following average course results: initial pre-test evaluation 4.93 and post-test -test, a value of 8.61 was obtained, evidencing an increase in the total average, with these data it is concluded that the gamification of activities and assessments if it improves the academic performance of students. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Improving English Language Skills with a Technological Approach in Teaching

2024 , Núñez Naranjo, Aracelly , Chimarro Reinoso S.E. , Morales-Urrutia E.

Worldwide, the teaching of the English language has gained strength and attitude as it is the most studied and spoken language in the world, whether as a first language or a second language. However, it has been seen that the process of teaching the English language presents certain shortcomings in promoting the development of the four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) in students by identifying the lack of digital platforms in the extension of skills. The objective of the research is to validate the use of a digital platform through activities that promote the development of the four skills of learning the English language in students. The use of the platform is promoted through activities aimed at teaching the language, develop each of the skills in Basic Education students. For this research, the mixed methodology was used that combined the qualitative and quantitative approach with a population of 59 students, which allowed an evaluation of the pre-test and post-test to evaluate the development of skills, obtaining a value of 6.82. In the pre-test and a value of 8.77 in the post-test. When measuring the effect of this statistical improvement, it is calculated using Cohen’s d, which determines a very large effect of this improvement. With this result, it is identified that the development English language skills improved significantly after using the platform, both in listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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TIC as a Didactic Tool for the Development of Reading Comprehension

2024 , Núñez Naranjo, Aracelly , Cumbicus F.C. , Ocaña J.M.

The problem presented in this research reflects the difficulty in paraphrasing words, the scarce analysis of the text read, the analysis and the taking of a critical position before verbal and non-verbal texts; therefore, the objective of the study is to implement technological didactic tools that strengthen the reading comprehension of High School students in an Educational Unit in Ecuador. The methodology used a qualitative-quantitative approach and a descriptive, exploratory scope under a hypothesis testing design. At the beginning of the study, a questionnaire and a pre-test were applied to them, showing demotivation and low learning levels; after 8 weeks of applying the proposed technological strategy designed with the ADDIE methodology. As for the conclusions, it can be highlighted that the implementation of the technological strategy allowed observing a significant improvement in the learning levels, which was reflected in the scores achieved by the students in the post-test. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Determining of university desertion: survival analysis

2022 , Núñez-Naranjo, Aracelly Fernanda

University desertion is the subject of analysis by several authors over the years. The different causes for which a student abandons his studies and the ways to reduce it, entail the interest of the study. The research was positive with a quantitative approach. The data collection was carried out through a survey, and an observation sheet to the student’s files, we proceeded with the analysis of the Kaplan Meier survival curve, on a base made up of 1078 undergraduate students enrolled in the first semester. in 2014 with follow-up to 2019. It is concluded that the existing university dropout factors are personal and social. The incident variables are age, gender, marital status, region, school, family, venue, modality, homologation, and career. There are no significant differences in ethnicity, school, age and quintile, averages. © 2022, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Psychopedagogy and the Fields of Action of Educational Psychologists

2023 , Castillo Bustos M.R. , Núñez-Naranjo, Aracelly Fernanda

This work analyzes the essential aspects of Psychopedagogy as a scientific discipline and educational psychologists’ main fields of action. It is theoretical research developed with the hermeneutic method. The problem identification reveals excessive divergences in Psychopedagogy’s conceptions and other aspects. In the empirical phase, little difference is observed between Psychopedagogy and psycho-pedagogical practice; Psychopedagogy has been generally and loosely linked to formal education, to unique or specific educational needs, and learning problems in the school context. Regarding the fields of action of educational psychologists, the existing information is minimal. In the interpretative phase, the findings in the theoretical, methodological, and praxeological order reveal that Psychopedagogy has as its object of study the learning and development of the human being; it directs the psycho-pedagogical practice given from the principles of prevention, development, and social action. Hence, the fields of action of psychopedagogy are all those contexts in which human learning takes place, highlighting formal education and integral development; family and interpersonal relationships; health and body care; business, labor, and professional development; and the meaning of life and values, all of which is supported by the fact that human beings, as social beings by essence, learn, develop and transform throughout life. © 2023, North American Business Press. All rights reserved.