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Building an Escape Room to Raise Awareness of Bullying and Cyberbullying

2022 , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Chacón-Castro M. , Illescas L. , Chacón J.

Aggressive conflicts are part of the natural social behavior of students in schools, which can lead to bullying when there is a form of discrimination or abuse of power, either because of their characteristics or their way of life (sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, health, disability, religious beliefs, pregnancy, among others). In the face-to-face mode, the aggressors could be identified and in some way the conflicts were mediated by teachers or authorities of the institution. However, since education changed to a virtual modality caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, new forms of aggressive behavior have emerged with cyberbullying. In this new scenario teachers, parents and law enforcement should take an active role in raising awareness about bullying and cyberbullying. The main objective of this paper is to describe a proposal based on gamification strategy to prevent and raise awareness of aggressive behaviors among students in a virtual environment. The study focuses on three objectives: a) to study the use of visual methods based on microlearning and the techniques to engage students; b) to identify game scenarios and strategies to design an interactive Escape Room; and c) to evaluate the design and content with three experts in psychology. The results indicate that the Escape Room is a different alternative to understand the problems derived from Bullying and cyberbullying. In the future, we are planning to carry out an intervention with students from Ecuador and Colombia to evaluate the impact. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Comprehensive Program for the Induction of Artificial Intelligence Knowledge in Secondary Education: Case of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Image Processing

2024 , Chacón-Castro M. , Chacón-Rangel J.G. , Arias-Flores H. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

The education demand in the Artificial intelligence (AI) area does not have solutions in the traditional teaching methods. It is important to implement new educative strategies which are able to cover these new demands. Moreover, the industry, the company, health, transport and culture, boost by the new tech- nologies which use AI, constantly change. This happens mainly in the field of neuronal networks, Fuzzy logic, digital image processes, but this process does not happen in the education in the technological scenario. The researcher witnesses the gap between the fast growth of the digital technologies and the growth of theories, strategies, teaching methods in these aspects in the middle education. The purpose of this paper is to propose an induction and reinforcement program of basic knowledge about AI in middle education in the neuronal network, fuzzy logic, digital image processes field. We plan the following phases: 1. Describe the relevant information. 2. Select teaching strategies to allow to stimulate and rein- force knowledge about artificial intelligence in middle education. 3. Design the practical AI teaching scenarios in middle education. 4. Make a proposal about an integral program as induction of knowledge about artificial intelligence in middle education in the case of neuronal networks, fuzzy logic and digital image pro- cesses. We take data from perception evaluations and specialized literature. This work intends to reduce the gap between the appearance of new technologies and the AI teaching in middle school. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Escape Rooms: Mathematical Challenges Available to Educators

2022 , Chacón-Castro M. , Aimacaña-Espinosa L. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

This work shows the results of the research, applied to 38 students of the first grade of high school from a private institution who take the Mathematics course. This research aims to evaluate the Escape Rooms as a strategy to strengthen collaborative work, problem solving and logical reasoning on the part of students, through mathematical challenges; that are approached from Bruner's theory, which allows building mental representations using technological tools to practice, favoring the understanding of mathematics. The strategy used is based primarily on George Polya’s methodology for problem solving, where each of the challenges leads to respond to a specific situation of the proposed topic in the virtual classroom. Also, it is important to mention that Escape Rooms have fundamental elements to increase the motivation of the students; it is the narrative that awakens a curiosity to know a real or science fiction event, with the purpose of capturing the attention of the user to carry out certain actions that the teacher proposes in the educational field. Among multiple findings, relevant aspects were found in collaborative learning and there is a dominant trend in the group that applied gamification oriented to factors of fun, motivation, and active interest during Mathematics classes. In conclusion, the successful use of gamification promotes playful and practical learning in the classroom. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Alternatives for Designing Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems for People with Disabilities and Older Adults

2023 , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Cedillo P. , Chacón-Castro M.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems (AACS) provide a variety of forms of expression used to improve the communication skills of people with disabilities and/or older adults. These systems consist of physical or digital communicator boards that use pictograms to represent an object, a person or an action. The objective of this article is to analyze some easy-to-implement alternatives of SAACs systems, including low-cost digital resources such as websites and Apps; as well as both high devices such as virtual assistants, AI chatbots like GPT, and tangible interfaces. The research analyzes the difficulties that older adults have in activities of daily living, and a proposal is presented that allows to adapt in a dynamic and scalable way. The prototypes generated allowed us to identify some strengths and weaknesses of the possible solutions. These results provide an opportunity for technology designers to take on board the recommendations and use them to design more robust systems adapted to their environment. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Empowering Collaborative Learning Processes in Educational Institutes

2024 , González R.A. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Chacón-Castro M.

This research article proposes to illustrate the advantages of the collaborative learning process that motivates the creation of harmonious environments in the educational environment. In this analysis the educational institute is considered as a company. For this reason, the traditional educational model known as “Master Class” where the professor gives an explanation, and the student takes notes or simply listens the class to acquire knowledge is obsolete. Nowadays the education is more participative where the students have a main role in the learning process. The students collaborate in the learning process sharing knowledge, ideas and information as they are part of a team work. Moreover, leadership types such as the methodology of accompanying leadership which helps professors in their daily labors in aspects such as. Situational leadership, Empowerment, role games, shared vision and work tools. Finally, the results illustrate the advantages of the collaborative learning process which motivates the creation of harmonic environments in the educational environment. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Educational Management: A Construct of Added Value using a Model under R software

2023 , Vera E.D.M. , Chacón-Castro M. , Díaz I.P. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

During the admission of Basic Education students to the university campus, they apply with a minimum score in the Saber 11 tests, which indicates that they do not meet the necessary skills in mathematics, physics, critical reading, citizenship skills and English. For this reason, a tool has been created to measure the added value that universities provide in Higher Education training. The objective of this research is to determine the Added Value in students, through a mathematical model under the R software. The methodological approach of this work is quantitative, descriptive and correlational through Software R. Favorable results will have a positive impact on academic programs. The research was validated with the test carried out by the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (ICFES), in which a correlation is made between the data obtained in the Saber T&T, Saber Pro, generating continuous reports of indicators that reflect the added value and student progress. Finally, the statistical analysis shows that the competencies have advanced significantly in the course of university life. © 2023 IEEE.

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Development of Interactive Story Tales Using MIT App Inventor

2022 , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Pérez-Cazares A. , Chacón-Castro M.

Today mobile technologies have become essential in people’s lives. The use of smartphones and tablets has increased in times of pandemic due to their low cost, ease of use, ubiquity, portability, communication, and interactivity. Reading habits have changed significantly in favor of the digital format. This article describes a study to identify the way children from 8 to 12 years of age read on smartphones. The study was carried out in three phases: the first where an instrumented inquiry was carried out, collecting and analyzing data by applying a diagnostic test to 20 students; as well as a survey of 20 parents and 4 teachers in the language area. In the second stage, with the information collected, mobile educational resources were designed based on unpublished stories and activities focused on four language skills (reading, speaking, listening and writing). In a third stage, an intervention was carried out using the Thinking Aloud technique. The students were separated into two groups, 10 of them participated in a virtual session and 10 in a face-to-face session. In both cases, the results showed some reading habits as well as interest, motivation when there are interactive resources. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Didactic Strategy for the Teaching of Educational Robotics and Programming at Secondary Level

2024 , Sarro K.A. , Chacón-Castro M. , Molina Madrigal E.G. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

This research article focuses on the use of programming through the Scratch program as an educational tool to develop computational thinking skills and robotics in high school students of the Polytechnic High School of the National University of Moreno (ESPUNM). The main objective is to evaluate the feasibility of developing computational thinking in high school students through the teaching of programming with Scratch, emphasizing interdisciplinarity, creativity and problem solving. The methodology comprises two stages. In the first, practical activities were carried out with Scratch, involving students from 11 to 15 years old who are taking the Educational Robotics workshop. In the second stage, a semi-structured observation was carried out and a virtual forum was established for the evaluation of the students, which showed consistency in the data found. After analyzing the results, it was found that the students responded favorably to the teaching strategies implemented in the process. Finally, it is concluded that Scratch is an effective tool for teaching programming and the development of computational thinking, thus allowing to face the challenges of a constantly changing technological context. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Geo-colonizing Mars: A fun way to raise awareness about environment caring and teach Geometry

2021 , Arroyo-Cruz L. , Chacón-Castro M. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

The technological boom in which we are immersed has caused the game rules in education to change to adapt to the new educational needs demanded by society. An increasingly digital age, where speed, change and transformation have become its fundamental characteristics. This article describes a pedagogical strategy that integrates elements, dynamics and games' mechanics in order to increase motivation in learning geometry, making it more active, lasting, meaningful and fun for Primary Education students. This proposal is based on a Breakout called Geo-Colonizing Mars, an immersive game that includes problem solving activities, experimentation, debates, and research related to geometry. The immersion is supported by a narrative that raises awareness about environment caring through videos and interactive material developed with Genially, Kahoot, Edpuzzle and Flippity. To evaluate this proposal, an intervention was carried out with 51 6th year Primary Education students from a public institution in Spain. The results showed a motivational change that led to a proactive attitude towards learning, collaborative work and problem solving. © 2021 ACM.

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Escape Rooms: A Formula for Injecting Interaction in Chemistry Classes

2022 , Aimacaña-Espinosa L. , Chacón-Castro M. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

Chemistry teaching requires active methodologies that involve students in carrying out activities that generate critical thinking. The Escape Rooms is a micro gamification strategy where the student escapes from the traditional classroom. In this room the student must find keys, do puzzles, investigate, solve riddles and obtain combinations or objects. The goal of this study focuses on proposing Escape Rooms to strengthen high school chemistry teaching. The proposal contains activities designed by the teacher, which will be solved by students in a certain time using technological resources. To implement this work, a baseline was drawn up through an interview with three teachers from Chemistry area; as well as a 178 student’s survey. As a result of the exploratory research, the need for teachers and students to implement playful methodologies is evidenced, this would allow inferring that Escape Rooms is a novel and attractive strategy for teaching chemistry. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.