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Occupational Risks: A Comparative Study of the Most Common Indicators in Uruguay, Cuba and Ecuador

2023 , Acosta Pérez, Paul Bladimir , Espinosa Pinos, Carlos Alberto , Acuña Mayorga, José Miguel , Lascano Arias, Giovanni

Efficiency and effectiveness in daily work activities demand the control of processes, those elements that can affect the health of employees known as occupational risks. The objective of this study was to identify indicators of more frequent labor risks in the countries of Uruguay, Cuba and Ecuador, for which a bibliographic compilation was carried out, as well as a descriptive analysis of the indicators of occupational risk. The results show that the countries analyzed coincide as the highest index of risks to manufacturing industries. It is concluded that the international regulations and conventions that govern safety have been accepted by the different countries that make them up, mainly in the statistical registry of accidents, reports, affiliates among others. Finally, policies aimed at the prevention, detection, monitoring and eradication of occupational risks in the workplace must be established. © 2023 IEEE.

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Psychometric properties of the Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas Revisada del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (EGS-R) in adults in Ecuador after the Covid-19 pandemic

2024 , Moreta-Herrera R. , Núñez-Núñez M. , Lascano Arias, Giovanni , Mascialino G. , Rodríguez-Lorenzana A.

Objective: This study aims to assess the validity of the Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas Revisada del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (EGS-R) among adults in Ecuador within the post-pandemic context of Covid-19. Methods: Descriptive and instrumental design. Participants: 537 participants from Ambato, Ecuador, comprising 44.1% men and 55.9% women, aged 18 to 65 years (M = 24.36; SD = 8.87). Among the participants, 64.6% had experienced Covid-19, while 35.4% had not. Results: The EGS-R exhibits a hierarchical factorial structure, demonstrating measurement equivalence between participants who experienced Covid-19 and those who did not. Significant differences emerged between the groups, with individuals who had contracted Covid-19 displaying a higher symptom burden, thereby establishing the discriminant validity of the measure. The scale also exhibits validity concerning other variables, such as stress perception, and demonstrates satisfactory internal consistency among its scores. Conclusions: The EGS-R proves to be a valuable tool for assessing adults in Ecuador for potential indicators of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) given the robust evidence of validity and reliability, affirming its utility and evaluative capacity in this population. © 2024