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2019 , Guillén P.S. , Moretta P.Y.

The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) has inhabited South America for more than five million years, and he is the only living representative of the short-nosed bears, a group that only lived on the American continent. In Ecuador he is considered an endangered species, mainly because the loss of natural habitats in the Andes, due to the pressure of productive anthropic activities (mainly, livestock and agriculture) and extraction of natural resources. This bear is a mammal that needs large areas to eat and find a mate. The Andean bear is important for cloud forests and paramos due to his efficient role as seed scatter. In this work, the’landscape species’ theoretical approach is applied in order to propose activities to conserve the Andean bear and the places that inhabits. This approach also allows to evaluate in a systematic way the quality of the landscape in terms of biological requirements of the species (here, Tremarctos ornatus) and the landscape human uses; likewise, it also considers the size and limits of the conservation area and its internal variation. © 2019, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador.

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Aggression and violence in adolescents in the iberoamerican context, a systematic review

2022 , Javela, J.J. , Naranjo-Niño, B. , Ospina-Sánchez, D.J. , Bahamon, M , Cuesta-Guzmán, M. , Sánchez-Villegas, M. , Moreno-Londoño, H.

This research is a systematic review that uses the Prism method, searching different databases to systematically analyze studies related to aggression and violence in adolescents in Iberoamerica. Objective: The present study aims to systematically analyze studies related to aggression and violence in adolescents in Iberoamerica. Method: Research works were collected from a total of 5 databases. For the selection of the articles, keywords or search terms were entered, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. After the complete reading, a total of 47 research studies were selected. Results: The country retrieved with the largest number of articles was Brazil with a total of 11 documents, followed by Spain with ten, and the United States with a total of eight documents. It was also found that the database with the largest number of articles retrieved was Scopus, with 21 papers equivalent to 44.7 % of the total documents retrieved, followed by Science Direct and SciELO, each with a percentage of 19.1 %, equivalent to 9 documents. © 2022 Academia Nacional de Medicina. All rights reserved.

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Between the hygiene and the salvation: Cognitive framework, metaphors and educative work of psychologists in Chilean schools. [Entre la higiene y la salvación: marcos cognitivos, metáforas y trabajo educativo de psicólogos en escuelas chilenas]

2019 , Díaz, D.P. , Kawada F.H. , Chávez R.C. , Morales P.G. , Espinoza S.L. , Díaz J.S

The purpose of the article is to understand the metaphors produced by psychologists to organize and define their work in Chilean schools. Considering that metaphor, rather than a rhetorical embellishment, is a linguistic figure that affects our ways of perceiving, thinking and acting in social reality, in this research, positioned from the Critical Discourse Studies, we examine its ideological potential to build and perpetuate particular visions of the world. According to this, we interviewed seven psychologists who work in schools classified as "emerging"within the framework of the Chilean Policy called Ley de Subvención Escolar Preferencial . We analyze discursively the information produced with a special emphasis on the rhetorical movements that revealed metaphors. Our main findings were two frameworks that join metaphors that psychologists use to explain their work in the schools: hygienist frame and salvation frame. Each one promotes particular conceptions of education, roles of school, the participation of the actors, and psychologist s work. Conflictly interconnected around a structural metaphor that conceives education as a commodity and school as a company, these frames are discussed from the interconnections between psychology and education in a context of educational neoliberalization and from the need to build alternative frames to market hegemony. © 2019 Universidad Pompeu Fabra. All rights reserved.

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Virtual reality applications based on instrumental activities of daily living (iADLs) for cognitive intervention in older adults: a systematic review

2023 , Buele, Jorge , Varela-Aldás J.L. , Palacios-Navarro G.

Background: In recent years, the use of virtual reality (VR) as a complementary intervention in treating cognitive impairment has significantly increased. VR applications based on instrumental activities of daily living (iADL-VR) could offer a promising approach with greater ecological validity for intervention in groups with cognitive impairments. However, the effectiveness of this approach is still debated. Objective: This systematic review aims to synthesize the effects of iADL-VR interventions to rehabilitate, train, or stimulate cognitive functions in healthy adults and people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and different types of dementia. Methods: A systematic search was performed in the Scopus, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and APA PsycNet databases until September 2022 and repeated in April 2023. The selected studies met the search terms, were peer-reviewed, included an iADL-VR intervention, and were written in English. Descriptive, qualitative studies, reviews, cognitive assessment, non-intervention studies, those unrelated to VR or iADL, those focused on motor aspects, and non-degenerative disorders were excluded. The PEDro scale was used to assess the methodological quality of the controlled studies. To present and synthesize the results, we organized the extracted data into three tables, including PEDro scores, participant characteristics, and study characteristics. Results: Nineteen studies that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. The total sample reached 590 participants, mostly women (72.67%). Approximately 30% were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, and 20% had mild cognitive impairment. Variables such as authors and year of publication, study design, type of intervention and VR applied, duration of the intervention, main findings, and conclusions were extracted. Regarding demographic characteristics, the sample size, age, sex, years of education, neurological diagnosis, dropouts, and the city and country where the intervention took place were recorded. Almost all studies showed improvements in some or all the outcomes after the intervention, generally greater in the iADL-VR group than in the control group. Conclusion: iADL-VR interventions could be beneficial in improving the performance of cognitive functions in older adults and people with MCI and different types of dementia. The ecological component of these tasks makes them very suitable for transferring what has been learned to the real world. However, such transfer needs to be confirmed by further studies with larger and more homogeneous samples and longer follow-up periods. This review had no primary funding source and was registered with PROSPERO under registration ID: 375166. © 2023, The Author(s).

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Atmospheric, Water and Acoustic Pollution from Hydrocarbon Activities in the American Continent: A Literature Review

2022 , Ordoñez-Obando, M. , Rodas-López, O. , Pazmiño-Uruchima, C. , Cañarte-Ayon, C. , Rivera-González, L. , Escobar-Segovia, K.

Hydrocarbon activities over the years have been one of the main sources of environmental pollution, creating short and long-term impacts. This study aims to analyze the scientific production of the American continent through a bibliographic review of scientific articles published from the 1970s to the present, in order to contrast relevant scientific information about the types of pollution, water, atmospheric, and acoustic, published in the most important scientific repositories in the world, such as Scopus and Web of Science. The Prisma methodology was adopted for its development. From the plethora of articles collected, a sample of 3879 scientific articles was extracted, from which 3322 of them were excluded, leaving 557 records with remarkable information such as: country, year of publication, type of contamination, remediation if applicable, the associated oil & gas sector, and publication registration on the indexed website. It was noted that the countries with the highest scientific production are the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. Furthermore, the Web of Science, unlike Scopus, contains more indexed publications related to the types of contamination objects relevant to this study. On the other hand, publications focused on water pollution are the only ones that come up with remediations; the rest release a smaller number of publications on these topics. © 2022 by the authors.

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Molecular phylogenetics of stream treefrogs of the Hyloscirtus larinopygion group (Anura: Hylidae), and description of two new species from Ecuador

2012 , Coloma L.A. , Carvajal-Endara S. , Dueñas J.F. , Paredes-Recalde A. , Morales-Mite M. , Almeida-Reinoso D. , Tapia E.E. , Hutter C.R. , Toral E. , Guayasamin, Juan M.

We review the systematics of frogs of the Hyloscirtus larinopygion group. A new phylogenetic tree inferred from mitochondrial DNA (partial sequences of 12S rRNA, valine-tRNA, and 16S rRNA genes; ∼2.3 kb) of eleven species of the H. larinopygion group is provided, based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. Our phylogeny confirms the close relationship of members of the H. larinopygion group with Andean relatives of the H. armatus group, which also occurs in the Andes. Hyloscirtus tapichalaca is placed as sister species to the rest of the H. larinopygion group, in which two clades (A+B) are evident. Although ingroup relationships are well supported, the monophyly of the H. larinopygion group and placement of H. tapichalaca require additional testing. Genetic divergences among species of the H. larinopygion group are shallow compared to those observed in many other anurans, with genetic distance among sister species (H. princecharlesi and H. ptychodactylus) as low as 1.31%. However, this pattern is concordant with radiations in other highland Andean lineages of anurans that show marked morphological or behavioral differentiation, but low divergence in mitochondrial markers. Divergence-time analyses (using BEAST) indicate that the Hyloscirtus clade is a relatively ancient lineage that appeared in the Eocene, at a minimum age of 51.2 million years ago (MYA), while the H. larinopygion group originated in the Middle-Late Eocene at a minimum age of 40.9 MYA. Our results might suggest a rapid radiation of Hyloscirtus starting in the Miocene into the Pliocene, from at least 14.2 MYA to the most recent divergence between sister taxa at ∼2.6 MYA. We also describe two sympatric new species of Hyloscirtus from northwestern Ecuador: H. criptico sp. nov. and H. princecharlesi sp. nov. We diagnose them by their phylogenetic position (they are not sister to each other), genetic divergence, and a unique combination of color patterns, and other morphological features. Additionally, we describe the suctorial tadpoles and the extreme ontogenic color changes in H. larinopygion, H. lindae, H. pantostictus, H. princecharlesi, H. psarolaimus, and H. tigrinus. Furthermore, we describe the osteology of H. criptico, H. lindae, H. pacha, H. pantostictus, H. princecharlesi, H. psarolaimus, H. ptychodactylus, and H. staufferorum. We describe vocalizations of H. lindae, H. pacha, H. pantostictus, H. pasarolaimus, H. staufferorum, and H. tapichalaca. Hyloscirtus tigrinus is recorded for the first time in Ecuador and its range is extended 62.4 km (airline distance), from its southernmost locality record in Departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Most species of the H. larinopygion group are currently severely threatened by extinction, after surviving the catastrophic extinctions in the 1980s and 1990s that led to the disappearance of many other sympatric anurans that bred in swiftly flowing water and had lotic water tadpoles in the Andean highlands. Research and conservation actions are urgently needed for these species. In order to better call attention to these conservation issues, we name one of the new species in honor of Prince Charles of Wa l e s, who is contributing significantly to the growth of awareness in the battle against tropical deforestation, climate change, and the catastrophic extinction of rainforest amphibians. Copyright © 2012 · Magnolia Press.

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Complexities of university professional development and mixed methodological keys for its analysis [Complejidades del desarrollo profesional universitario y claves metodológicas mixtas para su análisis]

2019 , Monzón N.S. , Díaz D.A.P. , Valdivieso K.E.D. , Cruz I.C.P.

Introduction: The complexity of professional development is closely associated to the integral professional role of essential university processes. Precedents show the difficulties of teachers for its fulfillment. In this context fragmented assessments are carried out, which prioritize one or other aspects of the professional pedagogical activity of the university professor, methods and participants are used without achieving a whole assessment of the state of professional development with a view on guiding training interventions. Objective: To support the use of mixed methods in diagnosis and training intervention to facilitate the professional development of professors at university contexts. Methods: A review of the literature was done, which facilitated understanding the complex and multifactorial dimension of professional development, the difficulties of the teaching staff, the methods and procedures that can be useful in carrying out the integral diagnosis of the university teacher, and the construction of a training intervention programme. Conclusions: The studies show methodologies that seek to evaluate some or other aspects of professional development, with a unilateral approach, this is the reason why the arguments expressed about the use of mixed methods in this study fulfil to set the foundations for their systemization and validation in different university contexts. © 2019, Editorial Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved.

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Delayed social imprints of good health in the social and university environment [Improntas sociales retardatarias de la buena salud en el ámbito social y universitario]

2019 , Almeida R.R. , Monzón N.S. , Cejas Y.P.

Introduction: The concept of delayed social imprints of good health, refers to behaviors established in people and decision makers, which tend to delay the upcoming of beneficial practices, both for interpersonal coexistence and the surrounding environment. Objective: To talk about the social elements that delay good health, in the social and university environment. Methods: A bibliographic review was made based on the analysis of 28 documentary sources, selected as determinants in the course of the theoretical construction of the definition in question. The documents were, in most cases, articles of scientific journals published in the last five years, and accessible through Pubmed, Scielo and ScienceDirect. Conclusions: The delayed imprints of good health in the social sphere and the university, constitute social ideologies that allow changes of behaviors oriented to the good adaptation and the self-care, in front of the proposals in charge of international organisms regarding to the promotion of the health. © 2019, Editorial Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved.

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Harlequin frog rediscoveries provide insights into species persistence in the face of drastic amphibian declines

2022 , Jaynes, K.E. , Páez-Vacas, M.I. , Salazar Valenzuela, David , Guayasamin, J.M. , Terán-Valdez, A. , Siavichay, F.R. , Fitzpatrick, S.W.

Amphibians face global declines, and it remains unclear the extent to which species have responded, and through what mechanisms, to persist in the face of emerging diseases and climate change. In recent years, the rediscovery of species considered possibly extinct has sparked public and scientific attention. These are hopeful cases in an otherwise bleak story. Yet, we know little about the population status of these rediscovered species, or the biology underlying their persistence. Here, we highlight the iconic Harlequin frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus) as a system that was devastated by declines but now encompasses between 18 and 32 rediscoveries (25–37 % of possible extinctions) in the last two decades. Geographic distributions of rediscoveries closely match regional described species abundance, and rediscoveries are documented at elevations from 100 m to >3500 m, with no significant differences between mean historical and contemporary elevations. We also provide genomic data on six decimated species, with historical sample comparisons for two of the species and find a pattern of decreasing genetic variation the longer a species had been missing. Further, we document marked decrease in heterozygosity in one species, but not the other, indicating potential idiosyncratic consequences of declines. Finally, we discuss research priorities to guide the potential transition from amphibian declines to recoveries and to maximize conservation efforts. © 2022 The Authors

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Empirical evidence for intransitivity in consumer preferences

2020 , Guadalupe, J , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Artola-Jarrín V. , Palacio Fierro, Andrés

Consumer preferences patterns; Edible and nonedible goods; Transitivity assumption; Preference reversal phenomenon; Strong and weak transitivity, Behavioral economics; Money; Macroeconomics; Econometrics; Experimental economics. © 2020The present paper addresses one of the most important assumptions in consumer preference patterns: transitivity. This assumption states that, logically, selections between goods are rational because of the transitivity statement, which posits that people always prefer goods in the following order: A is preferred to B, and B is preferred to C, so A is preferred to C. With the aim of proving this principle's validity, we conducted an experiment with 70 subjects and probed their preferences in relation to edible and nonedible goods. We used a survey methodology, which allowed us to analyze three distinct situations: 1) individuals faced with goods choices without restrictions; 2) individuals facing budget restrictions and price changes; and 3) individuals faced with decreased disposable income. The results mostly showed that there was no evidence of transitivity in consumer preferences. On average, transitivity appeared in only 8% of the sample, and in cases where transitivity was proved, it was revealed to be strong. The preferences were transitive primarily in relation to edible rather than nonedible goods. © 2020