Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Bienestar Humano
Localization of the Porion Landmark in Orthodontics: A Comparison of the Efficiency of NEMO-Ceph 2020 Software between Inexperienced and Expert Operators
Methodological strategy for asynchronous learning mathematical operations with real numbers
The intervention of Brain Gym in the mathematical abilities of high-school students: A pilot study
The Impact of Health and Wellness Tourism on Tourists’ Physical, Mental, and Emotional Balance
Integral communication on city-brands making: Contributions, strains and challenges [Comunicación integral en construcción de marcas ciudad: Aportes, tensiones y desafíos]
A comprehensive study of Ecuadorian adult patients with a mild and moderate presentation of COViD-19
Validation of a Scale of Labor Skills in Crisis Situations
Body Composition Evaluation using Bioelectrical Impedance and its Impact on Academic Performance of Nursing Students
Psycho-pedagogical Recovery Tool Based on the User-Centered Design
Aggression and violence in adolescents in the iberoamerican context, a systematic review