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RF Energy Harvesting System Based on Spiral Logarithmic Dipole Rectenna Array

2023 , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam , Sánchez, Patricio , Pillajo D. , Gordón C.

This paper presents the development, design, simulation and fabrication of a logarithmic spiral antenna array for the electromagnetic energy collection system independent of frequency, compact in microstrip technology, low cost and operating within a range of frequencies. 1 to 4 GHz, are designed using the CST Studio software that allows modeling and simulating essential parameters such as radiation lobes, VSWR, power, gain, parameter S11. From these simulations the printing is done on an RF4 substrate with a thickness of 1.6 mm, a dielectric constant of 4.4 and an input impedance of 50 Ω. The resonator structure antenna with dimensions of 190 × 210 mm. The frequencies obtained with the rectenna matrix, since it offers good performance for electromagnetic energy harvesting applications that operate in standard frequencies such as GSM, WiFi, LTE which are available in the environment and allows us to collect energy. To obtain electrical energy as part of the design of a frequency rectifier which is optimized with the application of the Schottky diode. In addition, its construction of the rectenna matrix was carried out based on the proposed design, then performance tests and validation of the prototype were carried out using the miniVNA Tiny spectrum verifier, and finally energy storage tests were carried out. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Acceptance Sampling of Vegetables and Legumes in Units Based on the Military Standard (MIL-STD 105E)

2024 , Villacís Guerrero, Jacqueline del Pilar , Álvarez-Duque W. , Bonilla-Villacís J.R. , Avilés-Castillo F.

A low-quality batch brings with its adverse effects on the productivity and profitability of a product. The Military Standard (MIL-STD 105E) allows calculating the acceptance number for an attribute sampling plan under regular inspection with an acceptable quality level. This study is carried out in the national distribution center (CND) of one of the largest supermarket chains in Ecuador. There is a lack of quality control in the reception of essential products and processes carried out empirically. Ensure the quality and safety of vegetables and legumes that are received daily. Develop specific instructions for sampling vegetables and legumes in units based on MIL-STD 105E. When conducting a verification audit, an increase of 15.93% in compliance with the standard technical ARCSA-DE-067-2015-GGG was obtained. Food product reception, processing, and distribution must follow strict biosafety and quality protocols. This proposal provides business opportunities for improvement and standardized handling of documentation and processes, which other similar institutions can use. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Strategic Planning to Improve the Production Systems of an MSME: Case Study of a Toy Store

2024 , Buele, Jorge , Lozada-Cepeda J.A. , Ruales, María Belén

Competitiveness in the sales and services sector is becoming more and more intense. Therefore, the implementation of methodologies and strategies is necessary for the achievement of objectives, business growth, and the improvement of production systems. This article presents the performance of a strategic plan (SP) to identify the shortcomings of a company belonging to the MSME group. A toy store developing in Ecuadorian business is presented as a case study. The initial analysis uses tools such as the external PESTEL analysis, the Servqual model, and an analysis of current competitiveness. A new business model (Business Model Canvas) is defined to implement the plan, and strategic initiatives and projects are established. Since this study is projected for five years, experimental results are obtained for the first year, which shows a reduction in the gaps between customer expectations and the service offered. There is also evidence of minor quality mismatches in the Servqual model and a better competitive position than others. These objectives are related to increasing the company’s performance and combining quality, cost, and logistics on time. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Management and Control of Occupational Risks in the Manufacture of Fuel and Oil Filter Caps

2021 , Ron-Valenzuela P. , Topon-Visarrea B. , Delgado M.

In the process of manufacturing oil and fuel filter covers, mechanical risks have been identified such as: entrapment and crushing of hands with risk level I (not acceptable) and projection of fragments and particles with risk level II (Not acceptable or acceptable with specific control); For this, corrective measures were established at the source of risk by means of a spring system in each of the molds so that the filter cover after being pressed is expelled uniformly without the need for the operator to insert his hands in the danger zone. In the accident transmission medium, an adjustable safety guard and a mechanical guide element were implemented which allow the entry and exit of the covers. Finally, workers were provided with work gloves selected under international standards. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.

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Maintenance Plan Based on TPM for Turbine Recovery Machinery

2021 , Lozada-Cepeda J.A. , Lara-Calle R. , Buele, Jorge

The maintenance and repair of the components of hydroelectric turbines require the use of specialized equipment. To keep these teams operational, it is proposed to design a master plan in order to develop a TPM philosophy for a vertical turning lathe. This project develops five of the twelve steps established by JIPM for the TPM implementation. This paper also provides the necessary documentation for 5S and autonomous maintenance applications. Also, some safety, health and environmental suggestions are provided. PM activities are chosen based on RCM techniques like CA and FMEA. And predictive maintenance activities are established following ISO 3655, 2006. All these activities including automotive maintenance ones are organized and scheduled. Finally, OEE rate is applied to the lathe to identify the principal losses on the machine. After applying this proposal there is an increase of 27.84% and 39.71% in availability and performance respectively. The OEE calculation has increased by 29.97%, thereby motivating readers to implement this methodology in other industries. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Virtual Environments to Fuzzy Control Applied to Nonlinear Autoclave Reactor

2022 , Chimbana L.I. , Villagómez J.A. , Moya A.P. , Moreno A.M. , Mosquera E.A. , Ruales B. , Andaluz, V

This paper presents the design and implementation of a control algorithm based on fuzzy logic oriented to the area of teaching–learning processes in the chemical industry, more specifically of a nonlinear autoclave reactor. In order to evaluate the dynamic behavior against fuzzy control, an integration of software (MATLAB and Unity 3D) was developed, connected through DLL shared memories. The first software houses the fuzzy logic controller based on fuzzy sets and previously established linguistic variables; on the other hand, Unity 3D houses the dynamic model of the autoclave in order to simulate its real behavior. The latter software allows a more realistic conception of the chosen process, which is why we chose to design an immersive and interactive virtual environment with the virtual implementation of different elements of industrial instrumentation such as transmitters, valves, signaling, etc., animation of valves, control panels and a SCADA system. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Design of an Equipment for the Treatment of Domestic Greywater

2022 , Ron Valenzuela, Pablo , Fuentes Pérez, Esteban Mauricio

Water is an indispensable resource for human life, its availability is decreasing every time due to pollution, excessive consumption and deforestation, so it must be cared, by saving it and reusing it when possible. The objective of this research is to design an equipment for biological filtration based in the use of sand, which reduces the levels of contamination and allows the reuse of gray water produced in homes; such as: showers, bathrooms, sinks, utensil sinks, among others. Method: For the design of the equipment, it was considered as a specification to comply with the permissible limits for water, permissible parameters of water quality, conceptual design, detail design, materialization design. Results: As a result, the gray water treatment equipment allowed the reduction of contamination, maintaining values below what is requested by the water quality parameters, being able to be reused in toilets and home gardens irrigation. The equipment developed allowed saving of 30 to 40% of the water used inside the house and made possible to reuse between 60 to 70% of the treated gray water. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Monitoring System Based on an IoT Platform for an AFPM Generator

2023 , Cumbajín M. , Sánchez, Patricio , Ortiz O. , Gordón C.

In the present work, a monitoring platform is made for an Axial Flow Permanent Magnet (AFPM) Generator without magnetic core, the objective is to permanently monitor the values that come from the generator, where the generator variables have been acquired through an open source development board called Arduino MEGA, which sends the data to a Raspberry PI, where they are displayed and stored so that they can be processed. The variables are displayed using the graphical node-red environment that offers a very eye-catching dashboard, which will be displayed on a 7 in. liquid-crystal display screen. All the data obtained is stored in a database that will allow its use for specific purposes. The monitoring platform has been built with the ability to monitor the speed of the rotors, the voltage and the current of a phase and thus be able to process the total power supplied by the generator. As a result, the monitoring system is a promise component for Pico Hydro power station to control the power all the time provided by the Axial Flow Permanent Magnet Generator. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Perceptions and Dispositions of Parents and Teachers Toward Technological Learning Communities

2023 , Núñez-Hernández C. , Buele, Jorge

The search for strategies to improve students’ academic performance is increasingly common in education. Parents’ participation and teachers’ attention are key factors in forming a learning community. This article presents the results of a survey in which relevant statistical data was obtained. A significant association (p = 0.571) was found between the frequency with which parents help their children understand school content and their willingness to be part of a learning community, representing 40.65% of the population. In addition, it was found that 66.67% of parents frequently meet with their children’s teachers because they often solve the children’s doubts. Regarding the attention of teachers, it was evidenced that 64.71% of parents who meet very frequently with teachers do so with those who very frequently resolve children’s doubts effectively, which shows a correlation significant (p = 0.467). Finally, the relationship between the degree of mastery of teachers in learning management platforms and their participation in forming learning communities was analyzed. A significant correlation (phi = 0.321) was found between the degree of mastery of teachers in these platforms and their participation in the formation of learning communities, with 28.24% of teachers having sufficient mastery and 20.61% of those with a moderate domain. These findings highlight the importance of parent-teacher collaboration in fostering a culture of learning in school and improving student academic achievement. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023.

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Audio-tactile rendering: A review on technology and methods to convey musical information through the sense of touch

2021 , Remache-Vinueza B. , Trujillo-León A. , Zapata M. , armiento-Ortiz F. , Vidal-Verdú F.

Tactile rendering has been implemented in digital musical instruments (DMIs) to offer the musician haptic feedback that enhances his/her music playing experience. Recently, this implementation has expanded to the development of sensory substitution systems known as haptic music players (HMPs) to give the opportunity of experiencing music through touch to the hearing impaired. These devices may also be conceived as vibrotactile music players to enrich music listening activities. In this review, technology and methods to render musical information by means of vibrotactile stimuli are systematically studied. The methodology used to find out relevant literature is first outlined, and a preliminary classification of musical haptics is proposed. A comparison between different technologies and methods for vibrotactile rendering is performed to later organize the information according to the type of HMP. Limitations and advantages are highlighted to find out opportunities for future research. Likewise, methods for music audio-tactile rendering (ATR) are analyzed and, finally, strategies to compose for the sense of touch are summarized. This review is intended for researchers in the fields of haptics, assistive technologies, music, psychology, and human–computer interaction as well as artists that may make use of it as a reference to develop upcoming research on HMPs and ATR. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.