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Entrepreneurship: The Case of Ecuador

2021 , Morales Molina, Tania , Llamuca Pérez S. , Morales-Urrutia X. , Victor V.E.

In recent decades, entrepreneurship has experienced a significant increase worldwide, being considered as an important tool to improve the economic growth of a country. This article aims to present an overview of the current situation of entrepreneurship at both national and local levels. The methodology used was descriptive, also a literature review was conducted, the data analyzed came from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of the directory of companies for the period 2013–2016, the number of enterprises at the level of Ecuador and specific by province was analyzed. After the analysis, it was concluded that there is a significant increase in micro-enterprises throughout the country, especially in the provinces of Pichincha and Guayas. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Autonomous Learning Mediated by Digital Technology Processes in Higher Education: A Systematic Review

2020 , Fierro-Saltos W. , Sanz C. , Zangara A. , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Varela Aldas, José , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Rivera R. , Hidalgo-Guijarro J. , Yandún-Velasteguí M.

The concept of autonomous learning has been resignified in recent years as a result of the expansion of the different types of study. Online education in higher education institutions has become an effective option to increase and diversify opportunities for access and learning, however, high rates of dropout, reprisal and low averages still persist. academic performance. Recent research shows that the problem is accentuated because most students have difficulty self-regulating their own learning process autonomously. From this perspective, the purpose of the study was to examine and analyze, through a systematic review of the literature, on autonomous/self-regulated learning, theoretical models and determine which variables influence a learning process mediated by technology processes in the higher education. The findings indicate that: (1) autonomous learning is a synonym of self-regulation; (2) Pintrich’s self-regulatory model is the most used in digital contexts; and (3) the self-regulatory variables identified are wide and varied. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Editorial design of interactive picture book with mobile application based on uxd user experience design

2020 , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Amagua M.

This research presents an interactive human-computer learning system model applying adaptive editorial design. The proposal aims to generate an interactive picture book and a mobile application based on user experience design (UxD). The results will be obtained using UX metrics and will have the particularity of working with the technique of participatory design and reticular deconstruction. This book includes its presentation as an audiobook and an editorial composition with pop-ups and pages to paint. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Development of a Model for the Construction of Corporate Manuals with QR Codes

2024 , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Piedra M.

The creation of a brand manual that includes QR triggers makes it possible to unify and update the traditional editorial design with new technologies. The present study exposes a construction model of these corporate identity manuals and all the processes that must be carried out to obtain positive results in their application. The unit of analysis of this research was developed with three brand manuals from companies in the city of Quito, to which augmented reality QR triggers were included, which allowed access to complementary audiovisual material that helps the suppliers of these companies to use and apply the mark appropriately. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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A long-range, low-cost technique to measure water level variations over limnimeters on hydraulic weir using machine vision and IoT

2022 , Chiliquinga-Chiliquinga A. , Garcés-Llerena R. , Bautista-Naranjo V. , Vayas Ortega, Germania , Castillo-Velazquez J.-I. , Clotet R. , Huerta M. , Rivas-Lalaleo D.

It is neither practical nor economical to make continuous and direct measurements of the water flow in a stream, so indirect methods must be used to measure the water level and, based on a calibration curve, relate it to the corresponding flow rate. A hydraulic weir with a limnimeter fulfills this purpose, but its disadvantage is that it does not allow the automated registration of the water level and therefore new and more efficient technologies must be used to perform this measurement automatically and thus have a lower waste and optimization of the resource. This experiment develops an algorithm based on computer vision and the inclusion of the concepts of the Internet of Things, in order to measure and record the values of the water level in a hydraulic dam, also includes energy storage system, power supply, remote computer, devices with wireless communication and IoT platform that allow a measurement error of less than ± 2% to be obtained with respect to a visual measurement made by the operator. © 2022 IEEE.

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Psychosocial Risk in the Operative Personnel of Public Companies: Galapagos Case

2023 , Domenica M.-C.A. , Carlos S.-P.J. , Mónica E.-G.

Psychosocial Risks (PR) affect the overall health of workers in many companies, so it is important to measure it in order to prevent them. Therefore, the research aims to identify the level of PR according to its dimensions in the operating personnel of the public company of the Galapagos Islands, for which the PR measurement tool of the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador, which is composed of eight dimensions, was applied. The data were processed and analyzed descriptively and correlated using SPSS and Excel software, from which it was obtained that the dimensions work addiction, workload and pace, leadership, discriminatory harassment, perceived health, sexual harassment, work organization, and work and emotional stability have a low level and the dimensions such as support and support, development of competencies, margin of action and control, and double presence (work-family) presented medium risk, while work and sexual harassment, and working conditions had a high risk. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the work environment, and special attention should be paid to the dimensions with significant problems and risks for the wellbeing and health of workers. © 2023 IEEE.

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Factors for the Creation of Technological Startups in Latin America

2024 , Vayas Ortega, Germania , Morales-Urrutia X. , Naranjo-Santamaría J.

The changes produced in recent years have made innovation and technology play an important role in the growth of technological start-ups. Likewise, public policies have been developed that contribute to the development and strengthening of this business sector. The aim of the study is to analyze the incidence of institutional factors, education and innovation, in the generation of technological startups. The data analyzed comes from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the Pearson Correlation statistical technique was applied. The results suggest that there is a direct relationship between the factors analyzed. In conclusion, the growth of this type of companies is still incipient in Latin American countries, however, there is significant growth of these in the region. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Identification of Emerging Areas of Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Bibliometric Perspective

2023 , Silva Ordóñez, Catalina , Mera J.S.

There is growing attention on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to their relevance in the economic system of several countries. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the emerging areas of CSR in this type of companies, therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the emerging areas of CSR in SMEs, through a bibliometric perspective. A total of 362 documents were collected from the Scopus database and processed through the Vosviewer software, obtaining co-occurrence results through keywords, which revealed six emerging areas. This study highlights emerging areas that provide opportunities to strengthen CSR practices and promote sustainable development, as well as directions for future research in this field. © 2023 IEEE.

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Factors Influencing the Economic Growth of the Business Sector in Zone 3 of Ecuador

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Figueredo-Morales C. , Vásquez G.B.B.

In zone 3 of Ecuador there are diverse economic and productive activities, therefore, in this research work we intend to analyze the factors that influence growth in the business sector, a documentary-bibliographic research will be carried out through the review of different scientific articles, documents, books, texts and doctoral theses in order to build the state of the art, as well as data from secondary sources of national statistical offices will also be used. The result focuses on the discussion among public, non-governmental and private sector actors, on the economic factors that stimulate the emergence of new companies and the strengthening of existing ones with general information, which affect the initiative to the contribution to business growth and sustainability of the company. In the conclusions we can refer that the entrepreneurs of zone 3 should be more linked among themselves, should be more communicated, have more cooperation among them and establish long-term relationships between them, to generate better conditions that favor the business system and strengthen productivity and innovation. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Bibliometric study for CO2 measurement using IoT: Looking for the Latin American contributions

2022 , Páez-Carabajo J.-D. , Huerta M.-K. , Rivas-Lalaleo D. , Vayas Ortega, Germania , Clotet-Martinez R. , Castillo-Velazquez J.-I.

In recent years, the number of deaths due to environmental pollution has increased. The main air pollutants are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. These are produced by the consumption of fossil fuels in vehicles, industrial activity, and agricultural practices, among others. Various technologies have been used to detect carbon dioxide (CO2), including the Internet of Things (IoT). However, no studies have been carried out to visualize the impact of IoT on CO2 monitoring and which countries are focused on minimizing emissions. This work shows a bibliometric study for CO2 environmental sensing using IoT. SCOPUS was the selected database, and PRISMA was the methodology used. The first search returned 13.207 documents written between 2013 and 2022, after filtering selected keywords, selecting only English articles, and abstract review we selected finally 79 documents for the measurement of CO2 using IoT. The results of analyzing them, show that the Asian countries produces more than the western countries, where India and Indonesia are leading. Also is interesting to note that the USA and Latin America produced the same quantity of documents, where the four countries contributing to Latin America are Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador. The main area of knowledge covered by the documents was Engineering with 25 percent followed by computer sciences, and 40 percent of documents were published by IEEE. Finally, the Latin American contributions to this field are outlined, verifying in detail the architectures for the proposed solutions with emphasis in sensors. © 2022 IEEE.