Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge
Blended Learning and Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Interactive Model of Executive Functions to Understand Error Correction
Consumer expenditures on clothing and footwear: a mixed methods study
Drivers of technology readiness and motivations for consumption in explaining the tendency of consumers to use technology-based services
Temporal Focus as a Mediator between Cultural Values and Subjective Happiness: Evidence from Ecuador and Russia [Временной фокус как медиатор взаимосвязи между культурными ценностями и субъективным счастьем: на материале Эквадора и России]
Clothing Disposal System by Gifting: Characteristics, Processes, and Interactions
From Face-to-Face Learning to Virtual Learning: Students’ Perspective
Consumer value creation through WhatsApp use: A qualitative multimethod approach in a Latin American scenario
Bibliometric Analysis of Existing Knowledge on Digital Transformation in Higher Education
University Students’ Rejection to Learning Statistics: Research from a Latin American Standpoint