Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge
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Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge
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1 - 10 of 37
PublicationConsumer value creation through WhatsApp use: A qualitative multimethod approach in a Latin American scenario( 2019)
;Guadalupe, J ;Zabelina E. ;Velín-Fárez M.Staniewski M.W.2 -
PublicationEmpirical evidence for intransitivity in consumer preferences( 2020)
;Guadalupe, J ;Artola-Jarrín V.Scopus© Citations 2 3 -
PublicationTemporal Focus as a Mediator between Cultural Values and Subjective Happiness: Evidence from Ecuador and Russia [Временной фокус как медиатор взаимосвязи между культурными ценностями и субъективным счастьем: на материале Эквадора и России]( 2022)
;Zabelina E.V. ;Guadalupe-Lanas J.Deyneka O.S.3 -
PublicationConsumer Behavior in the Disposal of Products: Forty Years of Research( 2018)Arévalo-Chávez P.
2 -
PublicationPsychological time of green entrepreneurs: a mixed methods study of SMEs( 2023)
;Zabelina E. ;Deyneka O. ;Maksimenko A. ;Guadalupe-Lanas J.Ramos-Galarza C.6 -
PublicationConsumer expenditures on clothing and footwear: a mixed methods study( 2018)
;Arévalo-Chávez P.Guadalupe J.Scopus© Citations 6 4 -
PublicationEmotional State of Teachers and University Administrative Staff in the Return to Face-to-Face Mode( 2022)
;Guadalupe-Lanas, J. ;Artola-Jarrín, V.Scopus© Citations 7 2