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Identification of Emerging Areas of Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Bibliometric Perspective

2023 , Silva Ordóñez, Catalina , Mera J.S.

There is growing attention on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to their relevance in the economic system of several countries. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the emerging areas of CSR in this type of companies, therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the emerging areas of CSR in SMEs, through a bibliometric perspective. A total of 362 documents were collected from the Scopus database and processed through the Vosviewer software, obtaining co-occurrence results through keywords, which revealed six emerging areas. This study highlights emerging areas that provide opportunities to strengthen CSR practices and promote sustainable development, as well as directions for future research in this field. © 2023 IEEE.

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Business Growth in Ecuador: A Perspective from Penrose’s Theory of Resources and Capabilities

2021 , Morales-Urrutia X. , Salazar Mera, Juan Eduardo , Silva Ordóñez, Catalina

In recent years, the business sector worldwide has experienced significant growth; several elements have contributed to this result, among them, resources and business and managerial capabilities stand out. Likewise, proper combination of productive resources is a precise formula that generates a competitive advantage that, in turn, makes a company unique in relation to the competition. In this context, business growth is directly related to the merger of a series of new resources, accompanied with the appropriate management of human talent. The objective of this research is focused on analysis of the factors that influence Ecuadorian business growth. To fulfill this objective, the methodology was based on the application of the two-stage cluster statistical analysis technique that groups data sets into different groups or combinations. The results suggest that the existence of different internal factors or the combination of these generates business growth. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Dialogical Ethical Leadership Management Tools: An Organizational Development Opportunity for Productive Efficiency

2022 , Silva Ordóñez, Catalina , Naranjo Gaibor, Aidé Oliva , Salazar Mera, Juan Eduardo

The objective of the research is to link dialogical ethical leadership with the improvement of organizational management, seeking to enhance productive efficiency in the performance of functions in jobs. The exercise of leadership must be inserted in the application of management models of skills, human talent and knowledge as a single unit to replace the traditional management model based on vertical hierarchical processes that produce bureaucratization of work. It is proposed to exercise argumentative ethical leadership in all jobs from an intensive communication dynamic, capable of recognizing the worker as a reward for efficient work. The research was developed under the hermeneutic-documentary approach, exercising an assessment and critical posture that aims to generate contributions to the wonderful world of managerial sciences. © 2022, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved.

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Decisive Factors of Business Dynamism in Latin America: An Approach from the New Institutional Economy Perspective

2021 , Morales-Urrutia X. , Salazar Mera, Juan Eduardo , Silva Ordóñez, Catalina

In recent years, the business sector has experienced significant dynamism worldwide, a fact that has sparked interest from different fields: academically, politically and socially, and a series of questions have been raised about the different factors that drive business growth. In this context, the New Institutional Economy has been taken as a reference in order to explain the behavior of this phenomenon based on the analysis of both formal and informal institutions of companies. The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence business dynamism. In order to fulfill the objective, the applied methodology was based on the application of statistical techniques of multivariate analysis, specifically, hierarchical cluster analysis. The main results show that the factors affect each of the contexts that are analyzed at different scale. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.