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The resurgence of Ecuadorian neuroscience: Revista Ecuatoriana de neurología [El Resurgir de la neurociencia Ecuatoriana: La revista Ecuatoriana de neurología]

2017 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

[No abstract available]

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Loris karius neurofutbolistic analysis: From glory to hell [Análisis Neurofutbolístico de Loris Karius: De la Gloria al Infierno]

2020 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Silva-Barragán M.

In the soccer context there have been huge errors that have cost the teams dearly. Sometimes they occur due to nerves or deconcentration, however, according to our clinical eye, sometimes the brain plays a trick and its malfunction, the product of traumatic brain injury that occurred in the same game, is what determines the score of an encounter. This is what happened to the Liverpool goalkeeper in the final of the 2018 Champions League, who, from our neuro-soccer reflection, had errors that cost him the match, due to an affectation of the cerebral magnocellular pathway that allows processing spatial visual perceptual information. In the featured article, we reflect on his brain state before and after the trauma suffered and highlight that a footballer who is awake and expressing that he can continue, is not necessarily an individual with his brain preserved, since it may be only a part of his brain mass speaking, but, as seen in Karius, however, other silencers may have been altered. We close the work by highlighting the need to incorporate neuropsychological knowledge to understand the effect of trauma on the playfield, since this work confirms that humans do not play soccer with th eir legs or hands, they do so with your brain. © 2020 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.

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Fundamental concepts in the neuropsychological theory [Conceptos fundamentales en la teoría neuropsicológica]

2017 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Ramos V. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Lepe-Martínez N. , Paredes-Núñez L. , Gómez-García A. , Bolaños-Pasquel, Mónica

This article presents three concepts that are fundamental in the neuropsychological theoretical: (a) historical data in the study of the human brain, (b) neuropsychological evaluation of brain functions and (c) neuropsychological rehabilitation of brain functions. As relevant data in the theoretical development of the study of the human brain is a tour of the trepanation acts performed hundreds of years ago, the contributions of phrenology, the masterful findings of Broca and Wernicke, the heuristic contribution of Luria and the current revolution with the neuro-image. In the neuropsychological evaluation of brain functions, the role of specific, non-specific and delayed observation tests in the interpretation of the neuropsychological state of the human being is analyzed, which allow analyzing neuropsychological functions in the laboratory and in real lifeactivities. Finally, we analyze the process of neuropsychological rehabilitation of brain functions, where mention is made of the processes of restoration, compensation, substitution, activation-stimulation and integration, which are very useful when intervening in a brain that has suffered an acquired damage. It is concluded that the current accelerated pace has determined the advance of neuroscience, where technology and the forceful scientific contribution propose new techniques and theories to understand the processes of evaluation and rehabilitation of brain functioning.

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360° Technology Applied to Touristic Marketing

2022 , Cóndor-Herrera, Omar , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

360° technology for images or videos allows the covering of a 360° vision angle in two axles (X and Y), and it can be seen on a screen in an interactive way. This means that we can see everything that is around the point where the picture or video was taken, up, down, in front, behind and the sides, which allows us to reproduce the stereoscopic human vision. In this article, the usage of this technology is proposed as a tool to enhance the touristic marketing area, giving the users an innovative expérience. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Evaluation of Online Learning Platforms in Latin America

2022 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Cóndor-Herrera, Omar , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge

Introduction: The use of online learning platforms has made a huge contribution to the online learning process. A key tool in this world is videoconferencing, which allows the efficient advancement of knowledge of a specific subject during synchronized timing. Objective: With this proposed context, the objective of this investigation is to determine which online video-conference platform has more benefits to be applied in Latin America. Method: A study was carried out with a quantitative method, transversal temporality, and a correlational and comparative process. There was a sample of 272 participants between 12 and 55 years old. Results and conclusion: It was found that the platform with the most benefits according to the analysis of gender, age, and profession is ZOOM. These results allow us to analyze the usefulness of this platform and its benefits in the learning process in Latin America. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee ESJ, Italy.

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Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations in Predicting the Buy Intention of Technological Products: A Study in Developing and Emerging Countries

2021 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Zabelina E. , Deyneka O. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

An area of great interest for business is establishing the factors that determine consumer intentions to purchase new technological products. The present study seeks to contribute to this field of research by establishing how the consumer’s hedonic and utilitarian motivations help explain their purchase intentions. The present study consisted of a survey completed by 725 people in Ecuador (a developing country) and 376 in Russia (an emerging country). The data obtained were analyzed with a multiple regression, with the purchase intentions of five technological products being the variable to be predicted and the two motivations for the use of technologies as the predictor variables. Various demographic variables were introduced as control variables. The results obtained point to a secondary role for demographic variables. On the other hand, and in a consistent manner, hedonic and utilitarian motivations were significant predictors positively associated with purchase intentions in both countries. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Interactive Model of Executive Functions to Understand Error Correction

2022 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Ramos V.

This article reports an investigation aimed at analyzing an interactive model of executive functions, which seeks to explain the process followed by human beings to correct their mistakes. The method followed was an analysis based on structural equations, considering the maximum likelihood process around a model that considered six executive functions. We worked with a randomized sample of 771 subjects (mean age = 39.86, SD = 15.47; 50.5%, women, 50.50%). The findings suggest that error correction is a complex executive function as it is the product of the internal language capacity that regulates behavior and cognition, adequate regulation of the limbic system, adequate decision-making, and control of automatic impulses, determining how to act and verify the thoughts and behavior of the subject. The contribution of the proposed theoretical model lies in understanding the process by which human beings manage to correct errors. In addition, how this explanatory model could help neuropsychological intervention processes to work on this cognitive ability in individuals with difficulties in correcting errors. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee ESJ, Italy.

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Comparative organizational network analysis considering formal power-based networks and organizational hierarchies

2022 , Ramos V. , Pazmiño P. , Franco-Crespo A. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Tejera E.

Comparative organizational network analysis makes it possible to identify the similarities and differences between organizations according to the content of their networks. This research is a comparative study of organizational networks based on formal power. To accomplish this goal, networks were developed in three organizations from different sectors with workers distributed in high, middle and operational levels in the organizational hierarchy. For the study, 100% of the workers within the identified networks were included. The results indicated that, considering centrality and connectivity network indices, there were no statistically significant differences between organizations according to formal power network behavior. However, we obtained statistically significant differences in terms connectivity and centrality considering the workers’ hierarchy. The representative nodes of high and middle hierarchical levels had higher indices of connectivity and centrality than the nodes representative of the operational level. This study makes it possible to identify the formal roles within networks based on legitimate power, which can serve as a basis for decision-making processes and resource allocations, for the strategic use of the networks created. © 2021 The Author(s)

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Improve Accessibility and Visibility of Selected University Websites

2020 , Acosta-Vargas P. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Salvador-Ullauri L. , Chanchí G.E. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

Currently, there are millions of websites, but not all of them are accessible and visible in search engines, and in the different devices and technologies used. The purpose of this research is to 1) suggest an accessibility evaluation model according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 standards; 2) correlate Webometrics and SCImago rankings to improve visibility, and 3) determine whether an accessible website can improve visibility. As a case study, the authors applied to 30 web pages from Latin American universities. The results indicate that although an educational institution is in the first rankings of the Webometrics and SCImago classification, they do not necessarily satisfy web accessibility requirements. This study can be a guide for the definition of institutional efforts to improve accessibility and visibility in the design of more inclusive and visible websites. © 2020, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Neuropsychological treatment of ADHD in preschool: Training of executive function [Tratamiento Neuropsicológico del TDAH en Preescolares: Entrenamiento de la Función Ejecutiva]

2016 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Bolaños M. , Paredes L. , Ramos D.

Preschoolers who have symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity and attention deficit manifest alterations in the executive functions: inhibitory control, working memory, monitoring and self-directed speech. It is essential in the preschool classroom to identify children who have difficulty regulating their behavior. The importance of this early detection is the possibility of avoiding a picture of ADHD with greater complexity in the child's future. Training of executive function in children who could present these symptoms has been described as a highly effective strategy. Researches affirm that training of executive function would decrease the likelihood that a child will have ADHD at school age if he had received early attention from preschool. From the clinical experience it has witnessed the evolution of cases of children identified preschool with symptoms of ADHD, and then do a training executive functions for periods of one to two years better, and even at the beginning of schooling have a less severe psychopathology, unlike children who have not received this early intervention. In this paper I will describe the clinical picture of ADHD in initial preschool, the relationship between this disorder and executive function and some strategies in the training of executive functions.