Ramos Galarza, Carlos
Scale of clinical observation to valuate the third functional unit of the Luria theory: EOCL-1. [Escala de Observación Clínica Para Valorar la Tercera Unidad Funcional de la Teoría de Luria: EOCL-1.]
Video Conferencing Platforms for Learning: Which is the Best Platform?
Talented soccer players, the big secret is in the brain: The great tragedy of the star player and the fate of magicians with a preserved nervous systems
Executive functions scale for university students: UEF-1
Factorial Structure of the EOCL-1 Scale to Assess Executive Functions
Procastination, internet addiction, and academic performance in Ecuadorian college students [Procrastinación, adicción al internet y rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios ecuatorianos]
Systematic Review of Technological Methods of Evaluation of Executive Functions
Validation of the GAEU-1 Acale to Assess the Learning Management of University Students
Cognitive Interventions Based on Technology: A Systematic Literature Review
Cognition, affectivity and resilience in the forgiveness of a transgression in the couple [Cognición, afectividad y resiliencia en el perdón de una transgresión en la pareja]