Ramos Galarza, Carlos
Scale reduced to value the sense of coherence: SOC 15 [Escala Reducida Para Valorar el Sentido de Coherencia: SOC 15]
The role of executive functions in academic performance and behaviour of university students
Factorial Structure of the EOCL-1 Scale to Assess Executive Functions
Music stimulation as a method of optimizing autobiographical memory in patients diagnosed with alzheimer’s disease
Long-Distance Relationships: Use of Technology Advances in Communication, Idealization and Satisfaction
The role of inhibitory control in the ability to solve problems of university students
Stress and productivity in workers of textile companies
Technology in Favor of Disability: Prevalence Study in Ecuador
Development and Validation of A Brief Scale to Assess Attachment in Adults: Psychometric Analysis in Latin America [Desarrollo y Validación de Una Escala Breve Para Valorar el Apego en Adultos: Análisis Psicométrico en América Latina]
Rehabilitation of Children Affected by Attention Deficit Disorder