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Factors Influencing the Economic Growth of the Business Sector in Zone 3 of Ecuador

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Figueredo-Morales C. , Vásquez G.B.B.

In zone 3 of Ecuador there are diverse economic and productive activities, therefore, in this research work we intend to analyze the factors that influence growth in the business sector, a documentary-bibliographic research will be carried out through the review of different scientific articles, documents, books, texts and doctoral theses in order to build the state of the art, as well as data from secondary sources of national statistical offices will also be used. The result focuses on the discussion among public, non-governmental and private sector actors, on the economic factors that stimulate the emergence of new companies and the strengthening of existing ones with general information, which affect the initiative to the contribution to business growth and sustainability of the company. In the conclusions we can refer that the entrepreneurs of zone 3 should be more linked among themselves, should be more communicated, have more cooperation among them and establish long-term relationships between them, to generate better conditions that favor the business system and strengthen productivity and innovation. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Ecotourism in Ecuador and the Lack of Cultural Education for Health Benefits

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Morales-Urrutia X. , Figueredo-Morales C. , Bucheli-Vázquez G.B.

Ecotourism or ecological tourism is a tourist typology that consists of carrying out recreational activities in natural areas with an environmental sustainability approach, the success of ecotourism in recent times lies in the multiple benefits it brings to our health. The objective of our research is focused on highlighting the lack of cultural education on the subject for health benefits through some strategies. The methodology applied has a mixed approach, documentary-bibliographic type through the review of different scientific articles, documents, books, texts and doctoral theses in order to build the state of the art, at the empirical level, we will work with statistical data from secondary sources in national statistical offices. The results reflect the lack of education that Ecuadorian citizens have on the benefits that ecological tourism brings to health and in the conclusions some strategies are recommended to give solutions to the cultural ignorance of people in the ecological field and to materialize education from early ages to achieve a healthy population, free of stress and improve the quality of life of Ecuadorian inhabitants. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.