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Effect of enterprise risk management on firms’ outcomes with the moderating effect of knowledge management

2023 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Saeidi S.P. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes , Villacrés Endara H. , Armijos L.

Purpose: This study aims to test the effects of enterprise risk management (ERM) on firms’ outcomes and the moderating role of knowledge management (KM) on ERM–firms’ outcomes relationship. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected via a questionnaire survey among public listed companies on the principal stock exchange market in Malaysia. A total of 124 questionnaires were received by mail questionnaire. The results were examined through structural equation modelling and partial least squares. Findings: The outcomes specified that ERM has a positive and noteworthy influence on firms’ outcomes, and KM has a moderating influence on the correlation among ERM and firms’ outcomes. Research limitations/implications: The qualities, procedures and laws of the Malaysian corporations chosen as the sample firms, as well as their regulations, may not be representative of all other countries. Moreover, this study considered only one variable as a moderator, while there are many variables that different studies can consider as moderator or mediators. Practical implications: The results of this research imply that employees’ awareness and knowledge of events, opportunities and risk, along with their engagement in the institute’s strategy, are critical for risk management and controlling. For the managers, the results of this research can be helpful to their businesses by identifying the effective KM capability that may enhance their positive outcomes. Managers and organizations can use KM as an instrument to increase ERM effect on firms’ outcomes. Social implications: KM and ERM are both significant intangible resources that are hard to imitate and are uniquely specified programs, which are important contributors to firm success in the long run. Moreover, the contingency theory of ERM was proved through the results of this study as it was identified in the public companies, that implementation of ERM as a strategic management practice, by organizations along with an effective KM may enhance the achievement of objectives and outcomes. Originality/value: This study helps to measure ERM comprehensively and how intangible assets such as KM can affect the comprehensive risk management process and its effectiveness. © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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How does organizational leadership contribute to the firm performance through social responsibility strategies?

2021 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Robles L.A.A. , Saeidi S.P. , Zamora M.I.V.

Despite the wide-ranging studies on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), firm performance, and Organizational Leadership (OL), there have been only a few studies examining the inter-relationship between them. Accordingly, this investigation has tried to investigate how OL contributes to the firm's performance through the CSR strategies. It has an internal orientation to CSR motivations compared to the existing studies that mostly considered the external factors in implementing of CSR in firms; also, it has a comprehensive view toward the firm's performance by considering both financial and non-financial aspects of performance. It could be said that this study has tried to answer the question of whether or not CSR can be as a mediator between the OL and firm performance. Data collection was performed from 285 manufacturing and consumer products firms located in Malaysia during the four-month period of June–September of 2020. AMOS Structural Equation Modeling (AMOS-SEM) method was applied to analyze the model. Following the Baron and Kenny approach in testing the hypotheses, it was found that the relationships of OL and financial performance, as well as OL and non-financial performance were partially mediated by CSR. In addition, the non-financial performance was found as a full mediator between the OL and financial performance. Further, the results revealed two full mediated relationships in this way that non-financial performance was a full mediator variable between CSR and financial performance, as well as CSR and non-financial performance which were found as two multiple full mediators between OL and financial performance. The results help Malaysian managers to understand their current status, capabilities, strong points and weaknesses in leadership regarding to CSR. Moreover, due to the positive effects of CSR on both firm's financial and non-financial performance, CSR is recommended to be integrated in leadership style and the organizational strategies in order to having better performance. © 2021

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Evaluation of circular supply chains barriers in the era of Industry 4.0 transition using an extended decision-making approach

2022 , Shang, C. , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Goh, C.F.

Purpose: The poor leadership style is a key obstacle to the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies. To successfully apply the Industry 4.0 technologies, which can enhance the sustainability of firms, senior management needs to be inspiring and transformational. On the other hand, numerous factors can hinder the Industry 4.0 transition and “Circular Supply Chain (CSC)” transformation. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to evaluate the related barriers of CSCs in the era of Industry 4.0 transition. Design/methodology/approach: The current study developed an innovative decision-making approach with the help of the “Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo)” method and “Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC)” method on the “q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets (q-ROFSs).” CRITIC in this combined method was used to predict the importance or weighting degrees of the CSCs barriers in the age of Industry 4.0 transition. Findings: The results of this study found that the absence of knowledge about the Industry 4.0 technologies and circular approaches was the first barrier followed by the problems associated with data security in relationship management in circular flows, the deficiency of knowledge regarding the data management among stakeholders and the lack of awareness about the potential benefits of autonomous systems in labor-oriented “End-of-Life (EOL)” activities for CSCs in the era of Industry 4.0 transition. Research limitations/implications: A limitation may be that despite the generalizability of the proposed framework, the results may differ when it is implemented in different sectors. By emphasizing the obstacles to sustainable operations of supply chains (SCs) in the context of circular economy (CE) and Industry 4.0, researchers working in the same domain may be encouraged to find ways to remove such obstacles in different settings. As suggested in this study, the priority of various barriers helps researchers suggest effective strategies for the sustainable development of companies within the current dynamic business atmosphere. Practical implications: The findings of this paper can aid industry practitioners in fixing their attention on the digitization or automation of their systems in the context of sustainability or resource circularity. Note that within the current context of CE, one of the crucial issues is how to conserve the existing resources; the answer to this question can save the environment. Originality/value: The current paper proposed a new multi-criteria decision-making method using q-ROFSs to analyze, rank and evaluate the CSC barriers in the age of Industry 4.0 transition. To this end, a new decision-making approach with the help of CRITIC and CoCoSo methods on q-ROFSs called q-ROF-CRITIC-CoCoSo was introduced to evaluate the CSCs barriers in the era of Industry 4.0 transition. © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Industry’s Green Product and Process Innovation: Sustainable Development as a Mediator

2024 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Saeidi S.P. , Saeidi S.P. , Saaeidi S.A. , Carvajal M.G.

While there are wide-ranging studies on corporate social responsibility (CSR), innovation, and sustainable development (SD), few studies have tried to make a connection between those three organizational factors in the industry section. Therefore, this study tried to investigate how does CSR with its four main components contribute to industry’s green product and process innovation through sustainable development. This study has a comprehensive view to compare the SD to the existing studies by considering all three aspects of SD, namely, economic, social and environmentally sustainable development. In fact, it is going to be answered that: whether economic, social and environmentally sustainable developments play as mediators in between CSR and green innovation (product and process) in industry? Data were collected during June-October 2020 from 217 manufacturing industries from Iran where CSR has not been appropriately dealt within theoretical as well as practical terms. AMOS structural equation modeling (AMOS-SEM) method was applied to analyze data. Following the Baron and Kenny approach in testing hypotheses, it was found that CSR-process innovation is a fully mediated relationship by environmentally sustainable development, and partially mediated by economic and social sustainable development. Whereas CSR-product innovation is fully mediated by social sustainable development and partially mediated by economic and environmentally sustainable development. In the second part of the data analysis, customers’ expectations, and financial issues respectively, were known as the highest and lowest motivational factors in Iranian manufacture industry, for implementing CSR. The results help Iranian managers to understand their current status, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses in sustainable development. It also recommends that since CSR dimensions had a positive effect on all sustainable development aspects, they should be integrated in the organizational strategies for having better sustainable development, and higher green product and process innovation in the industry. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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The influence of corporate social responsibility on firm reputation with the moderating effect of personal employees' ethical value

2022 , Saeidi S.P. , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Alvarez Zamora N.F. , Endara H.V.

This study attempts to investigate the conditional effects of the ethical values of employees and corporate social responsibility (CSR), as two possible influencing variables on a firm's reputation. Moreover, this research determines the moderating effect of ethical values of employees on the relationship of CSR with firm reputation. AMOS is used as a visual program in structural equation modelling in order to analyse and test the hypotheses suggested in this paper. Data were collected from 301 SMEs in industrial and service sectors, in Malaysia, using survey method through structured questionnaires with five-point Likert scales. According to the results, hypothesis of moderating effect of personal employees' ethical values (PEEV) on CSR and firm reputation in the industrial sector was rejected; whereas a conditional moderating effect of ethical values of employees on CSR and firm reputation was reported in the service sector. This shows that when companies rely more on human resources, a higher level of ethical values among employees leads to a higher level of reputation for the firm in society, even if CSR is at a low level at those companies. Copyright © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

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Technical challenges of blockchain technology for sustainable manufacturing paradigm in Industry 4.0 era using a fuzzy decision support system

2023 , Su D. , Zhang L. , Peng H. , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Tirkolaee E.B.

Since 2008, many academics have increasingly paid attention to blockchain technology from different perspectives. In general, researchers desire to achieve global blockchain systems within a sustainable manufacturing domain; however, a number of technical challenges have come to exist in the recent decade, for instance, consensus algorithms and computing paradigms that can meet the privacy protection requirements of manufacturing systems. Therefore, an integrated decision-making framework called Pythagorean fuzzy-entropy-rank sum-Combined Compromise Solution (PF-entropy-RS-CoCoSo) is developed in this study, including two main phases. In the first phase, the PF-entropy-RS method is applied to obtain the subjective and objective weights of criteria to evaluate the technical challenges of transforming blockchain technology for a sustainable manufacturing paradigm in the Industry 4.0 era. The PF-CoCoSo model is then utilized in the second phase to assess the preferences of organizations over different technical challenges of the blockchain technology transformation for the sustainable manufacturing paradigm in the Industry 4.0 era. An empirical case study is taken to assess the main technical challenges of blockchain technology transformation for the sustainable manufacturing paradigm. Furthermore, a comparison analysis and a sensitivity investigation are made to demonstrate the superiority of the developed framework. © 2023 Elsevier Inc.

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Evaluate sustainable human resource management in the manufacturing companies using an extended Pythagorean fuzzy SWARA-TOPSIS method

2022 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Mardani, A. , Mishra, A.R. , Cajas Cajas, V.E. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes

Today, organizations realized the importance of sustainability in concern with their business activities. They found out that they should focus on other aspects such as environmental and social and economic sustainability. Lately, Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM) is introduced as an instrument to indicate that HRM can affect the sustainable development and resource preservation of organizations. Despite that, SHRM and its related subjects are still in an emerging phase. The present study aims to propose a comprehensive approach to examine the main important factors of SHRM. To do so, a survey approach with the literature review interviewsview with experts is carried out to classify, rank, and evaluate the key SHRM factors in the manufacturing companies in Ecuador. In order to assess and prioritize the factors and the alternatives, this paper introduces a new approach using an integrated Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA)- Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method on the Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) setting called the PF-SWARA-TOPSIS method. To do this, we extend the SWARA method to identify and rank the SHRM factors by using PFSs. Afterward, to assess and prioritize the alternatives, this study utilizes the TOPSIS approach under PFSs. Next, to show the efficacy and applicability of the developed framework, a real case study of the SHRM problem is discussed on PFSs. Furthermore, this study performs a sensitivity investigation over diverse sets of criteria weights to illustrate the advantages of the proposed methodology. The investigation results demonstrate that the green work-life balance was ranked as the first factor by following corporate social responsibility, green employee relations, and business process redesign factors. Finally, the results of this study found that the developed approach has high efficacy and capability to handle the SHRM problem in manufacturing companies. © 2022

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Assessment of the agriculture supply chain risks for investments of agricultural small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using the decision support model

2023 , Zhai T. , Wang D. , Zhang Q. , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Raj Mishra A.

A key challenge in responding to the emerging challenges in agri-food supply chains is encouraging continued new investment. This is related to the recognition that agricultural production is often a lengthy process requiring ongoing investments that may not produce expected returns for a prolonged period, thereby being highly sensitive to market risks. Agricultural productions are generally susceptible to different serious risks such as crop diseases, weather conditions, and pest infections. Many practitioners in this domain, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), have shifted toward digitalization to address such problems. To help with this situation, the current paper develops an integrated decision-making framework, with the Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs), the method for removal effects of criteria (MEREC), the rank-sum (RS) and the gained and Lost dominance score (GLDS) termed as PF-MEREC-RS-GLDS approach. In this approach, the PF-MEREC-RS method is applied to compute the subjective and objective weights of the main risks to assess the agriculture supply chain for investments of SMEs, and the PF-GLDS model is used to assess the preferences of enterprises over different the main risks to assess of the agriculture supply chain for investments of SMEs. An empirical case study is taken to evaluate the main risks to assess the agriculture supply chain for SME investments. Also, comparison and sensitivity investigation are made to show the superiority of the developed framework. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

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Low-carbon tourism strategy evaluation and selection using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy additive ratio assessment approach based on similarity measures

2022 , Mishra, A.R. , Chandel, A. , Saeidi, Parvaneh

Recently, the assessment and selection of most suitable low-carbon tourism strategy has gained an extensive consideration from sustainable perspectives. Owing to participation of multiple qualitative and quantitative attributes, the low-carbon tourism strategy (LCTS) selection process can be considered as multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. As uncertainty is usually occurred in LCTSs evaluation, the theory of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) has been established as more flexible and efficient tool to model the uncertain decision-making problems. The idea of the present study is to develop an extended method using additive ratio assessment (ARAS) framework and similarity measures in a way to find an effective solution to the decision-making problems using IVIFSs. The bases of the proposed method are the IVIFSs operators, some modifications in the traditional ARAS framework and a calculation procedure of the weights of the criteria. To calculate criterion weight, new similarity measures for IVIFSs are developed aiming at the achievement of more realistic weights. Also, a comparison is demonstrated to the currently used similarity measures in order to show the efficiency of the developed approach. To confirm that the developed IVIF-ARAS approach can be successfully employed to practical decision-making problems, a case study of LCTS selection problem is considered. The final results from the developed approach and the extant models are compared for the validation of the proposed approach in this study. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.

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A decision support model for evaluating risks in the digital economy transformation of the manufacturing industry

2023 , Shang C. , Jiang J. , Zhu L. , Saeidi, Parvaneh

In recent decades, digital technologies have seriously changed socioeconomic systems on a global scale. Unfortunately, consequential issues have remained mostly uninvestigated. The literature lacks research into the risks that may arise in the procedure of developing digital capabilities that have considerable impacts on firms’ innovative growth. In addition, inadequate research has been conducted on challenges that may arise when a business is being developed in the context of the digital economy. Moreover, the advent of new risks specific to the digital economy has not been addressed in the overall system of modern economic relations. As a result, the current study aims to investigate the major areas of relevance to transforming companies into the digital economy, considering the impacts of new risks encountered during such transitions. Along this line, this paper develops a decision support model for evaluating risks in the digital economy transformation of the manufacturing industry. This approach is applied to compute the weights and the study ranks the most important risks for digital economy transformation in the manufacturing industry. In addition, the proposed method model is implemented to find industries’ priorities of different risks for the digital economy transformation of the manufacturing industry. Finally, a case study is carried out to assess the most important risk for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. The results show that lack of top management involvement (f7), with a weight of 0.0563, an unstable market environment in terms of the uncertainty industry, and market volatility, with a weight of 0.0542, are the most considerable risks for the digital economy transformation (DET) of the manufacturing industry. Additionally, comparison and sensitivity analyses are made to illustrate the advantage of the presented approach. © 2023 The Authors