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Effect of enterprise risk management on firms’ outcomes with the moderating effect of knowledge management

2023 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Saeidi S.P. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes , Villacrés Endara H. , Armijos L.

Purpose: This study aims to test the effects of enterprise risk management (ERM) on firms’ outcomes and the moderating role of knowledge management (KM) on ERM–firms’ outcomes relationship. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected via a questionnaire survey among public listed companies on the principal stock exchange market in Malaysia. A total of 124 questionnaires were received by mail questionnaire. The results were examined through structural equation modelling and partial least squares. Findings: The outcomes specified that ERM has a positive and noteworthy influence on firms’ outcomes, and KM has a moderating influence on the correlation among ERM and firms’ outcomes. Research limitations/implications: The qualities, procedures and laws of the Malaysian corporations chosen as the sample firms, as well as their regulations, may not be representative of all other countries. Moreover, this study considered only one variable as a moderator, while there are many variables that different studies can consider as moderator or mediators. Practical implications: The results of this research imply that employees’ awareness and knowledge of events, opportunities and risk, along with their engagement in the institute’s strategy, are critical for risk management and controlling. For the managers, the results of this research can be helpful to their businesses by identifying the effective KM capability that may enhance their positive outcomes. Managers and organizations can use KM as an instrument to increase ERM effect on firms’ outcomes. Social implications: KM and ERM are both significant intangible resources that are hard to imitate and are uniquely specified programs, which are important contributors to firm success in the long run. Moreover, the contingency theory of ERM was proved through the results of this study as it was identified in the public companies, that implementation of ERM as a strategic management practice, by organizations along with an effective KM may enhance the achievement of objectives and outcomes. Originality/value: This study helps to measure ERM comprehensively and how intangible assets such as KM can affect the comprehensive risk management process and its effectiveness. © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Bibliometric Analysis of Existing Knowledge on Digital Transformation in Higher Education

2022 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Guadalupe-Lanas J. , Palacio-Fierro A. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been feeling great pressure to advance in digital transformation. This pressure has been intensified with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2019. Because the digital transformation of HEIs has been attracting a growing number of publications, the present study sought to carry out a bibliometric analysis of such titles. For this purpose, 643 relevant documents were identified from the Scopus database in January 2022. The descriptive results show an accelerated growth of the relevant literature, with conference papers being the main form of publication, followed by articles, conference reviews, and book chapters. The areas with which the majority of documents were associated were computer science, followed by social science, engineering, and business and management. An analysis of the co-occurrence of terms based on the titles and abstracts enabled the identification of three thematic areas of interest: 1) digital transformation in teaching, particularly under the pressure exerted by COVID-19; 2) environmental influences on the digital transformation of HEIs; and 3) enabling technologies for digital transformation. A longitudinal analysis also based on titles and abstracts allows us to see how the primary focus shifted from the economic issue (in 2019) to the COVID issue (in 2021). This study concludes by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of the findings, demonstrating as a particularly interesting area for future research the study of the digital transformation of HEIs in a future post-COVID scenario. © 2022, The Author(s).

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Evaluate sustainable human resource management in the manufacturing companies using an extended Pythagorean fuzzy SWARA-TOPSIS method

2022 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Mardani, A. , Mishra, A.R. , Cajas Cajas, V.E. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes

Today, organizations realized the importance of sustainability in concern with their business activities. They found out that they should focus on other aspects such as environmental and social and economic sustainability. Lately, Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM) is introduced as an instrument to indicate that HRM can affect the sustainable development and resource preservation of organizations. Despite that, SHRM and its related subjects are still in an emerging phase. The present study aims to propose a comprehensive approach to examine the main important factors of SHRM. To do so, a survey approach with the literature review interviewsview with experts is carried out to classify, rank, and evaluate the key SHRM factors in the manufacturing companies in Ecuador. In order to assess and prioritize the factors and the alternatives, this paper introduces a new approach using an integrated Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA)- Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method on the Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) setting called the PF-SWARA-TOPSIS method. To do this, we extend the SWARA method to identify and rank the SHRM factors by using PFSs. Afterward, to assess and prioritize the alternatives, this study utilizes the TOPSIS approach under PFSs. Next, to show the efficacy and applicability of the developed framework, a real case study of the SHRM problem is discussed on PFSs. Furthermore, this study performs a sensitivity investigation over diverse sets of criteria weights to illustrate the advantages of the proposed methodology. The investigation results demonstrate that the green work-life balance was ranked as the first factor by following corporate social responsibility, green employee relations, and business process redesign factors. Finally, the results of this study found that the developed approach has high efficacy and capability to handle the SHRM problem in manufacturing companies. © 2022

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Video Analytics in Business Marketing for Shopping Malls in Ecuador

2024 , Pazmiño Guevara, L , Álvarez-Tello J. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes , Pazmiño-Guevara C. , Maldonado-Pazmiño A.

Introduction: Video analytics has become an important tool for improving business performance, personnel management, and security in different environments, including shopping centres. However, its use also poses a threat to users’ privacy. Aim: In this context the aim of the article is to determine the architecture of video analytics in shopping malls as a business marketing strategy and the vulnerability of users’ privacy. Method: A descriptive methodology with a qualitative approach was used to design a prototype focused on the optimisation of customer business processes and decision making in shopping centres in Ecuador, from problem identification and information requirements management to prototype design, implementation, and training of the model with accurate data. Results: The technological solution is based on the OMIA platform, which generates relevant Key Performance Index (KPI) based on the automatic processing of images from video surveillance systems. Conclusion: It is important that the implementation of the model is trained, supervised, optimised, and regulated to guarantee the privacy and security of information and users under the Organic Law on Data Protection in Ecuador. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.