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Mechanical Design of a Spatial Mechanism for the Robot Head Configuration in Social Robotics

2020 , Alvarez-Tello, Jorge , Zapata, Mireya , Paillacho D.

The manuscript presents the mechanical design of the head configuration in the Human Robot Interaction (HRI) used for the message transmission of emotions through nonverbal communications styles. The evolution of this structure results on a natural movement reproduction for the implementation of non-verbal communication strategies in a normal behavior, achieve the main patterns to evaluate the social interaction with the robotic platform. The mechanical design result from a biomechanical evaluation of the Pitch, Roll, and Yaw trajectories of the human head and neck. The spatial mechanisms, according to the Grübber formula for Spatial Robots, allows 4 degrees of freedom. The spatial chain has universal, prismatic, spiral and revolute joins of the mechanical model-ling. This CAD model permit the 3D print of cardan elements to performance the structure of the mechanisms. The appearance is friendly and the interface reach similar capabilities than a human would have for communication. Finally, human interaction through the head movement gives the opportunity in the future for the evaluation of more parameters of the social robotic interaction between robots-humans and robots-robots. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Design of BPM Processes in Higher Education in Ecuador

2023 , Molina-Izurieta R. , Alvarez-Tello, Jorge , Zapata, Mireya , Robledo P.

Introduction: This manuscript addresses the strategy for digital transformation in university management as an improvement for the development of the link with society, where the digital transformation strategy for the Academy in Ecuador is taken as a reference. Objective: To design the planning sub-process through a Business Process Management Suite as a proposal for improvement in the Information Technology degree programme at the University of Guayaquil. Method: To carry out the design proposal for automation, the problem definition, the AS-IS model, the Hammer PEMM diagnosis for the company and processes are presented. The model is optimised based on the process mining analysis to obtain the TO-BE process. For the implementation, the database, formats, and the end-user interface are designed. Together with the ROI estimation for the justification of the feasibility of the proposal. Results: With the TO-BE process optimised by a business process analysis (BPA) software package, a time reduction of 51% and a total cost reduction of 41% is achieved. The estimated return on investment (ROI) is 1.61. Conclusion: Optimisation through process mining increases the assertiveness in the design of the proposal, exceeding even the initial projection of optimising the process by 30% in contrast to the 51% obtained. The estimated return on investment facilitates the justification for technical implementation, according to the institutional investment programme. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Axonal Delay Controller for Spiking Neural Networks Based on FPGA

2020 , Zapata, Mireya , Madrenas, J. , Alvarez-Tello, Jorge

In this paper, the implementation of a programmable Axonal Delay Controller (ADyC) mapped on a hardware Neural Processor (NP) FPGA-based is reported. It is possible to define axonal delays between 1 to 31 emulation cycles to global and local pre-synaptic spikes generated by NP, extending the temporal characteristics supported by this architecture. The prototype presented in this work contributes to the realism of the network, which mimics the temporal biological characteristics of spike propagation through the cortex. The contribution of temporal information is strongly related to the learning process. ADyC operation is transparent for the rest of the system and neither affects the remaining tasks executed by the NP nor the emulation time period. In addition, an example implemented on hardware of a neural oscillator with programmable delays configured for a set of neurons is presented in order to demonstrate full platform functionality and operability. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.