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Virtual Laboratories for Learning Chemistry and Physics Through Chemlab and Modellus

2023 , Alulima, Lidya , Mena-Alvarado E. , Chacón-Castro M.

In the present-day context, educational institutions have difficulties maintaining technological equipment available to the academic community. Therefore, the technology tools’ implementation for teaching Physics and Chemistry, through virtual laboratories in applications such as Chemlab and Modellus, is pertinent. The objective is to analyze Chemlab and Modellus simulators as didactic strategies that allow integral learning between theory and practice, applied to 200 high-school students of a public educational institution. The methodology is based on a mixed approach to gather information followed by an analysis and interpretation of the results, which are relevant to the use of qualitative and quantitative data based on the measurement of the variables. The subsequent results show satisfaction in the processes according to a survey of professional experts in the area and students who demonstrate to be satisfied acquiring and understanding contents and topics related to the environment reducing the difficulty degree, awakening interest, achieving a balance between theoretical concepts with experimentation and solving exercises, consolidating acquired competencies such as communication and technological skills, critical thinking, autonomy, collaborative work, leadership, decision-making, and resolution capacity. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023.

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Integrating Digital Narrative in Social Studies Teaching: Impact on Learning and Skills Development

2024 , Alulima, Lidya , Cueva H.M. , Chiluisa M.M. , Cherres H.

Digital narrative has gained relevance in Social Studies teaching, allowing students to explore concepts in a more dynamic and participatory way. This research aims to integrate digital narrative into existing educational materials and curricula to support teachers in teaching Social Studies. A mixed qualitative and quantitative approach is used to evaluate the impact of digital narrative on student learning by collecting data through surveys before and after using digital narratives. The results indicate that digital narrative sparks interest, improves comprehension and retention of information, and strengthens critical thinking and analytical skills. Before the research, 61% of teachers did not use this strategy, but after its application, 97% consider that it generates dynamic and participatory learning in the inter-learning process. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.