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Pólya’s Methodology for Strengthening Problem-Solving Skills in Differential Equations: A Case Study in Colombia

2023 , Chacón-Castro M. , Buele, Jorge , López-Rueda A.D. , Jadán-Guerrero J.

The formation of students is integral to education. Strengthening critical thinking and reasoning are essential for the professionals that today’s world needs. For this reason, the authors of this article applied Pólya’s methodology, an initiative based on observing students’ difficulties when facing mathematical problems. The present study is part of the qualitative and quantitative research paradigm and the action research methodology. In this study, the inquiry process was inductive, the sample is non-probabilistic, and the data interpretation strategy is descriptive. As a case study, six students were enrolled onto a differential equations course at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga. A didactic process was designed using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in five sequences that address first-order differential equation applications. As a result of the pedagogical intervention, problem-solving skills were strengthened. All this was based on asking the right questions, repeated reading, identifying and defining variables, mathematization, communication, and decomposing the problem into subproblems. This research study seeks to set a precedent in the Latin American region that will be the basis for future studies. © 2023 by the authors.

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Structural design of a telemetry and video surveillance system implemented in a UAV [Diseño estructural de un sistema de telemetría y videovigilancia implementado en un UAV]

2020 , Moscoso M.E. , Yánez-Arcos E. , Enríquez V. , Cuji J. , Naranjo-ávalos H. , Salazar F.W. , Buele, Jorge

Exploration and monitoring in areas of great extension, where illegal activities could be carried out is a problem that affect to Latin American air forces. Therefore, this research paper describes the structural design of a telemetry system to develop surveillance missions in a small-range UAV prototype. The appropriate elements that are part of the unmanned aerial system (UAS) are determined based on an aerodynamic analysis, determine the best technology, at a reduced cost. The equipment is installed and conditioned maintaining the specific conditions of the aircraft, for stable flights and reliable communication links. The validation of this proposal is carried out through a set of tests that confirm its high reliability, despite being a prototype system. © 2020, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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A virtual reality-based cognitive telerehabilitation system for use in the covid-19 pandemic

2021 , Varela Aldas, José , Buele, Jorge , Lorente P.R. , García-Magariño I. , Palacios-Navarro G.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed people’s lives and the way in which certain services are provided. Such changes are not uncommon in healthcare services and they will have to adapt to the new situation by increasing the number of services remotely offered. Limited mobility has resulted in interruption of treatments that traditionally have been administered through face-to-face modalities, especially those related to cognitive impairments. In this telerehabilitation approach, both the patient and the specialist physician enter a virtual reality (VR) environment where they can interact in real time through avatars. A spaced retrieval (SR) task is implemented in the system to analyze cognitive performance. An experimental group (n = 20) performed the SR task in telerehabilitation mode, whereas a control group (n = 20) performed the SR task through a traditional face-to-face mode. The obtained results showed that it is possible to carry out cognitive rehabilitation processes through a telerehabilitation modality in conjunction with VR. The costeffectiveness of the system will also contribute to making healthcare systems more efficient, overcoming both geographical and temporal limitations. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Cognitive Decline Detection for Alzheimer's Disease Patients Through an Activity of Daily Living (ADL)

2022 , Palacios-Navarro G. , Buele, Jorge , Gimeno Jarque S. , Bronchal Garcia A.

There are conventional screening instruments for the detection of cognitive impairment, but they have a reduced ecological validity and the information they present could be biased. This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and usefulness of a task based on an activity of daily living (ADL) for the detection of cognitive impairment for an Alzheimer's disease (AD) population. Twenty-four participants were included in the study. The AD group (ADG) included twelve older adults (12 female) with AD (81.75±7.8 years). The Healthy group (HG) included twelve older adults (5 males, 77.7 ± 6.4 years). Both groups received a ADL-based intervention at two time frames separated 3 weeks. Cognitive functions were assessed before the interventions by using the MEC-35. The test-retest method was used to evaluate the reliability of the task, as well as the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The analysis of the test-retest reliability of the scores in the task indicated an excellent clinical relevance for both groups. The hypothesis of equality of the means of the scores in the two applications of the task was accepted for both the ADG and HG, respectively. The task also showed a significant high degree of association with the MEC-35 test (rho = 0.710, p = 0.010) for the ADG. Our results showed that it is possible to use an ADL-based task to assess everyday memory intended for cognitive impairments detection. In the same way, the task could be used to promote cognitive function and prevent dementia. © 2001-2011 IEEE.

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Natural lighting performance of vernacular architecture, case study oldtown Pasa, Ecuador

2023 , Bustán-Gaona D. , Ayala-Chauvin M. , Buele, Jorge , Jara-Garzón P. , Riba-Sanmartí G.

Vernacular architecture is an architectural style that reflects the traditions and cultural aspects of a particular region or community. It is characterized by the use of local materials and traditional construction techniques, adapting to the climatic, geographical, and cultural conditions of the place. Despite extensive research on the benefits of natural lighting in modern architecture, there is limited understanding of how vernacular architecture integrates natural lighting principles in various climatic conditions, mainly due to restrictions in intervention and concerns about structural integrity. In today's world, energy efficiency and conservation are crucial aspects of building design. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of natural lighting in the indoor spaces of vernacular architecture. The research includes measurements taken in traditional buildings in the parish of Pasa, Ambato, Ecuador, as well as simulations to evaluate the behavior of sunlight. The findings reveal that, with new construction technologies, lighting levels in the interior spaces of these buildings can be improved. To address this issue, a proposed solution is presented to optimize the use of natural light, resulting in an increase from 30 to 100 lx. This improvement could pave the way for the implementation of policies that enhance the quality of life for users. © 2023

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Facial recognition system for people with and without face mask in times of the covid-19 pandemic

2021 , Talahua J.S. , Buele, Jorge , Calvopina P. , Varela Aldas, José

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the use of a face mask as a mandatory biosafety measure. This has caused problems in current facial recognition systems, motivating the development of this research. This manuscript describes the development of a system for recognizing people, even when they are using a face mask, from photographs. A classification model based on the MobileNetV2 architecture and the OpenCv's face detector is used. Thus, using these stages, it can be identified where the face is and it can be determined whether or not it is wearing a face mask. The FaceNet model is used as a feature extractor and a feedforward multilayer perceptron to perform facial recognition. For training the facial recognition models, a set of observations made up of 13,359 images is generated; 52.9% images with a face mask and 47.1% images without a face mask. The experimental results show that there is an accuracy of 99.65% in determining whether a person is wearing a mask or not. An accuracy of 99.52% is achieved in the facial recognition of 10 people with masks, while for facial recognition without masks, an accuracy of 99.96% is obtained. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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Implementation of an electro-optical sensor in the twin otter fae plane for the strengthening of the strategic surveillance capacity [Implementación de un sensor electro-óptico en el avión twin otter fae para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad estratégica de vigilancia]

2020 , León G. , Enríquez V. , Salazar F.W. , Guallo J.F. , Urrutia F. , Buele, Jorge

In this research work, a feasibility study is presented in order to install an electro-optical sensor on the Twin Otter DHC-6 aircraft of the Ecuadorian Air Force, to strengthen the strategic capacity of surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence. The study took into consideration the limitations and restrictions inherent to the aircraft, which is why it was decided to make a temporary, non-invasive and easy to assemble installation. For the study of affectation, the aerodynamic, structural analysis, loads, weight and balance were considered. Mechanical components and a fairing have been designed in composite materials, so that the sensor attachment is safe and has an aerodynamic surface that reduces the drag coefficient generated. To validate this prototype, a comparison of the aircraft in its normal state with respect to the adhesion of this device is made through tests and simulations. © 2020, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Vehicle locking system using an electronic breathalyzer and notification by mobile communication

2020 , Brito, G. , Salazar, F.W. , Lema, E.O. , Sánchez, A.P. , Pérez, H.V. , Buele, Jorge

This paper presents the implementation of a prototype to lock/unlock the vehicle ignition system. It involves the adaptation of an opto-isolated relay, which has been equipped with a wireless interface of the MQTT protocol. The relay activation is controlled by an embedded board Raspberry Pi 3; it acts as the main unit of the proposed system. The executed control actions are given depending on the information received by radiofrequency from an implemented electronic breathalyzer. This device evaluates the alcohol level and humidity in the driver's breath using the MQ-3 and DHT11 sensors. In addition, a mobile communication platform compatible with Android smartphones is provided to inform the enabling/disabling of the vehicle's ignition system, its geographical location by GPS coordinates and a front facial photograph of the driver. All these features are incorporated by a wireless local network (WiFi) for the elements that make up the prototype. This work also presents the transmission of information to mobile terminals compatible with the Telegram instant messaging system through the UMTS network. In order to validate this proposal, the corresponding tests are carried out and their comparison with a commercial device. © 2020 American Scientific Publishers.

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Static reactive power compensator design, based on three-phase voltage converter

2021 , Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel Ignacio , Kavrakov B.S. , Buele, Jorge , Varela Aldas, José

At present, electrical network stability is of the utmost importance because of the increase in electric demand and the integration of distributed generation deriving from renewable energy. In this paper, we proposed a static reactive power compensator model with common direct current voltage sources. Converter parameters were calculated and designed to fulfill specifications. In order to ascertain the device response for different operating modes as reactive power consumer and generator, we developed the model’s power and control circuits in Matlab Simulink. Simulations were performed for different conditions, and as a result, the current and voltage waveforms and the circular power chart were obtained. This paper has theoretically proven it is possible to achieve the consumption or generation of purely active or reactive power by implementing a static reactive power compensator with common DC voltage sources. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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The cupboard task: An immersive virtual reality-based system for everyday memory assessment

2022 , Varela Aldas, José , Buele, Jorge , Amariglio, R. , García-Magariño, I. , Palacios-Navarro, G.

Background and objective: Virtual Reality (VR) has the capacity to be used in cognitive rehabilitation interventions for diagnostic and training purposes. This technology allows the development of proposals that traditionally have been only implemented using physical elements that imply greater resources and a lesser degree of automation. This work presents an immersive virtual reality (IVR) application (the Cupboard task) for the evaluation of memory in a more ecological way and based on an activity of daily living (ADL). Methods: To appraise its construct validity, we have carried out a comparative study with a traditional method of memory assessment (method of loci). To check for any association between performance and age, performance with years of education, and reaction time with age, the Pearson's correlation was used. One-way ANOVA was used to check for differences in performance by gender. We also performed a reliability analysis with a two way mixed effects model where people effects are random and measures effects are fixed. Therefore, intra-class correlation coefficient with absolute agreement was reckoned to assess the consistency or concordance of the measures made by both the method of loci and the cupboard IVR task. Results: Both tasks were evaluated on a sample of 22 healthy participants who voluntarily took part in the experiment. The results obtained showed a high degree of concordance between both memory performance measures, which assumes good clinical relevance. In addition, other age-related effects were found, common to memory assessment tasks. Conclusions: This work showed that it is possible to use an IVR application to successfully assess everyday memory. We have also demonstrated the potential of IVR to develop valid tests that assess memory functions reliably and efficiently and within ecologically valid contexts. The results obtained open the door to its use in clinical settings for cognitive training (and promoting cognitive health) of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), severe cognitive impairment (SCI) such as Alzheimer or Dementia, etc., with full guarantees of application, although it must first be validated through a randomized control trial (RCT). The degree of usability of the Cupboard task was very high according to the test carried out by the participants. © 2022 The Author(s)