Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam
Convolutional neural network oriented to the gesticulation control of an interactive social robot with humanoid aspect [Red neuronal convolucional orientado a la gesticulación de un robot social interactivo con aspecto humanoide]
Hybrid Storage System Based on Rectenna and Photovoltaic Cells for Low Power IoT Wireless Devices
Integration of renewable energies in conventional power systems based on computational reliability
Absorber length optimization of on-chip colliding pulse mode-locked semiconductor laser
RF Energy Harvesting System Based on Spiral Logarithmic Dipole Rectenna Array
Suitable electric generator for pico-hydro power plant in ambato–huachi–pelileo water irrigation channel
Multi-criteria analysis of turbines for pico-hydro power plant in water irrigation channel
Health and Educational Impacts Reduction Using a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Web System
Multiband Microstrip Antennas for Energy Harvesting Systems
Michell-Banki a Promise Turbine for Pico-Hydro in Water Irrigation Channel