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A Comparative Between S-Commerce and M-Commerce

2023 , Castillo Ledesma, Franklin Adrian , Varela Aldas, José , Oleas-Orozco J. , Soberón-López J.

The internet has contributed with the development of various economic sectors, one of the most important is the sale of products and services. This research aims to present two types of sales, that can be done online and through the use of social media, which can favor businesses in their growth. The objective of this work is to carry out an analysis of the sales that are made through social media and those made through a mobile application. The development of the mobile application was produced using Android Studio with its Kotlin language in conjunction with the MySql database manager. The methodology has been of a qualitative type, with data obtained through surveys carried out with the clients of the business that were the object of the initial study. Considerable results could be obtained in social media, since its development is easier and less expensive than developing your own mobile application for the business. Finally, surveys were carried out on the participating people to measure the level of acceptance of the tools used in the commercialization of the products, in results a summary of the acceptance per question is shown, with an average acceptance of 3.16/ 5 for the mobile application and 4.5/5 for the social network used to sell the products. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Enhancing the Teaching of Natural Sciences in Rural Environments through Educational Videos

2023 , Campaña-Cordova M. , Castillo Ledesma, Franklin Adrian , Oleas-Orozco J. , Moncayo H. , Avilés-Castillo F.

Digital tools are revolutionizing primary education, although their implementation in rural settings is still in its infancy. Educational videos are presented as innovative and efficient pedagogical tools that improve teaching-learning, especially to consolidate understanding in still-incipient or underdeveloped areas. Despite teachers' familiarity with these videos, a gap is perceived in their effective use. In this study, training for teachers of a single-teacher school was conducted and the implementation and impact of digital tools was evaluated, with a particular emphasis on educational videos, in the teaching of natural sciences. An initial survey was conducted to collect data on the use of technology in the classroom and teachers' perceptions of the usefulness and effectiveness of educational videos. The results showed a performance of 90% in the effectiveness of teaching natural sciences thanks to the use of educational videos and recognition by the authorities. However, the need to improve training in the integration of these tools into pedagogical strategies was identified. This finding underlines the importance of training programs that reinforce the efficient use of digital tools in teaching, which will allow teachers to become more effective facilitators of learning. © 2023 IEEE.