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Soda Bottling Process Through the Virtual Hardware in the Loop Technique

2022 , Araque E.J. , Cajamarca A.A. , Paredes D.E. , Segovia J.A. , Tumbaco W.W. , Miranda M. , Andaluz V.H.

Currently, the world is going through an unprecedented health crisis, which has caused significant impacts in the teaching–learning area during the confinement stage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the education system has opted for virtual education through immersive technologies. In this sense, this work presents the development of an industrial process of packaging bottles implemented in the Unity 3D graphics engine. The proposed control scheme considers the hardware in the loop simulation technique, consisting of: (i) process simulation, this stage considers the virtualized process and the mathematical equations that represent the dynamic behavior of the industrial process; the process simulation is implemented in a main computer, and (ii) target hardware, this stage considers the implementation of the advanced control algorithm in low-cost embedded cards. The results obtained allowed the immersion and interaction of the user with the virtual environment, which is part of the hardware in the loop simulation technique. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Virtual Environment of an Industrial Process for Learning and Teaching

2022 , Cueva C.A. , Erazo K.G. , Naranjo C.A. , Saá F. , Andaluz V.H.

Laboratory stations or modules are essential for the teaching-learning process, not having physical laboratories is a limitation for the educational and training process of future professionals. The use of virtual environments allows students to relate to these processes and replace the need to use a physical module partially or to complement their learning. The virtual environment has an interface like a video game, making students are attracted to the use of these tools; These virtual processes, like the real ones, are suitable for the immersion, inclusion, and subsequent evaluation of control techniques. With the use of the Unity 3D graphic engine, the typical laboratory pressure process is virtualized and through simple and advanced control strategies implemented in the Matlab software, it can be controlled with bilateral communication by shared memories. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Advanced Controllers for Level Processes: Hardware-in-the-Loop Technique

2022 , Quispe M.A. , Molina M.C. , Castillo F. , Andaluz V.H.

One of the most important variables in the automation process is the liquid level; therefore, this work presents the design of advanced control algorithms such as model-based predictive control and fuzzy for a level process with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. These will be implemented under the hardware-in-the-loop technique. Where each controller is distributed in embedded devices (Raspberry Pi 4), in turn the mathematical model that presents the dynamics of the process is located in a main computer, in which a virtual environment is developed to contribute with a more realistic representation of the process. This is done in order to evaluate the behavior of the process, as well as to assess the performance of each control algorithm implemented. Finally, the experimental results obtained are presented, based on previously established parameters, which allow the identification of the controller with the best efficiency for process optimization. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Comparison of the Operating Parameters of an Internal Combustion Engine During Cold Start, by Applying Two Ecuadorian Fuels of Different Octane Numbers

2022 , Lema J. , Arteaga G. , Ruales B.

The cold start of internal combustion engines is considered a critical stage for the engine operation, due to increased adhesive wear of internal components and high emission of polluting gases. Engine behavior during this stage can be visualized by evolving its operating parameters, such as: RPM, intake manifold pressure, mass air flow (MAF), engine coolant temperature, catalyst temperature and exhaust gas temperature. However, there may be a slight variability between the values of each parameter depending on the type of fuel being used. This study compares the operating parameters of an internal combustion engine during the cold start stage, using Ecuadorian fuels with octane number 87 and 92 (RON87 and RON92). The collection of exhaust gas temperature data was carried out using a DHT22 temperature sensor connected to an ESP32 module and recorded in ThingSpeak. For the acquisition of the data of the remaining parameters, an ELM327 scanner connected to the OBD II port of the vehicle was used. This information was sent via bluetooth to the OBD app on a smartphone. The results showed that the RON87 fuel has greater calorific power, resulting in increased wear on the engine's internal components, but allows it to reach normal operating temperature sooner. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Carwash Station Prototype with Automatic Payment Using Intelligent Control Systems

2021 , Buele, Jorge , Quilumba D. , Ilvis D.I. , Saá F. , Salazar F.W.

The daily activities of human being can be improved with the use of technology. Therefore, in this work we propose the design of an imperative system of automatic payment to prevent contact between people, avoiding the transmission of viruses and bacteria. Thus, new appropriate and innovative tools are created and applied to business models for the industrial and service sectors. Using and integrating communication between visual programming platforms, telecommunications (messaging) and online payments, using a programmable automaton, an HMI and a Raspberry board. The results show a robust platform framed in electronic payment technology with high performance and very reliable that uses the MQTT protocol for communication. The results show a time of 2.07 s in data writing after sending the signal and 0.80 s of reading the PLC outputs to the monitoring page. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Impact of Technology on Eating Disorders

2023 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , López-Cárdenas M.J. , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge

Eating disorders are a wide range of abnormal behaviors related to food and the vision of the body, and they are diseases that can cause permanent damage to the human being until death. It has been seen that there is a close relationship in the impact of social networks and the use of various technologies that have led new generations to shape their perspective of the body and their food in a different and complicated way. Technology becomes the link that people use to relate to the world and allows them to create and transform themselves around body stereotypes that lead them to modify the quantity and quality of their food. On the other hand, technology also provides the human being with an addictive and possibly sedentary part, which makes the person stop being active, having as a consequence anomalies in their diet such as weight gain. This article aims to consider the role of technology in eating disorders. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Music therapy intervention for memory, attention, and language in children with dyslalia

2021 , López-Hernández E. , Acosta-Rodas P. , Cruz-Cárdenas J. , Ramos-Galarza C.

Dyslalia is a language disorder that is present in a wide percentage of children. This work proposes an intervention protocol in music therapy to improve attention, memory, and language for children with the dyslalia disorder. A confirmatory mixed-method design composed of two studies was conducted: The first included a quantitative and pre-experimental design with a sample of 20 children aged between 5 and 8 years (Mage=6.45, SD=1.23) diagnosed with dyslalia. The second study used a qualitative confirmatory methodology, where participants' parents and therapists participated. Wepman's and the initial Luria pre- and post-tests measurements were applied. The results of the pre-experiment found statistically significant improvements in verbal regulation t(19)=-5.03, p=<.001, d=.76, attention t(19)=-5.05, p=<.001, d=.76, and memory t(19)=-2.88, p=.009, d=.55. In the qualitative phase, narratives were found that affirmed the positive results of the pre-experiment. Moreover, data surrounding the benefits of the music therapy intervention protocol in the improvement of cognitive processes and the relationship with previous literature that found positive results with this type of intervention are discussed. © 2021 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.