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The Communication Between Client-Developer in the Process of Requirements Elicitation for a Software Project

2021 , Alvarez S. , Duy K. , Zapata M. , Galarza J. , Martinez D. , Puco C.

Communication is a fundamental part of the requirements elicitation process for a software project, but the constant changes in the requirements make it difficult to complete a project successfully, and sometimes the customer’s expectations are not met. The problem of communication has different reasons, among them, the shortcomings in the process by which the requirements engineer contacts the customer and the customer does not always have a clear idea of what he really needs. In order to identify the reasons for the communication problems between the requirements engineer and the customer, we have carried out a survey with the participation of employees from two software development companies. The results show the comparison and contrast of the effectiveness of the traditional processes against the current processes in the same way, we can highlight the preference of the experts when choosing a method of elicitation against another one and the advantages and disadvantages that each one represents. We also get results about how to improve the processes that present the greatest number of problems. In addition, it is worth mentioning that results were also obtained regarding how professionals recognize when there is a problem between the developer and the client or vice versa and the possible solution that should be applied to avoid some kind of conflict in the medium or long term in the software’s development project. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Gestalt framework in the design of interfaces for mobile devices: Theoretical approach [Framework Gestalt en el diseño de interfaces para dispositivos móviles: Planteamiento teórico]

2018 , Ripalda D. , Garido A. , Guevara C.

The present work supports a conceptual Framework that includes a constructive - evaluative model with visual references, metrics and usability tests, based on user experience parameters applied through Gestalt principles. We believe this framework may reduce errors in the prototype tests, during the development of Interfaces for mobile applications. © 2018 AISTI.

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Scale of clinical observation to valuate the third functional unit of the Luria theory: EOCL-1. [Escala de Observación Clínica Para Valorar la Tercera Unidad Funcional de la Teoría de Luria: EOCL-1.]

2019 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Benavides-Endara P. , Bolaños-Pasquel M. , Fonseca-Bautista S. , Ramos D.

Luria's brain organization model proposes the interaction of three functional units to understand the work performed by the human brain. The first of them is responsible for the regulation of tone and wakefulness. The second one to receive, process and store the information. The third, and of central interest of the investigation, is responsible for programming, executing and verifying mental activity. To evaluate this theory, a series of experimental neuropsychological tests have been developed, however, a scale has not been proposed that, based on the theoretical precepts on the third functional unit, allows to assess it based on the behaviors of the daily life of the human being. This research proposes a scale that will allow the clinician to assess the mental abilities associated with the ability to program, execute and verify the most complex form of mental activity; integrated in the third functional unit of Luria. The proposal is discussed, based on the benefit that is generated by having a scale that will allow to assess this theory, in the different environments where the individual develops through the action of the cerebral abilities of the third functional unit. © 2019 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.

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COVID-19 spread algorithm in the international airport network-DetArpds

2023 , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Coronel D. , Maldonado B.E.S. , Flores J.E.S.

Due to COVID-19, the spread of diseases through air transport has become an important issue for public health in countries globally. Moreover, mass transportation (such as air travel) was a fundamental reason why infections spread to all countries within weeks. In the last 2 years in this research area, many studies have applied machine learning methods to predict the spread of COVID-19 in different environments with optimal results. These studies have implemented algorithms, methods, techniques, and other statistical models to analyze the information in accuracy form. Accordingly, this study focuses on analyzing the spread of COVID-19 in the international airport network. Initially, we conducted a review of the technical literature on algorithms, techniques, and theorems for generating routes between two points, comprising an analysis of 80 scientific papers that were published in indexed journals between 2017 and 2021. Subsequently, we analyzed the international airport database and information on the spread of COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022 to develop an algorithm for determining airport routes and the prevention of disease spread (DetARPDS). The main objective of this computational algorithm is to generate the routes taken by people infected with COVID-19 who transited the international airport network. The DetARPDS algorithm uses graph theory to map the international airport network using geographic allocations to position each terminal (vertex), while the distance between terminals was calculated with the Euclidian distance. Additionally, the proposed algorithm employs the Dijkstra algorithm to generate route simulations from a starting point to a destination air terminal. The generated routes are then compared with chronological contagion information to determine whether they meet the temporality in the spread of the virus. Finally, the obtained results are presented achieving a high probability of 93.46% accuracy for determining the entire route of how the disease spreads. Above all, the results of the algorithm proposed improved different computational aspects, such as time processing and detection of airports with a high rate of infection concentration, in comparison with other similar studies shown in the literature review. © 2023 Guevara et al.

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Control of an Arm-Hand Prosthesis by Mental Commands and Blinking

2020 , Varela Aldas, José , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Fierro-Saltos, W. , Rivera, R. , Hidalgo-Guijarro, J. , Yandún-Velasteguí, M.

Patients who lack upper and lower extremities have difficulties in carrying out their daily activities. The new technological advances have allowed the development of robotic applications to support people with disabilities, also, portable electroencephalographic (EEG) sensors are increasingly accessible and allow the development of new proposals which involve the mental control of electronic systems. This work presents the control by mental orders of an arm-hand prosthesis using low-cost devices, the objective is to command the arm using the user’s attention and blinking, where the components are a brain signal sensor, a prosthesis, an Arduino board, six servomotors, and a computer. The developed program in Matlab allows controlling the arm by means of an attention level y blinking. The results show the functioning of the system through experimental tests and a usability test is applied, finally, the conclusions establish adequate coordination in the movements of the prosthesis and the patient indicate satisfaction with the proposal. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Profiling of E-Learning Users with Accessibility Needs

2021 , Calle-Jimenez T. , Sanchez-Gordon S. , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio

Currently, there are millions of people who are studying professional training using e-Learning environments. A trend that has been exacerbated by the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. This circumstance has forced students around the world to switch to an emerging online modality in 2020. E-Learning environments has become an important option, maybe the only one, to keep studying, as long as these environments and the educational resources they host are accessible. In this context, it is relevant to have a mechanism to describe the accessibility preferences and need of students through the management of personal profiles. In this study, authors carried out a literature review regarding models designed to enable the creation of profiles in the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and presents an analysis of scientific research published by other researchers and shows the current state of the art of the research area of profiling of students with disabilities in MOOC platforms. This literature review will serve as input to propose a model that allows covering the lack of profiling of students with disabilities within e-Learning platforms to meet the needs of students who have disabilities. As far as we know, this is the first literature review of this kind. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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A real-time algorithm for movement assessment using fuzzy logic of hip arthroplasty patients

2019 , Guevara C. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Rybarczyk Y. , Acosta-Vargas P. , Esparza W. , González M. , Villarreal S. , Sanchez-Gordon S. , Calle-Jimenez T. , Nunes I.L.

The present work proposes a model of detection of movements of patients in rehabilitation of hip surgery in real time. The model applies the Fuzzy Logic technique to identify correct and incorrect movements in the execution of rehabilitation exercises using the motion capture device called XBOXONE Microsoft’s Kinect. An algorithm generates a multivalent logical model that allows the simultaneous modeling of deductive and decision-making processes. This model identifies the correct and incorrect movements of the patient during the execution of rehabilitation exercises. This model uses all the information collected from 24 points of the body with their respective axes of coordinates (X, Y, Z). Using data mining analysis, the algorithm selects the most remarkable attributes, eliminating non-relevant information. The main contributions of this work are: creation of a patient profile based on the movement of the human being in a generic way for the detection and prediction of execution of physical exercises in rehabilitation. On the other hand, an avatar was developed in 3D, which copies and evidences graphically the exercises performed by patients in real time. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019.

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Building an Escape Room to Raise Awareness of Bullying and Cyberbullying

2022 , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Chacón-Castro M. , Illescas L. , Chacón J.

Aggressive conflicts are part of the natural social behavior of students in schools, which can lead to bullying when there is a form of discrimination or abuse of power, either because of their characteristics or their way of life (sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, health, disability, religious beliefs, pregnancy, among others). In the face-to-face mode, the aggressors could be identified and in some way the conflicts were mediated by teachers or authorities of the institution. However, since education changed to a virtual modality caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, new forms of aggressive behavior have emerged with cyberbullying. In this new scenario teachers, parents and law enforcement should take an active role in raising awareness about bullying and cyberbullying. The main objective of this paper is to describe a proposal based on gamification strategy to prevent and raise awareness of aggressive behaviors among students in a virtual environment. The study focuses on three objectives: a) to study the use of visual methods based on microlearning and the techniques to engage students; b) to identify game scenarios and strategies to design an interactive Escape Room; and c) to evaluate the design and content with three experts in psychology. The results indicate that the Escape Room is a different alternative to understand the problems derived from Bullying and cyberbullying. In the future, we are planning to carry out an intervention with students from Ecuador and Colombia to evaluate the impact. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Moral thought after acquired cerebral damage. [El pensamiento moral después del Daño cerebral Adquirido.]

2018 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

Introduction. Moral thinking is a mental skill that allows respecting implicit and explicit social norms. One factor that can alter its functioning is acquired brain damage, as is the case of subjects who have suffered a brain injury at the frontal lobe. Aim. To analyze the relationship between the process of moral thinking and brain functioning, through the description of cases that have suffered acquired brain damage, with the purpose of explaining the situation that an individual lives after presenting brain damage and becoming unable to respect social norms. Development. The clinic of patients who have suffered brain damage at the frontal level, such as Phineas Gage, NN and Elliot, is shown, in which it was observed that its state after the traumatic event was characterized by going back to previous stages of thinking moral, unlike a subject who may present brain damage in later structures. Conclusions. We discuss the analysis performed on the role of the frontal lobe in the process of respecting social norms that allow human interaction and how it can be affected by brain damage. © 2018 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All Rights Reserved.

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Redefining the Museum Experiences in the Virtual Age

2023 , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Mendoza M. , Alvites-Huamaní C.

Technology has the potential to redefine museums, opening the opportunity of new ways to connect with visitors. In the pandemic, museums had to close their doors and in-person visits were canceled. In reaction to this reality, many museums rushed to generate digital tours of their works and collections. The creation and development of these visits were born from the need to continue with virtual visits to continue to bring the knowledge that these institutions house closer. Today a possible approach is to create hybrid experiences that utilize digital technology capable of enriching a physical visit to museums. In this context, this paper addresses three experiences developed in Ecuador: (1) The Spiral of Memory proposal developed at the National Museum of Ecuador (MUNA), (2) The Animals of Yesterday and Today proposal developed at the Smithsonian Virtual Museum and (3) Interactive Museums as Pedagogical Mediators, digital educational resources in virtual learning environments. The conclusion of these experiences led to the conclusion that museums are spaces of interaction that contain an infinity of resources that allow children to create their own stories and compositions from the observation of real facts and situations, presented through the creation of physical or virtual experiences in these cultural spaces. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.