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2023 , Carrillo A.F.

Currently, surrogate motherhood is configured as an assisted motherhood technique, which, in some societies, is accepted and regulated. However, its approval in other societies is still under debate, which is how this work proposes as a general objective Critically review the conception of the fundamental rights that are at stake in favor of the sons and daughters who were born by this technique. For this purpose, a qualitative approach has been used, since it responds to a descriptive investigation of the bibliographic review type, based on the following historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and inductive methods, which allow certain questions to be made regarding the rights of the fathers or mothers of those people who are born as a result of surrogate motherhood. Putting in this way to the public arena, a real, current and controversial situation, which should be better analyzed, to guarantee the fundamental rights of the parties that derive from human dignity. © 2023, University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. All rights reserved.

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Body Composition Evaluation using Bioelectrical Impedance and its Impact on Academic Performance of Nursing Students

2023 , Romero Riaño, Paola , Camaño Carball, Lilian , Yánez-Rueda H. , Buele, Jorge

In the past, nutritional assessment relied on manual measurements that did not allow for the differentiation of body composition components. With technological advancements, the introduction of bioelectrical impedance has provided a more specific approach to obtaining results. This study aims to utilize this innovative method to assess the connection between body composition and academic performance in nursing students. The research focused on a representative sample of 89 participants, utilizing bioelectrical impedance to measure the primary bioelements of the human body. Strong and significant correlations were observed between height and weight, height and muscle mass, and muscle mass and weight. A moderate correlation was found between weight and fat, as well as significant weak correlations between age and fat, and between fat and body mass index. Additionally, a significant weak negative correlation was observed between height and fat. Of the participants, 42.2% of women and 48% of men were classified as overweight. However, the statistical analysis did not reveal significant correlations between academic performance and variables such as weight, muscle mass, fat, and body mass index. Based on this information, it was concluded that most students had a body mass index within the normal range, and no direct relationship between body composition and academic performance was identified. Continuous monitoring of overweight students using this technology is recommended to promote healthy nutritional practices. © 2023 IEEE.

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Neurological dysfunction and exposure to agrotoxics [Disfunción neurológica y exposición a agrotóxicos]

2022 , Andrade-Mora D.S. , Celi-Simbaña S.S. , Celi-Simbaña K.P.

[No abstract available]

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Arboviruses in Mammals in the Neotropics: A Systematic Review to Strengthen Epidemiological Monitoring Strategies and Conservation Medicine

2023 , García-Romero C. , Carrillo Bilbao G.A. , Navarro J.-C. , Martin-Solano S. , Saegerman C.

Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are a diverse group of ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses, with the exception of African swine fever virus, that are transmitted by hematophagous arthropods to a vertebrate host. They are the important cause of many diseases due to their ability to spread in different environments and their diversity of vectors. Currently, there is no information on the geographical distribution of the diseases because the routes of transmission and the mammals (wild or domestic) that act as potential hosts are poorly documented or unknown. We conducted a systematic review from 1967 to 2021 to identify the diversity of arboviruses, the areas, and taxonomic groups that have been monitored, the prevalence of positive records, and the associated risk factors. We identified forty-three arboviruses in nine mammalian orders distributed in eleven countries. In Brazil, the order primates harbor the highest number of arbovirus records. The three most recorded arboviruses were Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis and West Nile virus. Serum is the most used sample to obtain arbovirus records. Deforestation is identified as the main risk factor for arbovirus transmission between different species and environments (an odds ratio of 1.46 with a 95% confidence interval: 1.34–1.59). The results show an increase in the sampling effort over the years in the neotropical region. Despite the importance of arboviruses for public health, little is known about the interaction of arboviruses, their hosts, and vectors, as some countries and mammalian orders have not yet been monitored. Long-term and constant monitoring allows focusing research on the analysis of the interrelationships and characteristics of each component animal, human, and their environment to understand the dynamics of the diseases and guide epidemiological surveillance and vector control programs. The biodiversity of the Neotropics should be considered to support epidemiological monitoring strategies. © 2023 by the authors.

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Young People with Asthma on Vacation at Aqua Park—Esmeraldas

2024 , Álvarez-Sánchez A. , Alquinga-Quinteros M.J. , González-Vega K.N.

This article focuses on providing general information about Esmeraldas, one of the twenty-four provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador. It addresses various aspects of this region, including its gastronomy, geographic location, warm climate, and the activities that visitors can enjoy during their stay. In addition, it highlights a tourist site called “Aqua Park,” which offers an exciting option to spend a pleasant vacation in the company of friends and family. Also mentioned is an interesting aspect of Esmeraldas, its role as a medicinal forest that can be beneficial for asthmatic people. Reference is made to scientific reviews that highlight the anti-inflammatory properties of certain compounds of marine origin. These compounds have demonstrated their ability to target pathogenic molecular mechanisms similar to those involved in glucocorticoid-resistant asthma. In addition, some studies have investigated the protective effects of specific formulations containing marine-derived ingredients on the airways. Although these scientific summaries do not directly address possible side effects or associated risks, they suggest that marine-derived compounds may have therapeutic potential in reducing airway inflammation in people suffering from asthma. However, it is important to note that further research is required to fully understand the safety and efficacy of these compounds in the treatment of asthma. For young asthmatics, the need to take precautions to avoid common triggers such as tobacco smoke, pollen, and dust mites is emphasized. It is also advised to be attentive to weather conditions and to avoid exposure to the open air at times of high contamination or sudden temperature changes. Finally, a warning related to the water park is offered. Although it is presented as an exciting vacation option, it is suggested that there could be asthma triggers in the area, including those mentioned above, as well as the chemicals used for the maintenance of the tourist facilities. In summary, the article provides an overview of Esmeraldas and its attractions, as well as exploring the possibility of using marine compounds in the treatment of asthma. While this possibility is raised, the need for further research to fully understand its efficacy and safety is recognized. Emphasis is placed on the importance of taking precautions for those suffering from asthma, as they may be exposed to various triggers in different environments. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.

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Integral communication on city-brands making: Contributions, strains and challenges [Comunicación integral en construcción de marcas ciudad: Aportes, tensiones y desafíos]

2017 , Navas J.S.G. , Gonzalez, J.

The following qualitative work analyzes the relationship between integrated communication and the construction of city brands from the very perspective of the professionals of communication, who allocate different meanings to this process. The construction of city brands is challenging. There has been an investigation coming from the tensions and challenges that arise from the construction and management of a city brand. Furthermore, a research was carried out through open interviews and discussion groups, this technique allowed to frame historically and socially the professional experiences and the collective construction of a dialogue. Additionally, based on a thematic and content analysis, the textual data was organized and analyzed, this process allowed to created categories and a referential framework that places the purpose of the study. In conclusion, a renaissance figure in communication vanishes before the active participation of all the communication professionals, who ought to work in an integrated, inclusive and collaborative processes beyond the commercial and tourist point, thus, a real change and transformation of a city could be seen from inside and out.

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Methodological strategy for asynchronous learning mathematical operations with real numbers

2022 , Espinosa-Pinos C.A. , Nunez-Torres M.G. , Jordan-Buenano N. , Jordan-Buenano C.

Consolidating the skills to use concepts, properties, and procedures based on algorithms or heuristics and analysis to solve challenging situations is of great importance for students in their learning. This article aims to propose a methodological strategy based on adaptive learning to facilitate the solution of combined operations with real numbers in eighth-grade students of basic general education. The mixed method uses questionnaires applied to students and teachers to collect data. The diagnosis determines that students do not master the basic competencies to work basic operations with real numbers. The teachers agree with the need to apply innovative strategies that promote learning in mathematics. It is concluded that it is imperative to update the planning of content with activities that help motivate students to learn mathematics, considering that not everyone learns at the same pace. © 2022 IEEE.

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Validation of a Scale of Labor Skills in Crisis Situations

2023 , Guerra Guerra, Paulina

All organizations can have a crisis time, in recent years, some factors such as the pandemic, political and economic problems have shown that workers need to develop skills to manage new dynamics and create employment strategies. "The organization must have a good performance that is oriented towards the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the organization. For this we need qualified human resources, because good training and other supportive social spaces are needed to improve the quality of human resources"[1]. One of the key challenges for government organizations today is to deliver performance effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to validate the work skills scale in times of crisis, which can be used to find out the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes of employees to manage staff training in the future. Currently, only a few instruments allow measuring work skills during a crisis, this instrument measures orientation to results in different situations, building relationships, vision and foresight, decision-making, creativity, resilience, emotional intelligence, social networks in each question. This study validates the Competencies for Working in Crisis as a new psychometric tool. The scale was validated after collecting data from 401 SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) employees from different provinces in the Ecuador. It is a descriptive study, non-experimental and longitudinal. Factor structure, reliability and validity measures were also examined using SPSS-21 statistical procedure. Finally, for the analysis of internal consistency, Cronbach's Alpha coefficients were calculated with values (.78), which is considered acceptable [2]. © 2023 IEEE.

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The Impact of Health and Wellness Tourism on Tourists’ Physical, Mental, and Emotional Balance

2024 , Álvarez-Sánchez A. , Rojas-Lara G.A. , Vaca-González E.

Tourism focused on health and wellness has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, as more and more individuals seek to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health during their travels. This type of tourism fuses rest and relaxation with activities and services designed to promote the well-being of travelers. In this context, the research is based on a meticulous approach that incorporates the use of statistical techniques and data analysis. Data were collected from a sample of tourists and hotel professionals located in the coastal region of Ecuador. The variables examined covered aspects related to health and safety in health and wellness tourism destinations, as well as the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of tourists. The results highlighted the relevance of health protocols, health infrastructures, access to medical services, and other health and safety related factors in the well-being of tourists. The findings obtained have significant implications for the health and wellness tourism industry, as well as for tourism destination management. They indicate the need to adopt a new model of tourism consumption that promotes health and safety, especially valuing tourism resources in rural and sustainable areas, including nearby destinations. In addition, they highlight the importance of safety, health, and traveler satisfaction in the promotion of tourism destinations. This research provides valuable information for the tourism industry and decision-makers in developing strategies and policies related to health and wellness tourism. The results can be used to improve tourist experiences and encourage a healthier and safer approach to tourism. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.

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The role of negative affects as mediators in the relationship between stress and mental health in Ecuadorian adolescents

2023 , Moreta-Herrera R. , Zumba-Tello D. , de Frutos-Lucas J. , Llerena-Freire S. , Salinas-Palma A. , Trucharte-Martínez A.

Background Stress and negative emotions have adverse consequences for the mental health of adolescents, an area that deserves further examination. These attributes are associated with each other and regularly interact in different ways. The way they exert an influence can be both direct and indirect, so the general objective is to elucidate the potential mediating effect of negative affects in the relationship between stress and mental health in Ecuadorian adolescents. participants and procedure An explanatory and mediation design based on structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied with 1154 high school students from Ecuador (67.7% women) aged 14 to 19 years (M = 15.69). results In our sample, the presence of stress and negative affect is moderate, while that of mental health problems is low. According to our final model, these variables covary with and influence each other in the following way: stress (X) has a direct effect on mental health (Y) and also an indirect effect mediated by negative affect (M). The structural regression model proposed explains 63.0% of the variance in mental health. conclusions Stress exerts a relevant impact on mental health, both through direct and indirect pathways. The indirect pathway, mediated by negative affect, opens the door to novel interventional strategies to foster mental health. © 2023 Termedia Publishing House Ltd.. All rights reserved