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Segmenting the Chinese Tourist in Long-Haul Travel toward Coastal and Marine Destinations: A Case of Ecuador [在長途旅行中對中國遊客進行沿海和海洋目的地的細分: 以厄瓜多爾為例]

2022 , Orden-Mejía M. , Arce-Bastidas R. , Quezada-Tobar E. , Carvache-Franco M. , Moreno-Manzo J.

The present study tries to understand tourist satisfaction by conducting an empirical study in the province of Santa Elena, located on the central coast of Ecuador. The study sets the following objectives in coastal and marine tourism related to the demand of Chinese tourists: (i) Identify the factors related to the satisfaction of the Chinese tourist demand; (ii) Establish the chinese tourist segments based on the satisfaction and sociodemographic characteristics of the demand; and (iii) Identify the relationship between segments of Chinese tourist demand and return visit intentions, recommendation, and speaking positive things about the destination. The study was carried out on Chinese tourists who had visited the central coast of Ecuador. It was conducted on a sample of 377 individuals. For data analysis, exploratory factor analysis and a cluster analysis were performed. This work identified three underlying dimensions that interpret the satisfaction of the Chinese tourist in marine and coastal environments: General attributes satisfaction, Nature Environmental satisfaction and Service satisfaction. A segmentation procedure based on destination dimensions produced three clusters: ´Higher-satisfied´, ´Low-satisfied´ and ´Satisfied´. The conclusions and implications of the study suggest improvements in terms of promotion and commercialization of the different attributes of the tourist destination. © 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

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2023 , Moreta-Herrera R. , Bassante C. , Bonilla Yucailla, Daniela , Salinas-Palma A. , Paredes-Proaño A. , Dominguez-Lara S.

Objective: Establish an explanatory model through latent variables analysis of tobacco consumption based on alcohol consumption and alcohol consumption based on attitudes towards consumption in a sample of university students in Ecuador. Method: Descriptive correlational and explanatory design using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) techniques. Participants: 546 students (69.2% women) aged between 17 and 41 years old (M= 21.3 years old; SD= 2.6), from four universities (45.1% public ones) in two cities of Ecuador. Results: The predominance of alcohol consumption is high; the prevalence of tobacco consumption is low, and attitudes towards alcohol consumption are ambivalent. Alcohol attitudes predict alcohol consumption (R2= .57) and alcohol consumption predicts tobacco consumption (R2= .26). Attitudes and consumption provide an explanatory model for tobacco consumption with X2= 662.59; p< .001; df= 480; X2/gl= 1.4; CFI= .95; TLI= .94; SRMR= .049; RMSEA= .026 [.021 - .031]. Conclusions: The study of attitudes and consumption behaviors are important for a better understanding about alcohol and tobacco consumption in university students. © 2023 Instituto de Investigacion de Drogodependencias. All rights reserved.

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Flipped classroom as a learning strategy in reading comprehension: A case study of higher education

2023 , Burbano-Anacona, Wilmer Efraín , López Aguilar D.V. , Penaherrera D.I.G. , Paredes Jimenes, Christian Luis

This research carries out a study on the inverted class as a learning strategy in the reading comprehension of university students; taking into consideration that the currently inverted class as a didactic strategy promotes significant learning in students. The objective of this research is to analyze the use of the flipped classroom to improve reading comprehension in the English language in university students. The research is of an experimental nature through a quantitative and qualitative information approach, this allows the data obtained to be classified according to the perceptions of the study population and then planned, and then tabulated to measure the trend they had and therefore, the ADDIE methodology is applied for the development of the gamification resources that were used in the development of the teaching-learning process of the English classes; As a technique, the survey was applied both in the pre-test and in the post-test; Likewise, the technology acceptance model was applied in order to know if the resources applied in the flipped classroom were the most appropriate, as well as the investigation by means of testing the hypothesis that the flipped classroom as a learning strategy improves reading comprehension in university students in the area of English. The results obtained in this experimentation with third-level English students were quite positive, where it was possible to show that when applying the flipped classroom, as well as the gamification resources in synchronous and asynchronous classes, creativity, motivation and collaborative work in the reading comprehension of this language. Finally, it is concluded that the flipped classroom as a learning strategy is directly related to the new educational models that can be used in all fields of knowledge; which allows for breaking the digital gap that exists; Likewise, the student can study according to her learning style; at his own pace, mode, and time that he deems necessary for the generation of knowledge. © 2023 IEEE.

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Emotional intelligence, engagement and academic self-efficacy. Analysis mediation within Ecuadorian universities [Inteligencia emocional, compromiso y autoeficacia académica. Análisis de mediación en universitarios ecuatorianos]

2022 , Bonilla Yucailla, Daniela , Balseca-Acosta A. , Cárdenas Pérez, María José , Moya-Ramírez D.

elements of individuals are necessary to know the impact they maintain in the educational context. They are strong internal motivators that direct the behaviour of the individual to carry out various activities, as well as their achievement and success. There is evidence of the capacities that students have for monitoring, controling and regulating their own behaviours in the learning process. Historically, academic performance has been associated with intelligence in general, but other elements such as self-monitoring, self-control, self-regulation, self-motivation and others are key for preventing school failure and maintaining an adequate school performance. Within educational research, phenomena such as Emotional Intelligence, Engagement and Academic Self-efficacy stand out due to their impact on academic performance. There are several studies that analyse the existing dynamics of these three variables, although separately, so that a multifactorial study could expand the current conception of these internal elements and their effect on education. The objectives were to identify the current state of emotional intelligence, engagement and academic self-efficacy in a sample of university students from Ecuador, as well as the relationship between these variables and the indirect effect of Emotional Intelligence on Academic Self-efficacy through Academic Engagement. Therefore, this study is a descriptive correlational, determination and partial mediation analysis is carried out through SEM using the Brief Emotional Intelligence Inventory for Senior Citizens, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and the Scale of Perceived Self-efficacy Specific to Academic Situations. The sample was made up of 500 students (57.5 women and 42.4 % men), between 18 and 45 years old (M = 24.5 years; SD = 6.9), from two universities in Ambato and Quito in Ecuador and of 11 undergraduate majors. The selection of the participants was developed through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling with inclusion criteria, which are: a) Be legally enrolled in one of the universities in this study; b) Voluntary participation in the study; c) Signed participation consent and c) Be of legal age. Like results, in general, the levels of Emotional Intelligence, Engagement and Self-efficacy are normal among students. Although in Academic Engagement, 30 % are in a risk zone. The relationship between Emotional Intelligence (r= 0.522; p<.01) and Academic Engagement (r = 0.326; p <.01) in Academic Self-efficacy is confirmed. These variables together form an explanatory model that can predict changes in variance by 30.6 %. The theoretical model proposed by means of structural linear regression has an adequate adjustment indicator χ2= 252.9; p<.; 001 df = 116; X2/df = 2.1; CFI=.96; TLI=.95; RMSEA=.049 [.040 -.057]; SRMR=.042. In addition, Emotional Intelligence has an indirect effect on Academic Self-efficacy through Academic Engagement ab=.0031; p<.01. Among the conclusions of the study, it is mentioned that Emotional Intelligence and Academic Engagement are predictors of Academic Self-efficacy. Therefore, their interest and management in the educational context is relevant. Moreover, the Academic Engagement is a partial mediation variable between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Self-efficacy in university students in Ecuador. Emotional Intelligence has as a property the ability to exert not only direct effects, but also partial indirect through a third variable. Among the implications of the study are that the use of more contemporary methods such as SEM allows a broader vision of the modelling of academic behaviour, which is a significant contribution because it significantly reduces measurement bias. In addition, these results contribute to the future development of psycho educational intervention processes that contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of students and to the teaching-learning processes in general. Finally, it is important to replicate similar studies in order to generalize these findings. © 2022, Interdisciplinaria. All Rights Reserved.

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Lextutor Program as a Tool to Teach ESL Vocabulary

2024 , Villamarin G. , Espinosa L. , Barrionuevo K.

There is a growing trend among educators to embrace novel technology to enhance English language acquisition. It is imperative to be updated with new trends in learning, apart from the traditional methods. The study aims to have a positive impact on the way teachers introduce new vocabulary by equip-ping them with innovative and effective approaches to teaching vocabulary through corpus analysis and the use of technology. It will enable students, from beginners to advanced, to reach a real internalization of new words to get a deeper global understanding of the language. Nowadays, there are a significant number of programs freely available on the Web that offer us resources for language learning. This research focuses on vocabulary acquisition by applying a software called Lextutor.ca that displays several tools for linguistic analysis and learning English as a second or foreign language. This program works by man-aging corpora for academic purposes. It will allow users to have access to the storage corpora to obtain the most- relevant vocabulary of the language studied and practice it with contextualized exercises. For this purpose, six tools were selected due to their practicality and easy handling. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.