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Analysis of Adobe Block Manufacturing Techniques

2023 , Molina M.A.R. , Carvajal E. , Jara Garzón, Patricia , Sanz D. , Freire L.

Historically, adobe blocks have been one of the most widely used materials in Ecuador's vernacular architecture due to their low cost and properties. However, in the last decades, its use has decreased as well as the manufacturing expertise. This article focuses on analyzing the adobe manufacturing process in the province of Cotopaxi. We propose a three-stage methodology: 1) documentary bibliographic stage of adobe manufacture and regional regulations. 2) observation stage in local adobe factories identifying the processes and raw material; 3) analysis stage of adobe raw material and experimentation of the material. The documented information facilitates the understanding of adobe manufacturing processes, achieving a reference repository that contributes to sustainable development by using low impact construction materials that are easy to incorporate into architecture. © 2023 IEEE.

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Socio-Spatial Segregation as a Consequence of Commercial Gentrification in the Centrality of Cumbayá, Quito-Ecuador

2023 , Padilla M.J.U. , Zumárraga Salgado, María Daniela , Riascos A.C.T. , Aguilar N.J.M. , Del Cisne Proaño Ruiz K.

The process of urban expansion of Quito has caused the formation of new peripheral centralities, the same ones that offer all the services that the traditional center grants, thanks to public and private investment. In this sense, citizens from wealthy social strata are attracted to reside in these new sectors where consumption, exclusivity and privatization of space become the new way of life that conditions the social dynamics of the territory. This article seeks to identify the types of urban segregation that have occurred from the phenomenon of commercial gentrification evidenced on the edges of the Central Park of Cumbayá between the years 2000 and 2022. For this, a mixed research methodology is used where interviews, photographic archives and surveys allow generating a socio-spatial analysis that evidences this phenomenon. As a result, it was found that commercial gentrification not only has displaced old residents of the sector but also created stigmatization and segregation. Finally, is evidenced that few traditional citizens have resistance to abandon their place of origin and have raised their voices against this urban phenomenon. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.

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2024 , Llacas Vicuña, Luis Deliberto

Urban development based on anthropogenic systems led to evident urban transformations on a global and local scale. Climate change is the product of these transformations, characterized by weather patterns and ecological systems alterations. These alterations cause impacts on urban dynamics, which generate severe social consequences. It becomes imperative to assume the inevitability of the climate phenomenon and adopt a new management model with adaptation and mitigation actions. The research addresses the climatic phenomenon in Ecuador, specifically in the urban area of Riobamba, emphasizing its planning instruments. The objective is to recognize the scope of local instruments and plans related to climate change and to identify actors involved through a map of actors according to their level of engagement and support for climate change action. The research contemplates a descriptive methodology with a qualitative approach using theoretical and argumentative techniques. The research considers documentary and fieldwork through methods such as documentary analysis, unstructured observation, in-depth interviews with strategic actors, case studies, and self-completed perception surveys of available subjects, corresponding to an exploratory and descriptive level. The results show that the local government did not consider initiatives aimed at climate planning and, despite programs and projects that seek to solve environmental problems, they need to be developed in detail or linked as measures against climate change. © 2024 ISEC Press.

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Vernacular Passive Strategies for Sustainable Houses in the Andean Ecuadorian Context

2022 , Ormaza M.V. , Moya Vicuña, Susana , Monar E.

Sustainability and thermal comfort in developing countries could be hard to achieve due to the high cost of standardized construction methods, such as reinforced concrete and steel framed structures. As a result, most dwellings ignore the basic principles of livability and sustainability promoting a high demand of external construction resources and using elevated quantities of energy during its operative life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze passive and vernacular strategies for typical active thermal comfort as alternatives for low rise housing in the Andean region of Ecuador by using rammed earth walls as thermal mass elements. This research aims to reach the minimum comfort levels stablished by INER and ASHRAE 90.1 envelope requirements for climate zone 4C (temperate continental). © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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RF Energy Harvesting System Based on Spiral Logarithmic Dipole Rectenna Array

2023 , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam , Sánchez, Patricio , Pillajo D. , Gordón C.

This paper presents the development, design, simulation and fabrication of a logarithmic spiral antenna array for the electromagnetic energy collection system independent of frequency, compact in microstrip technology, low cost and operating within a range of frequencies. 1 to 4 GHz, are designed using the CST Studio software that allows modeling and simulating essential parameters such as radiation lobes, VSWR, power, gain, parameter S11. From these simulations the printing is done on an RF4 substrate with a thickness of 1.6 mm, a dielectric constant of 4.4 and an input impedance of 50 Ω. The resonator structure antenna with dimensions of 190 × 210 mm. The frequencies obtained with the rectenna matrix, since it offers good performance for electromagnetic energy harvesting applications that operate in standard frequencies such as GSM, WiFi, LTE which are available in the environment and allows us to collect energy. To obtain electrical energy as part of the design of a frequency rectifier which is optimized with the application of the Schottky diode. In addition, its construction of the rectenna matrix was carried out based on the proposed design, then performance tests and validation of the prototype were carried out using the miniVNA Tiny spectrum verifier, and finally energy storage tests were carried out. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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ICT and Augmented Reality in Baños de Agua Santa-Ecuador, Tourist Attractions Generation

2024 , Oleas-Orozco, José , Jara Garzón, Patricia , Castillo F. , Amaluisa P.

Tourism in Ecuadorian context contributes to 2% GDP’s country, it has great potential for growth and exploitation thanks to geographical, natural, cultural, heritage and social factors, among others. These resources are very attractive for internal and external tourism. Baños de Agua Santa, is one of main destinations for local tourists and visitors. Its geographical location, climate and volcanic, mountainous and fluvial landforms have made the place a great interest tourist center. The natural attractions have given way to inhabitant’s initiative for man-made tourist attractions creation, a category part of World Tourism Organization UNWTO classification”. In this way, “Dinosaurs Park” analysis is presented, a theme park, man-made tourist place, which is mainly supported on ICT use, multimedia, offline web APPs and augmented reality AR, for playful learning experiences generation about prehistoric species not native from the area. The AR Through a mixed, quantitative and qualitative approach, information has been obtained on theme park visitors use and satisfaction showing over 90% of positive ratings. The AR applied in theme park, through mobile devices, shows information about prehistoric species, generating entertainment family experiences and significant knowledge in visitors. The results highlight the place's positive economic benefits since the post-pandemic economic reactivation. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Multiband Broadband Modulator Implementation on Field-Programmable Gate Array

2020 , Castro, C. , Gordón, C. , Encalada, P. , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam

The proper management of resources available in FPGA’s is one of the main issues that designers must consider when implementing a high bandwidth communications system. For this reason, we report the hardware-efficient implementation, for mapping stages and pulse shaping, of broadband multi-level QAM signals, in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices. The process for designing the system is based on the large capacity of analog-digital (ADC) converters that exist today, in this case the ADC has a sampling rate of 5 GSPS, which allows the transmission of signals with bandwidths of about 2.5 GHz. The model implements in the same polyphase FIR structure multiplier-less the mapping schemes Q-PSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM y 256-QAM together with the RRC filter. As a result, this implementation shows that the proposed architecture eliminates the use of dedicated multipliers which would be around 3150 if conventional methods were used. The Error Vector Module is used as a figure of merit in the selection of the RRC filter and the digital quantization levels. We achieved the target frequency for hardware operation at 312.5 MHz con un factor de interpolation de 16 and an EVM < 2%. Also, Hardware Description Language (HDL) models are validates in test benches with reference to the finite precision models of Simulink. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Comparative Study in the Comuna Santa Clara de San Millán, Quito - Pedernales Earthquake April 2016

2023 , Ponce, Jorge , Fernandez I. , Bernal F. , Labrada Y.

The Comuna Santa Clara de San Millán is located in the city of Quito, which is a high seismic risk area. On April 16, 2016 an earthquake in Pedernales, Ecuador caused 683 fatalities and substantial material damage [1]. The purpose of the study was to compare the elements of seismic vulnerability manifested in the Comuna Santa Clara de San Millan with those recorded in the Pedernales earthquake. To achieve this, the work evaluates the seismic vulnerability of Comuna Santa Clara de San Millán using qualitative methods, identifies factors in common with the Pedernales earthquake and contrasts the results obtained. The analysis of the data allowed finding typical elements in both sites, such as the construction typology of reinforced concrete frame with unreinforced walls, irregularity in elevation, flat slab with flat beams, and flexible first floor or weak story; it was also identified that 91.7% of the houses reviewed are evaluated as highly vulnerable. The conclusions show the similarity of the structural problems in both places, so similar results could be expected in the event of an earthquake with similar characteristics to the one in Pedernales. This shows the need to continue the seismic vulnerability studies, now using quantitative methods, and to carry out structural reinforcement work in the buildings that require it in the Santa Clara de San Millán Commune. © 2023 IEEE.

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The extensive green facade as a means of production and recovery of biodiversity in urban highland areas of Ecuador

2023 , Moya Vicuña, Susana

Green infrastructures have great potential to promote a productive system, which allows the development of a circular metabolism, as well as the protection and conservation of a biodiversity part. The present observation-based study seeks to analyze the potential productive and biodiversity benefits of a "traditional" extensive green wall located in Conocoto parish in Quitós city, Ecuador. For this purpose, the characteristics of the environment, the plant, and the conditions of its development are described in detail. The results provide recommendations for the design, maintenance, and application of extensive green walls in neotropical mountain climatic conditions, through the use of endemic Andean plants of a productive type, in this case the Passiflora mollisima, also commonly called "Taxo". © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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The Potential of Peripheral Neighborhoods for the Development of Urban Green in Latin American Cities, the Case of Algeria, Quito, Ecuador

2023 , Moya S. , Muñoz D. , Ortiz, F

This article proposes an analysis of the policies and strategies of the city of Quito for the development of urban green, for which the climate action plan of Quito and the plans to be fulfilled until 2030 have been reviewed, as well as the metropolitan corridor and its potential as a green corridor, after this the characteristics of the sector “La Argelia” have been analyzed. as an example of the characteristics of the peripheral neighborhoods of Quito, in order to show the potential that this type of environment has for the development of urban green, in this case from an urban agriculture approach, which could also provide these spaces not only with an economy, but with a circular metabolism, that contributes to the development of the neighborhood and the city. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.