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The Synergy Between Financial Education, Economic Well-Being, and Financial Stress: An Analysis of Interconnections and Reciprocal Effects

2023 , Moreira-Choez J.S. , Cruz Arteaga K.C. , Benavides-Lara R.M. , Velasquez Gutierrez M.T. , Herrera M.K.G. , de Rodríguez T.M.L.

Background: Economic well-being and financial stress have been identified as crucial factors determining quality of life. This study aims to analyze financial education, economic well-being, financial stress, and their interrelations. With this, we seek to provide a more nuanced insight into the financial reality and its implications on individuals' quality of life, which has contributed to the enrichment of the field of study in question. Methods: The research is framed within an applied inquiry paradigm, with a quantitative approach. The survey technique was used, followed by subsequent statistical analysis. The sample consisted of 100 faculty members from the Technical University of Manabí. Results: Among the results, it was highlighted that financial education was positively associated with age, education, and marital status. This indicates that as people age, they acquire more financial knowledge and skills, resulting in better financial education. Conclusions: Among the most relevant conclusions, it supports the idea that financial education and economic well-being are interrelated and can be influenced by individual and socioeconomic factors. It is essential to address financial education and promote healthy financial practices from an early age, to provide opportunities for continuous learning throughout life. © 2023 Moreira-Choez et al.

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Dialogical Ethical Leadership Management Tools: An Organizational Development Opportunity for Productive Efficiency

2022 , Silva Ordóñez, Catalina , Naranjo Gaibor, Aidé Oliva , Salazar Mera, Juan Eduardo

The objective of the research is to link dialogical ethical leadership with the improvement of organizational management, seeking to enhance productive efficiency in the performance of functions in jobs. The exercise of leadership must be inserted in the application of management models of skills, human talent and knowledge as a single unit to replace the traditional management model based on vertical hierarchical processes that produce bureaucratization of work. It is proposed to exercise argumentative ethical leadership in all jobs from an intensive communication dynamic, capable of recognizing the worker as a reward for efficient work. The research was developed under the hermeneutic-documentary approach, exercising an assessment and critical posture that aims to generate contributions to the wonderful world of managerial sciences. © 2022, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved.

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The immigration law as a right: History of normative asymmetry

2019 , Oliván F. , Luque A.

The purpose of this text is to analyze the importance of rights of aliens, taking as a guiding thread a historical journey. From an etymological starting point, necessary to know the nexus and origin of the present risks, we analyze the current interconnections and their relations, namely the globalization of migratory processes. The origins, causes and effects of a global citizenship, which is articulated based on a normative asymmetry, are analyzed in a substantive way. Inevitably, this reality leads towards the construction of a new social architecture, remotely controlled by supranational organisms at the service of particular interests. © 2019 Revista Espacios.

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Evaluate sustainable human resource management in the manufacturing companies using an extended Pythagorean fuzzy SWARA-TOPSIS method

2022 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Mardani, A. , Mishra, A.R. , Cajas Cajas, V.E. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes

Today, organizations realized the importance of sustainability in concern with their business activities. They found out that they should focus on other aspects such as environmental and social and economic sustainability. Lately, Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM) is introduced as an instrument to indicate that HRM can affect the sustainable development and resource preservation of organizations. Despite that, SHRM and its related subjects are still in an emerging phase. The present study aims to propose a comprehensive approach to examine the main important factors of SHRM. To do so, a survey approach with the literature review interviewsview with experts is carried out to classify, rank, and evaluate the key SHRM factors in the manufacturing companies in Ecuador. In order to assess and prioritize the factors and the alternatives, this paper introduces a new approach using an integrated Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA)- Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method on the Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) setting called the PF-SWARA-TOPSIS method. To do this, we extend the SWARA method to identify and rank the SHRM factors by using PFSs. Afterward, to assess and prioritize the alternatives, this study utilizes the TOPSIS approach under PFSs. Next, to show the efficacy and applicability of the developed framework, a real case study of the SHRM problem is discussed on PFSs. Furthermore, this study performs a sensitivity investigation over diverse sets of criteria weights to illustrate the advantages of the proposed methodology. The investigation results demonstrate that the green work-life balance was ranked as the first factor by following corporate social responsibility, green employee relations, and business process redesign factors. Finally, the results of this study found that the developed approach has high efficacy and capability to handle the SHRM problem in manufacturing companies. © 2022

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Effect of enterprise risk management on firms’ outcomes with the moderating effect of knowledge management

2023 , Saeidi, Parvaneh , Saeidi S.P. , Galarraga Carvajal, Mercedes , Villacrés Endara H. , Armijos L.

Purpose: This study aims to test the effects of enterprise risk management (ERM) on firms’ outcomes and the moderating role of knowledge management (KM) on ERM–firms’ outcomes relationship. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected via a questionnaire survey among public listed companies on the principal stock exchange market in Malaysia. A total of 124 questionnaires were received by mail questionnaire. The results were examined through structural equation modelling and partial least squares. Findings: The outcomes specified that ERM has a positive and noteworthy influence on firms’ outcomes, and KM has a moderating influence on the correlation among ERM and firms’ outcomes. Research limitations/implications: The qualities, procedures and laws of the Malaysian corporations chosen as the sample firms, as well as their regulations, may not be representative of all other countries. Moreover, this study considered only one variable as a moderator, while there are many variables that different studies can consider as moderator or mediators. Practical implications: The results of this research imply that employees’ awareness and knowledge of events, opportunities and risk, along with their engagement in the institute’s strategy, are critical for risk management and controlling. For the managers, the results of this research can be helpful to their businesses by identifying the effective KM capability that may enhance their positive outcomes. Managers and organizations can use KM as an instrument to increase ERM effect on firms’ outcomes. Social implications: KM and ERM are both significant intangible resources that are hard to imitate and are uniquely specified programs, which are important contributors to firm success in the long run. Moreover, the contingency theory of ERM was proved through the results of this study as it was identified in the public companies, that implementation of ERM as a strategic management practice, by organizations along with an effective KM may enhance the achievement of objectives and outcomes. Originality/value: This study helps to measure ERM comprehensively and how intangible assets such as KM can affect the comprehensive risk management process and its effectiveness. © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Social capital and the generation of technological innovations in Ecuadorian companies

2021 , Morales-Urrutia D. , Morales Molina, Tania , Morales-Urrutia E. , Quiroga-López M.

The objective of this research is to analyze social capital in the generation of technological innovations in Ecuadorian companies. From the methodological point of view, the data from the Ecuadorian Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) are taken from the ACTI 2012-2014 survey. The results point to the existence of an influence of social capital in the creation of technological innovations in companies. In conclusion, the importance of the networks and the links that are managed strategically in the sectors are highlighted. © 2021, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Consumer value creation through WhatsApp use: A qualitative multimethod approach in a Latin American scenario

2019 , Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge , Guadalupe, J , Zabelina E. , Palacio Fierro, Andrés , Velín-Fárez M. , Staniewski M.W.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand in-depth how consumers create value in their lives using WhatsApp, the leading mobile instant messaging (MIM) application. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopts the perspective of customer-dominant logic (CDL) and uses a qualitative multimethod design involving 3 focus groups and 25 subsequent in-depth interviews. The research setting was Ecuador, a Latin American country. Findings: Analysis and interpretation of the participants’ stories made it possible to identify and understand the creation of four types of value: maintaining and strengthening relationships; improving role performance; emotional support; and entertainment and fun. In addition, the present study proposes a conceptual model of consumer value creation as it applies to MIM. Practical implications: Understanding the way consumers create value in their lives using MIM is important not only for organizations that offer MIM applications, but also for those companies that develop other applications for mobile phones or for those who wish to use MIM as an electronic word-of-mouth vehicle. Originality/value: The current study is one of the first to address the topic of consumer behavior in the use of technologies from the perspective of CDL; this perspective enables an integrated qualitative vision of value creation in which the consumer is the protagonist. © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Trust: Tacit Strategy in Organizational Management

2021 , Suárez-Morales L. , Narvaez G. , Suárez S. , León R.

The objective of this article is to reflect from the theories of Management and Social Psychology on the concept of trust in organizational management, those tacit elements that frame performance. Coleman’s Rational Action Theory, Simon’s Organizational Management Theory and Mintzberg’s Organizational Structure Theory. The methodology was based on the qualitative approach, the type of research was exploratory, using the technique of documentary analysis of bibliographic review in the database of Scopus and classic authors related to the topic. 232 small businesses were tested. By way of conclusion, organizational trust consolidates the management and strategy of the institutional fabric, as a tacit substantial part from the schools of thought of functional administration. Equilibrium theory, the theory of cognitive limits, which proposes confidence as an organization’s performance strategy. © 2021, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Technology Startups: The Case of South American Countries

2021 , Morales-Urrutia X. , Morales-Urrutia D. , Ávila-Herrera S.

The business environment has undergone major changes and is becoming increasingly competitive, a fact that has generated the emergence of new companies or startups as an alternative to the implementation of innovative, sustainable and profitable businesses over time, through the generation of alliances of different strategic actors existing in the environment. The data analyzed came from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor for the period 2008-2014, the variables analyzed are: financing, education, policies, spending on R&D and innovation, technology parks and business incubators, the objective was to analyze the relationship of startups with environmental factors. The main results show that there is a close relationship with the factors analyzed, especially with financing, education and innovation. In conclusion, despite the fact that South American countries are lagging behind in economic and technological terms, there are certain signs of the generation of companies such as those analyzed in this study. © 2021, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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The humanitarian displacement in Ecuador and the migratory processes in its border zone: Vulneration or right

2019 , Luque A. , Carretero P.A. , Morales P.

The present article has as objective the historical analysis of the violation of the rights of the victims of the migratory displacement towards Ecuador: its beginnings, evolution, and current perspective, in relation to the tensions that have been generated in the last times because of the great overflow and income of Venezuelan citizens, due to unemployment and problems within the context of their country of origin. It includes a normative framework that regulates the migratory flows of both countries. © 2019.