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Autonomous Learning Mediated by Digital Technology Processes in Higher Education: A Systematic Review

2020 , Fierro-Saltos W. , Sanz C. , Zangara A. , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Varela Aldas, José , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Rivera R. , Hidalgo-Guijarro J. , Yandún-Velasteguí M.

The concept of autonomous learning has been resignified in recent years as a result of the expansion of the different types of study. Online education in higher education institutions has become an effective option to increase and diversify opportunities for access and learning, however, high rates of dropout, reprisal and low averages still persist. academic performance. Recent research shows that the problem is accentuated because most students have difficulty self-regulating their own learning process autonomously. From this perspective, the purpose of the study was to examine and analyze, through a systematic review of the literature, on autonomous/self-regulated learning, theoretical models and determine which variables influence a learning process mediated by technology processes in the higher education. The findings indicate that: (1) autonomous learning is a synonym of self-regulation; (2) Pintrich’s self-regulatory model is the most used in digital contexts; and (3) the self-regulatory variables identified are wide and varied. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Impact of the pandemic on school dropout: Multidimensional analysis

2023 , Núñez-Naranjo A.F. , Núñez Hernández, Corina , Escobar-Bernúdes D. , Berruz-Uca I.

This study, driven by the need to identify the reasons why primary and secondary school students drop out of their studies pre and post-pandemic, with both endogenous and exogenous causes. The main objective was to analyze the impact of the pandemic on student dropout. An interpretive paradigm with qualitative methods was employed, including qualitative content analysis, and a systematic literature review was conducted using various inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main results revealed that the abrupt shift from in-person to virtual education led to student dropout, as traditional teaching methods attempted to adapt to new technologies, and many teachers encountered technological barriers related to geographical location, economics, among others. In conclusion, student dropout is a global issue influenced by various factors and variables that have led to different models aimed at reducing or eradicating it. © 2023 IEEE.

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2022 , Fernández A.H. , Delgado, Karina , de Barros Camargo C.

The general objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between inclusive education and the social, intercultural and personal conditions of teachers in times of pandemic (COVID-19) through structural equation methodology. This methodology contributes to the research objective by being able to relate the study dimensions in a mathematical way. The sample, selected by convenience (Spain-Ecuador), is made up of 810 university teachers. The conclusion is that the highest relationship is between the dimensions intercultural condition and personal condition, while the lowest relationship is between intercultural condition and social condition. Inclusive education, therefore, is mediated by these conditioning factors and, in spite of COVID-19, it is manifested at the moment of sharing with people from other cultures, with empathy in difficult situations of pandemic. © 2022 Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação – ANPEd Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido en términos de licencia Creative Commons.

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Pulmonary cavitation associated with coronavirus infection: case report

2023 , Moya E. , Tutín B. , Urresta F.

The disease caused by SARS COV2 initially identified in the city of Wuhan - China, covers a wide spectrum of respiratory conditions, mostly mild presentations; however, with a percentage of potentially lethal pathologies such as ARDS. There are also findings whose association with the new coronavirus is still uncertain; pleural effusions, mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pulmonary cavitations, have been described in patients with SARS COV2 infection. The purpose of this paper is to present a case of pulmonary cavitation in the context of the disease caused by SARS COV2 in a Hospital in Quito-Ecuador. © 2023 Sociedad Madrinela de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica. All rights reserved.

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CommonKADS and Ontology Reasoner: Bulky-Baggage Case Study

2021 , Lozada T E.F. , Tenecota W.L. , Pullas Tapia P.S. , Miniguano Miniguano L.D.

This paper presents the development of an agent based on an ontology reasoner based on the CommonKADS methodology. An ontology is built for the representation of the shoplifting trick “bulky-baggage” in the Protégé tool and in Java source code on the Jena library. And to build the agent, the Pellet reasoner is used both for Protégé and for its implementation in Java. As a result, the products that were stolen from the supermarket are taken by inference. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Twitter Mining for Multiclass Classification Events of Traffic and Pollution

2020 , Chamorro V. , Rivera R. , Varela Aldas, José , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Fierro-Saltos W. , Hidalgo-Guijarro J. , Yandún-Velasteguí M.

During the last decade social media have generated tons of data, that is the primal information resource for multiple applications. Analyzing this information let us to discover almost immediately unusual situations, such as traffic jumps, traffic accidents, state of the roads, etc. This research proposes an approach for classifying pollution and traffic tweets automatically. Taking advantage of the information in tweets, it evaluates several machine learning supervised algorithms for text classification, where it determines that the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm achieves the highest accuracy value of 85,8% classifying events of traffic and not traffic. Furthermore, to determine the events that correspond to traffic or pollution we perform a multiclass classification. Where we obtain an accuracy of 78.9%. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Control of an Arm-Hand Prosthesis by Mental Commands and Blinking

2020 , Varela Aldas, José , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Fierro-Saltos, W. , Rivera, R. , Hidalgo-Guijarro, J. , Yandún-Velasteguí, M.

Patients who lack upper and lower extremities have difficulties in carrying out their daily activities. The new technological advances have allowed the development of robotic applications to support people with disabilities, also, portable electroencephalographic (EEG) sensors are increasingly accessible and allow the development of new proposals which involve the mental control of electronic systems. This work presents the control by mental orders of an arm-hand prosthesis using low-cost devices, the objective is to command the arm using the user’s attention and blinking, where the components are a brain signal sensor, a prosthesis, an Arduino board, six servomotors, and a computer. The developed program in Matlab allows controlling the arm by means of an attention level y blinking. The results show the functioning of the system through experimental tests and a usability test is applied, finally, the conclusions establish adequate coordination in the movements of the prosthesis and the patient indicate satisfaction with the proposal. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Validation of a questionnaire on learning through ICT and its Effect on University Students’ Wellbeing During COVID-19

2022 , Monzón N.S. , Mesa M.L.C. , Paredes D.G.L. , Almeida R.R.

Covid-19 virus presence in most countries of the world has lead to an overuse of information and communication technologies (ICT) during training processes. This has made it possible to continue studies in different conditions than the ones experienced in 2019, now in compulsory social isolation and home study environments. This article aims to design and validate an instrument that allows measuring learning by information technologies and its effect on the welfare of university students who assist to online education. Authors began with a documentary analysis for the construction of the theoretical framework and then, the validity of the instrument is checked in a pilot sample of 1952 students. The result was an instrument with a Crombach’s alpha of 0.8. It is concluded that the instrument can be applied in studies related to similar problematic situations. © 2022, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Editorial Design Based on User Experience Design

2020 , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Fierro-Saltos, W. , Rivera, R. , Yandún-Velasteguí, M. , Varela Aldas, José , Hidalgo-Guijarro J.

This research deals with editorial design based on user experience design. The traditional editorial design has had to adapt to the new digital media composition, where multimedia audiovisual elements unthinkable a few years ago need to be integrated. The participation of the reader, as an external observer who only receives information through texts and images, now has new scenarios in which he can actively participate and decide what will come to his hands. In this study, a work methodology based on UxD User Experience Design is presented, in which will generate the editorial design of an educational book on environmental issues, which includes augmented reality for children from 6 to 8 years of age. The aim of this study is to know if an editorial product with augmented reality and developed from the user experience design can improve meaningful learning in a playful and active way. For its development, a composition model based on the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio will be used. Additionally, its graphic composition will be guided by the Massimo Vignelli canon and will be complemented by the reticular model of Beth Tondreau. The augmented reality markers position will also be based on the composition model previously mentioned, which will allow keeping the attention of the reader in the printed document and in the augmented reality animations. The user experience design will be applied with teachers, parents and students from 4 schools in Quito and Ambato. Once the production is completed, the impact on teaching-learning process will be evaluated with a control and a test group, and the methodology with which they will work in the classroom with the educational material developed will be defined. At the end of the study, copies of the book will be delivered to the participating schools of this research for its implementation. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Development of Behavior Profile of Users with Visual Impairment

2020 , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Varela Aldas, José , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Borja M. , Fierro-Saltos W. , Rivera R. , Hidalgo-Guijarro J. , Yandún-Velasteguí M.

The interaction of the user with visual impairment with assistive technologies, and in particular with screen readers, generates a group of actions and events during their navigation. These interactions are defined as behavioral patterns, which have a sequence that occurs at specific time slot. Understanding user behavior by analyzing their interaction with applications, in addition, details the characteristics, relationships, structures and functions of the sequence of actions in a specific application domain. The objective of this document is to find activity patterns from a set of commands used by the user, combining data mining and a Bayesian model. This model calculates the probability of the functions used with the screen reader and generates a behavior profile to improve the user experience. For this study, the screen reader JAWS version 2018, the Open Journal Systems platform version 3.0.1 and a computer with Windows 10 operating system were used. During the first phase, command history used by the user by interacting with the Open Journal Systems platform were collected. The result is that the accessibility of users with visual impairment to interact with the computer and its applications has been improved by applying this model. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.