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Theoretical Neuropsychological Construction of Executive Functions [Construcción Teórica Neuropsicológica de las Funciones Ejecutivas]

2022 , Coello-Zambrano E. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

Executive functions (EF) constitute a large conglomerate of cognitive abilities that, as their name indicates, carry out decisive actions in decision-making and human behavior. They are of a cognitive and socio-emotional nature, they coordinate the input and output information to regulate the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions of a task to be performed. Alexander Luria raises its conceptualization at the beginning of the seventies, being Muriel Lezak the one in charge of its scientific dissemination. In this article, a bibliographic compilation on EFs, their best known theoretical models, their neuropsychological evaluation process, the most common disorders and the most relevant studies in recent years is made. © 2022 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.