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“La Tejería” Festival: influence on the vernacula architecture of Poaló. Píllaro. Ecuador

2021 , Cardet Garcia, Javier , Paredes E.M. , Velastegui L. , Núñez P.

The importance of vernacular architecture was analyzed, as an expression of the identity of the rural habitat; understanding the relationship between the context and cultural practices. The research was carried out in the San José de Poaló parish, in the Píllaro canton with the aim of analyzing the influence of the popular festival on vernacular architecture. Based on the definition of traditional architecture as part of tangible heritage, the study was approached with a qualitative approach, through observation cards, which described the formal, functional configuration, and the spatial conceptions expressed in its popular festival: “La Trajería” Finally, a proposal of guidelines was raised, for the conservation of customs and their incidence in vernacular constructions. © 2021. The author; licensee Universidad de la Costa - CUC.

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Heritage management and communication: Strategies for sustainable tourism in the Historic Center of Pasa. Ecuador [Gestión y comunicación del patrimonio: Estrategias para un turismo sostenible en el Centro Histórico de Pasa. Ecuador]

2023 , Cardet Garcia, Javier , Paredes D.I.A. , Jaramillo G.A.V.

The importance of the Historic Centers was analyzed as evidence of the evolution of the nation, of the transitions of historical periods and the lifestyle of its inhabitants, as well as tourist potential, which would bring economic reactivation and relevance to San Antonio de Pasa, the locality where the development of this research takes place. From an informal qualitative approach, talks, focus groups and field studies were carried out to collect the necessary information and truthfully diagnose the current situation of Pasa in terms of tourism management in its Historic Center. To conclude, a series of strategies capable of contributing favorably to the positioning of Pasa as a tourist product open to Ecuador and the world are proposed. © The author; licensee Universidad de la Costa - CUC.

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Unesco recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape in the city of Riobamba. Ecuador

2022 , Cardet Garcia, Javier , Guilcapi M.C.

The research developed had the objective of generating guidelines for the implementation of UNESCO's recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape-HUH in the first order area of the historic center of the city of Riobamba (Ecuador). For its fulfillment, the minimum units of the landscape were identified, their diagnosis and the determination of the pressures as factors of deterioration, making possible the proposal of a series of guidelines for their conservation, all supported by a theoretical foundation where the main concepts and theories were analyzed, as well as research related to the object of investigation, from a critical posture where their most significant contributions were assumed. Using a qualitative approach methodology, the instruments used in the research were: observation cards, Nara Matrix, cadastral mapping and expert interviews. As a final result, the UNESCO recommendation on the PUH in the first order zone in the historic center of the city of Riobamba was implemented based on a series of guidelines. © 2022. The author; licensee Universidad de la Costa - CUC. All Rights Reserved.