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Heritage management and communication: Strategies for sustainable tourism in the Historic Center of Pasa. Ecuador [Gestión y comunicación del patrimonio: Estrategias para un turismo sostenible en el Centro Histórico de Pasa. Ecuador]

2023 , Cardet Garcia, Javier , Paredes D.I.A. , Jaramillo G.A.V.

The importance of the Historic Centers was analyzed as evidence of the evolution of the nation, of the transitions of historical periods and the lifestyle of its inhabitants, as well as tourist potential, which would bring economic reactivation and relevance to San Antonio de Pasa, the locality where the development of this research takes place. From an informal qualitative approach, talks, focus groups and field studies were carried out to collect the necessary information and truthfully diagnose the current situation of Pasa in terms of tourism management in its Historic Center. To conclude, a series of strategies capable of contributing favorably to the positioning of Pasa as a tourist product open to Ecuador and the world are proposed. © The author; licensee Universidad de la Costa - CUC.