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Factors Influencing the Economic Growth of the Business Sector in Zone 3 of Ecuador

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Figueredo-Morales C. , Vásquez G.B.B.

In zone 3 of Ecuador there are diverse economic and productive activities, therefore, in this research work we intend to analyze the factors that influence growth in the business sector, a documentary-bibliographic research will be carried out through the review of different scientific articles, documents, books, texts and doctoral theses in order to build the state of the art, as well as data from secondary sources of national statistical offices will also be used. The result focuses on the discussion among public, non-governmental and private sector actors, on the economic factors that stimulate the emergence of new companies and the strengthening of existing ones with general information, which affect the initiative to the contribution to business growth and sustainability of the company. In the conclusions we can refer that the entrepreneurs of zone 3 should be more linked among themselves, should be more communicated, have more cooperation among them and establish long-term relationships between them, to generate better conditions that favor the business system and strengthen productivity and innovation. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.

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Health and Economy: A Necessary Relationship to Face the Path Towards Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Post-covid

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Morales C.F. , Vásquez G.B.B.

The health–economy relationship has recently emerged as one of the top priorities at the international level, and the emergence of the virus has caused a lot of human and economic pain. The pandemic has brought human and economic suffering to the international community. Most countries have been affected, and this has been evidenced in the deterioration of health and the contraction of economies, with greater incidence in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main objective was to highlight the current situation of both sectors and possible future developments. The methodology used was a quantitative–descriptive type of scientific research with updated bibliographic information, using as instruments secondary source documents such as state economic reports, updated statistical data, relevant scientific articles and publications in public institutions. The results reflect a difficult health and economic panorama due to internal and external causes, favouring the increase of inequality, poverty and political corruption. The conclusions demonstrate the little evolution that has existed in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) post-pandemic in the health sector and in the economy, which was on the verge of total bankruptcy in the face of such a devastating scenario of the coronavirus, with losses of -7.0% of GDP at the American level. Although new variants of the virus appeared and there was a relapse, by the end of the same year, the real GDP was predicted to increase by 6.3% in 2021, to moderate to 3% in 2022, taking into account the reopening of tourism as one of the main sources of income of these countries with 15.5% of the gross domestic product, all in terms of growth and sustainable development. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.

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Covid-19 and the Challenge of the Health, Tourism, and Economic Sectors, Toward the Path of Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

2024 , Morales Molina, Tania , Urrutia X.M. , Morales C.F. , Vásquez G.B.B.

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is facing a complex health, economic and social situation, characterized by a significant increase in the number of cases of Covid-19, which has led to the closure of businesses, the collapse of the health system and the vulnerability of tourism programs. In this context and with the fall of the production, it caused the increase of inflation, interest rates, unemployment, etc. The objective of the work is to highlight the current panorama of the countries of the region and to review their evolution and the proposals in these sectors toward the path of sustainable development. The methodology used is bibliographic research, and a documentary analysis was used as an instrument, using secondary sources such as economic reports, state reports and public institutions with a qualitative–descriptive approach for the years 2019–2021. The results reflect a very difficult panorama in the health, economic and tourism sectors, due to internal and external causes where the reduction of poverty and inequality follow in order of priority, with a level of agreement of 55% and 51%, respectively. The conclusions show very little growth in these sectors, given that cases of contagion continue to appear, the vaccination process is very slow, little economic reactivation caused by a slowdown in productivity that is manifested in the lag of sustainable development in the region. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.