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2022 , Tocoronte, E.M. , Álvarez Sánchez, Ana

This article deals with the essential elements that intervene with the ability to understand, from the different text typologies in the teaching-learning process of the Castilian language, based on theory, as well as Colombian normative documents, which as a whole and based on the Political Constitution of 1991, must guarantee an inclusive education, where the social and cultural environment of the individuals must be taken into account in order to develop a meaningful and contextualized pedago-gical practice. Throughout the writing, the teaching-learning process is related with the formation of the ability to understand, from different text typologies, as a dynamic element of this process in the third grade students of Basic Primary Education. © 2022, University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. All rights reserved.

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The Climate in Different Tourist Locations Affecting Children with Bronchial Asthma

2024 , Álvarez Sánchez, Ana , Córdova-Luspa L.E. , Pachacama-Freire M.A.

Tourist destinations are chosen by travelers according to the characteristic climate of each place. These climatic changes, allergen variations, and air pollution contribute to trigger allergens that affect bronchial asthma symptoms. In addition, the increase in temperature and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere could lead to a more pronounced production of pollen, which leads to the spread of allergens, increasing sensitization and aggravating allergic reactions in children, especially in those who travel to tourist places such as mountains, beaches, hills, moors, among others. Due to the increasing emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, both in developed and developing countries, the negative effects on respiratory health, especially asthma and allergies, are becoming increasingly important, especially in young children and the elderly. Both global climate change and air pollution have a detrimental impact on respiratory health, especially in relation to asthma and various allergic diseases. Importantly, increased emissions of CO2 and various greenhouse gases contribute to climate change, resulting in more extreme and damaging weather events, such as periods of extreme heat, prolonged droughts, severe and devastating thunderstorms, floods, and powerful tropical storms. All these extreme weather events have negative consequences for people with asthma. As a result of the research, it could be corroborated that droughts cause an increase in the concentration of various allergens in the environment, such as pollen and outdoor fungi, which can cause allergic symptoms in sensitive people. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.

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Computerized Planning of Surface Ratios in a Milk Extraction Plant

2023 , Suárez del Villar, Alexis , Álvarez Sánchez, Ana , Galarza Tipantuña A.R.

The research is carried out on the milk extraction process of a farm that has been showing a decrease in monthly income, negatively affecting profits, the economic deficit is affected by the milk sales price of 0.32 dollars per liter being lower than that of competitors, the lack of real historical data on the amount of milk extracted, losing control of expenses, and that the plant is not suitable for the process of extraction and storage of milk, causing the milk to be sold at times at 0.29 dollars per liter. There are multinationals that have submitted proposals for the purchase of the milk product; to close these contracts they ask for compliance with the technical standard: Guide of good practices for milk production, technical resolution No. 0217 fifth revision. 0217 fifth revision, was applied as a solution the systematic planning of the plant layout (SLP) using a methodology based on the application of the Relationship Diagram in CORELAP software, and the Method of the Elimination of the double sense of movements, selecting the second alternative, in addition, A mechanical milk extraction equipment is implemented with a milking capacity of 50 cows in 10 500 s, this is achieved by milking two cows at the same rhythm, the production time is reduced by 75% going from 55827 s to 13950 s, with this time 127 Lt are increased in the daily extraction going from 1373 Lt to 1500 Lt, and the personnel requirement is reduced from 5 to 3 operators. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Apply the M/M/C Model of Queuing Theory in a Service System Based on FlexSim Simulation in the Post-COVID

2022 , Álvarez Sánchez, Ana , Suárez del Villar Labastida A.

The study includes a literature review, modeling and simulation concepts, applications, FlexSim characterization, and the M/M/C model, i.e., multiple channels. Customer service processes with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been affected by dissimilar reasons among them the distancing that causes queues to become longer and the set of operations to be carried out with the same personnel, being this a not so satisfactory experience for the customer. The article addresses key concepts related to the use of FlexSim software within a simulation model in a service process where decisions can be made based on the study of queuing theory. After performing the Poisson goodness-of-fit test, it was determined that the distribution of hourly queue arrivals does meet a Poisson-type distribution since its Chi-square test reaches a value of 0.92 which is well above the coefficient of 0.5. Therefore, the exact probability of finding n arrivals during a given time T can be found, if the process is random, as is the case of the cooperative. The average number of customers in the queue waiting to be served, gives a reduction from 1.04 to 0.14 customers, so it is understood that, if the increase of servers in the cooperative were applied, this would cause queues to be generated in the system, since its L_q is 0.14 customers. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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2022 , Cosío, E.C. , Suárez del Villar, Alexis , Álvarez Sánchez, Ana , Cruz, I.A.

The research was carried out with official data published in the country, collected from official information sources from 2007 to 2019. In the variables analyzed, the following were considered as having high explanatory power: land distribution, total area, agricultural area, cultivated area, yields of selected crops. For the calculation of the nutritional needs of the population, the nutritional recommendations for the Cuban population were taken into account and the productions were grouped ac-cording to the classification established for the food groups in Cuba. The country’s agricultural area is 6400.18 Mha in 2019, which its use decreases for all the items studied, except for banana, bell pepper, bean, lemon, guava and pump fruit. In addition, yields of the main crops are low, as is the productivity of the livestock sector analyzed. To contribute to the achieve-ment of food security for the Cuban population in correspondence with the standards of the National Institute of Nutrition, an area with technological package (irrigation and optimal yields) of 3942577.82 ha is needed, existing agricultural area in the country; and without technological package (without irrigation), an area of 6424285.82 ha, which are insufficient in 23485 ha. © 2022, University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. All rights reserved.