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Virtual Reality applications based on activities of daily living (ADL) for cognitive diagnosis and rehabilitation

2022 , Buele, Jorge , Varela Aldas, José , Palacios-Navarro G.

Traditionally, screening tools are available to help diagnose a person's cognitive problem. Therefore, rehabilitation techniques are lab exercises that lack adequate ecological validity. In this paper, we propose to establish the projection of a methodology for the development of serious games based on activities of daily living (ADL). Both for real and immersive environments, to assess what provides better results when applied in healthy patients at first, but with a focus on those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. It is expected that when this research is completed, precedents will be established for the development of new proposals based on virtual environments. © 2022 IEEE.

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Effects of immersive virtual reality on the heart rate of athlete’s warm-up

2019 , Varela Aldas, José , Palacios-Navarro G. , García-Magariño I. , Fuentes E.M.

An adequate warm-up prior to intensive exercise can bring benefits to athletes, these requirements may vary depending on the physical activity and the training needs. The immersive virtual reality could have benefits in the warm-up and it can be determined by physiological data of the athlete. This work presents a mobile virtual reality application to stimulate the warm-up of an athlete using a standard treadmill, where the developed application is composed of a pleasant and stimulating environment. A Smartphone and the Gear VR are used as an HMD device, and wireless headphones are placed in the users, in addition, the heart rate of the athletes is monitored using a Polar H7 sensor. Experimental results are obtained in athletes with similar characteristics and conditions, identified a direct relation of the virtual environment with the pulsations per minute (ppm), denoting pulsations greater than usual in case of the stimulating environment and lower pulsations for the pleasant environment. Finally, a usability test is performed that shows the level of sociability of the system. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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Internet of things (IoT)-based assistive system for patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA): a case report

2024 , Varela Aldas, José , vila-Armijos W. , Palacios-Navarro G.

Purpose: Assistive technologies based on IoT can contribute to improve quality of living of patients with severe motor difficulties by providing partial or total independence. The aim of this work was to analyse the usability and performance of an assistive system based on the IoT when is evaluated by a child patient with spinal muscular atrophy type 1 (SMA-I). Materials and methods: The study involved a child with SMA-I and his caregiver. The materials used include an M5Stack Core2 kit, a mobile app, and a smart switch based on the ESP-01S card. The patient sends requests to the caregiver from the app installed on the M5Stack Core2 to a mobile app, and controls smart switches located in the rooms. The system was tested by the participants for a period of 30 days to later evaluate its usability and performance. Results: The results show that the control function of smart switches is the most used and there is no decrease in interactions over the days for the system in general. In addition, the scores obtained from both usability tests (patient and caregiver) were 87.5% and 90%, respectively. The average performance of the entire system was 93.33%. Conclusion: The application of assistive technologies based on the IoT allows obtaining a practical solution that improves the development of daily activities in a patient with SMA-I. © 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

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Monitoring System for Plants Based on a Smart Plant Pot

2022 , Salazar M. , Castillo F. , Andaluz V.H. , Palacios-Navarro G. , Varela Aldas, José

The occupations of the modern world neglect important things like the environment and sustainable development. This work develops a monitoring system for plants, based on a smart plant pot that can be supervised and configured through a mobile application. The electronic design consists of the use of two sensors that constantly send the temperature and humidity of the plant to the mobile application. In addition, a submersible pump provides water to the interior of the plant pot to monitor the condition of the plant. The optimal temperature and humidity settings will depend on the type of plant; these options can be configured remotely. Alerts are sent in the form of notifications or appear on the display of the plant pot when a different status than recommended is detected. Information is reflected locally on the plant pot display as facial expressions. The local operating code is designed so that the facial expression displayed on the screen changes automatically based on the conditions presented on the plant pot. As a result, adequate communication was obtained between the mobile application and all the devices installed in the smart plant pot. Finally, an acceptance test is applied that qualifies this proposal as suitable for domestic use. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Control of a Security Door Through the Internet of Things

2022 , Toapanta J. , Miranda M. , Andaluz V.H. , Palacios-Navarro G. , Varela Aldas, José

Home security has increased in recent years with the help of technology. Even more, the appearance of the internet of things (IoT) allows it to control and monitor devices from anywhere in the world. This work develops a proposal that alerts the user about the status of a door through a mobile application using low-cost devices. For the electronic design, a magnetic contact sensor has been used that detects if the door is open. An electric lock is also used to control the door with the mobile application from anywhere in the user. The electronic system is based on an ESP32 board that has WiFi communication, this board sends the door status data to the mobile application. The electric lock can be activated in three ways: manually from the door, automatically according to a programmed routine, and remotely using the mobile app. The platform used for the IoT is Firebase, which allows the exchange of information between the local site and the remote site. The tests carried out around the prototype have responded correctly, the installed sensor continuously reports on the status of the door, and the control is executed according to the orders sent through the cloud. In addition, an acceptance test is used that guarantees the correct operation of the proposal. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Immersive virtual reality app for mild cognitive impairment

2019 , Varela Aldas, José , Palacios-Navarro G. , García-Magariño I.

A characteristic symptom of neurodegenerative diseases is the deterioration of the memory. These problems usually worsen with the progression of the disease, being the cognitive rehabilitation an important tool in order to slow down the progress of the disease in the patient. This work presents the development of a mobile virtual reality application through a serious game to boost the memory by solving mazes in three levels of difficulty. The application uses the Gear VR glasses to provide the user with an immersive experience. The results present the proposed application, showing the components of the virtual environment. © 2019, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.

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Electric Monitoring System for Residential Customers Using Wireless Technology

2022 , Buele, Jorge , Morales-Sánchez J.C. , Varela Aldas, José , Palacios-Navarro G. , Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel Ignacio

Power grids continue to develop and it is increasingly difficult to guarantee the quality of service offered to the user. In several developing countries, consumption is calculated on the basis of visual inspection, which is prone to errors. Consequently, this document outlines the construction of electrical consumption telemetering equipment. This is designed to reduce human error through manual measures and have a web backup that can be accessed from anywhere. To develop the prototype voltage and current sensors are used, and the signal is conditioned for the control stage. The processing unit is the Arduino Mega embedded board, which incorporates a GPRS Shield (General Packet Radio Services) that handles communication with a LAMP server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) connected to the Internet. It also incorporates a block of connection and disconnection of the electrical service that would leave the whole house without service. Two functionalities are used to present the data, one is local on the LCD display of the equipment installed in the home (user) and the second is remote access to a website (server). The results show that in comparison with a standard voltage device it presents an error of 0.28% and 4.12% in current. In this way, the use of this prototype for real-time monitoring of electricity consumption is validated, since it works similarly to a conventional one. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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A comparison in the teaching of programming for development kits with IoT

2022 , Varela Aldas, José , Miranda M. , Palacios-Navarro G.

Education 4.0 promotes programming at all training levels, making block programming a compatible alternative, including developing applications with hardware. This paper compares UIFLOW and Arduino IDE in programming the M5Stack Core2 development kit for education. The designed task allows students to read, locally view, send, and remotely view the inertial sensor data integrated into the device. The programming in UIFLOW application uses block programming; this software is for the M5stack kits. To program in C code using Arduino IDE is need to install the necessary libraries for compatibility with M5Stack. Students of computer science engineering implement the program using both programming languages. The compared data are development times and acceptance of the participants. The results show the coding times of the program and the scores obtained in the acceptance test, determining faster times in the case of block programming and a better acceptance rate that demonstrates the advantages of using this language in programming education. © 2022 IEEE.

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IoT-Based User Interface for Remote Control of a Mobile Robot

2023 , Varela Aldas, José , Palacios-Navarro G.

Recent advancements in mobile robot research have resulted in the development of precise robot control tools, while information technology research has focused on the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. This study evaluates a user interface designed for remote control of the Crowbot BOLT robot. This robot utilizes the ESP32 board and is controlled through the M5Stack Core2 kit with a touch screen. The user interface offers two modes of operation: touch-based buttons for movement control and gyroscope control based on the M5Stack’s angular position. Communication between the robot and the user interface is established using the MQTT protocol through the ThingSpeak server, allowing control from any location with a line of sight and internet connectivity. Operation data is collected by recording control orders and measuring sending times, while user acceptance is evaluated using an IoT-based technology acceptance model. The results indicate the need for remote control response time improvement and reveal low scores in perceived usefulness and influence social. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the feasibility of remote control of a mobile robot using the MQTT protocol, providing valuable insights for similar applications and considering user recommendations for future enhancements and system expansion. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Educational Robot Using Lego Mindstorms and Mobile Device

2020 , Varela Aldas, José , Miranda-Quintana O. , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Avilés-Castillo, Fátima , Palacios-Navarro G.

Modern education at different levels has integrated the use of technology as a teaching-learning assistant, especially in the initial stage of training because it motivates curiosity and helps the abstraction of knowledge. This paper presents the development of an educational robot using components of the Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit and a mobile app to interact with the student; the robot is build using two motors and two sensors, one to differentiate colours and the other one to measure proximity. The objective is to teach the different colours and explain the spatial position to children under five years old, while the screen of the mobile device interacts with the user. The results show the finished product, the data generated by a learning test, and a usability test, concluding that the robot fulfils its purpose, but requires certain improvements. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.