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Elaboration of the Laboratory Test Protocol for Asynchronous Alternating Current Electric Motors at Company, Located in the City of Quito

2023 , Segura, Juan , Enriquez A. , Arteaga, Gerardo , Topon-Visarrea B.

This article analyzes a company dedicated to providing integral and engineering solutions to industries. The company does not have the necessary protocols to perform satisfactorily the operation tests to three-phase asynchronous alternating current motors. Due to the above mentioned, it is necessary for the organization to have the mentioned protocols for a good development of its activities, customer satisfaction, reduction of reprocesses and a possible certification. To solve the problem, we proceed to adapt the process and the respective sub-processes concerning the AC motor operation tests, with respect to the NTE INEN 2 498:2009 standard in force in Ecuador. The same is adapted to the requirements of the organization to develop the protocols for each of the tests indicated in the standard. In addition, flow diagrams based on the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard are prepared for each of the subprocesses that make up the test protocol in the engines under study. The protocols are made up of four ranges for the execution of the tests to the engines; each one of them aimed at a correct performance of the tests to comply with the standards, minimize reprocesses and achieve customer satisfaction. Likewise, the flow charts are a graphic representation of the steps to be followed in each subprocess, which contributes to a better interpretation of the same by the operator. With the implementation of this protocol, a substantial increase in compliance with the quality standards established by the norm is expected, together with a reduction in reprocesses, which were initially at a percentage of 26, 16 and 21% for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Allowing the creation of favorable conditions in the organization so that it can aspire to a future certification of its processes by national and international entities. © 2023 IEEE.