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3D Object Reconstruction Using Concatenated Matrices with MS Kinect: A Contribution to Interiors Architecture

2020 , Buele, Jorge , Varela Aldas, José , Castellanos E.X. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Barberán J.

Interior architecture is part of the individual, social and business life of the human being; it allows structuring the spaces to inhabit, study or work. This document presents the design and implementation of a system that allows the three-dimensional reconstruction of objects with a reduced economic investment. The image acquisition process and treatment of the information with mathematical support that it entails are described. The system involves an MS Kinect as a tool to create a radar that operates with the structured light principle to capture objects at a distance of less than 2 meters. The development of the scripts is done in the MATLAB software and in the same way the graphical interface that is presented to the user. As part of the initial tests of this prototype, the digitization of geometric shape structures has been performed with an accuracy of over 98%. This validates its efficient operation, which serves as the basis for the development of modeling in interior architecture for future work. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Smart Trash can with User Photo Capture Using Internet of Things

2023 , Varela Aldas, José , Valle Ramos J.L. , Frias Paredes D.M. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

The growing environmental pollution and the lack of recycling awareness have forced governments to establish policies for waste control. The technology is used to apply these policies as a support tool. In this work, smart trash can was implemented using IoT through an ESP32 and Esp32CAM board linked to the ThingSpeak platform to communicate the stations. Since the charge is by weight, the goal is to encourage people to recycle as much garbage and pay less. This system has a mobile application to start it up and visualize the data obtained. The system captures a photo of the user, senses the weight of the garbage, and determines the value to pay. In addition, an OLED screen is incorporated into the smart trash can to display the weight and value to be paid. The data collected demonstrates the system's proper functioning, and the usability evaluation indicates a rating of 76.5%, which is satisfactory for this proposal. © 2023 IEEE.

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Teaching stem competencies through an educational mobile robot

2020 , Varela Aldas, José , Buele, Jorge , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Andaluz V.H.

The STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) competences have taken the classroom of new generations, due to the need to instill interest in technical sciences and promote the careers of the future. In underdeveloped countries, free access to technology is limited by the scarcity of economic resources, for this it is required low-cost tools that facilitate better multidisciplinary learning. This work presents the implementation of an educational mobile robot to teach STEM competencies; the physical structure has been designed using 3D modeling and printing in PLA. The electronic system presented in this work is based on the Arduino embedded card that connects distance, weight, temperature and color sensors, two DC motors, and an LCD screen. In addition, the mobile robot has Bluetooth communication to connect it to external devices. The interaction with the user (student) is done through a mobile application and an HMI that is displayed on a personal computer. The robot’s features allow the measurement of physical variables, conversion of magnitudes, analysis of the operation of sensors and actuators, and the use of control interfaces. Experimental performance tests are carried out by individuals with an average age of 12 years (K-12), who are subjected to a learning test before and after applying this proposal. Finally, usability tests are carried out on teachers to validate the system developed. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.