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RF Energy Harvesting System Based on Spiral Logarithmic Dipole Rectenna Array

2023 , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam , Sánchez, Patricio , Pillajo D. , Gordón C.

This paper presents the development, design, simulation and fabrication of a logarithmic spiral antenna array for the electromagnetic energy collection system independent of frequency, compact in microstrip technology, low cost and operating within a range of frequencies. 1 to 4 GHz, are designed using the CST Studio software that allows modeling and simulating essential parameters such as radiation lobes, VSWR, power, gain, parameter S11. From these simulations the printing is done on an RF4 substrate with a thickness of 1.6 mm, a dielectric constant of 4.4 and an input impedance of 50 Ω. The resonator structure antenna with dimensions of 190 × 210 mm. The frequencies obtained with the rectenna matrix, since it offers good performance for electromagnetic energy harvesting applications that operate in standard frequencies such as GSM, WiFi, LTE which are available in the environment and allows us to collect energy. To obtain electrical energy as part of the design of a frequency rectifier which is optimized with the application of the Schottky diode. In addition, its construction of the rectenna matrix was carried out based on the proposed design, then performance tests and validation of the prototype were carried out using the miniVNA Tiny spectrum verifier, and finally energy storage tests were carried out. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Smart Antenna Array for Optimal Electromagnetic Energy Capture

2023 , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam , Sánchez, Patricio , Escobar E. , Gordón C.

Smart antennas are currently one of the most exploited fields in terms of wireless networks, allowing high data transmission capacities, this is achieved by focusing the radiation on the desired direction and adjusting to the environment and conditions in which communications are developed. Smart antennas employ a set of radiating and emitting and combining elements organized in the form of arrangements connected at a common point to guarantee the required power, the signals from these elements are combined to form a moving beam pattern that follows a pattern determined by the user or designer. The consumption of energy within communication systems is considered a big problem and a challenge when carrying out implementations in media where the storage or recharging of the end terminals is complicated by their location, this trend grows with the presence of the Internet of the IoT things, where it is directly dependent on the construction of a large wireless network that allows everything to be interconnected, for this reason there are investigations in the 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands and represents future work for the 5th Generation (5G) cell phone. The great possibility of collecting electromagnetic energy from densely populated urban areas becomes a great renewable source of power for communication devices for both existing Wi-Fi technology and new technologies such as the 5G network. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Interactive Software for the Learning of Mathematics in Elementary School Students in the Province of Tungurahua

2022 , Sánchez, Patricio , Jácome L. , Sancho C. , Sánchez R.

This article shows a study on the impact of the development of a video game for the teaching of mathematics in elementary school students, developed mainly to strengthen knowledge as a new educational resource for teachers to give interactive classes changing the usual way in which they teach, which would cause the student's interest in learning. The methodology used was based on three phases: first, an exploratory research was carried out in the Gabriela Mistral institution in San Pedro de Pelileo (Ecuador), second, the video game was developed with an agile methodology, applying an adaptive algorithm in its architecture that helps the children's knowledge to be modified through the game, expanding the knowledge information they have. Finally, a determined group of students was evaluated to know whether or not the game contributed to their education and it was found that an increase of 27.78% was achieved in their knowledge, in relation to the levels they had with the conventional learning method. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Monitoring System Based on an IoT Platform for an AFPM Generator

2023 , Cumbajín M. , Sánchez, Patricio , Ortiz O. , Gordón C.

In the present work, a monitoring platform is made for an Axial Flow Permanent Magnet (AFPM) Generator without magnetic core, the objective is to permanently monitor the values that come from the generator, where the generator variables have been acquired through an open source development board called Arduino MEGA, which sends the data to a Raspberry PI, where they are displayed and stored so that they can be processed. The variables are displayed using the graphical node-red environment that offers a very eye-catching dashboard, which will be displayed on a 7 in. liquid-crystal display screen. All the data obtained is stored in a database that will allow its use for specific purposes. The monitoring platform has been built with the ability to monitor the speed of the rotors, the voltage and the current of a phase and thus be able to process the total power supplied by the generator. As a result, the monitoring system is a promise component for Pico Hydro power station to control the power all the time provided by the Axial Flow Permanent Magnet Generator. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Multi-criteria analysis of turbines for pico-hydro power plant in water irrigation channel

2020 , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam , Sánchez, Patricio , Hidalgo, A. , Gordón, C.

We present the Multi-criteria Analysis of turbines for Pico-Hydro Power plant in Ambato–Huachi–Pelileo water irrigation channel. Not only, we have been able to perform a turbine selection using the common requirements like head and flow rate. But also, we have taken into account a multi-criteria analysis by considering: Quantitative criteria, such as Efficiency and Size, combined with Qualitative criteria, such as Maintainability & Serviceability, Portability, Modularity, and Installation Environment requirements. The criteria were analyzed by using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). We have reviewed different turbine options for being used in a pico-hydropower plants, from the analytical hierarchy process. We have concluded that Michell Banki turbine is the recommendable option in terms of easy build and highly efficient. The study of the requirements for the development of Pico-Hydro Power plant in Ambato–Huachi–Pelileo water irrigation channel in Ecuador will be a promising method for meeting the energy needs using renewable resources and avoiding the conventional fossil fuels or any other approach that affects the environment. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Suitable electric generator for pico-hydro power plant in ambato–huachi–pelileo water irrigation channel

2020 , Cumbajín Alferez, Myriam , Sánchez, Patricio , Hidalgo, A. , Gordón, C.

We present the analysis of the selection of electric generator suitable for Pico-Hydro Power Plant in the Ambato-Huachi-Pelileo irrigation channel in Ecuador. For which a meticulous literary review has been carried out about the main characteristics of the Pico-Hydro Power Plant as it is the height, the hydric resource, the turbine and the generator. Considering the water resource, which in our case is provided by the Ambato-Huachi-Pelileo irrigation channel, the parameters of low height and slow speed have been taken around 1.6 m3/s, which has allowed us to analyze the generator suitable for the required Pico-Hydro Power Plant. Therefore, the study conducted has allowed us to conclude that the electric generator suitable for the Pico-Hydro Power Plant in the Ambato-Huachi-Pelileo irrigation channel is a radial flux permanent magnet generator that is capable of providing sufficient electrical power with a simple structure, low revolutions, and high efficiency. Also, a Matlab simulation was developed in order to predict the power which is capable of provide the radial flux permanent magnet generator which in this case is 3.8 KW. This work aims to provide several benefits to the society bordering the irrigation channel, such as generating energy for self-consumption as a contribution to the lighting of the channel at no cost to the public in order that it is not dangerous for the passers at night and providing the ability for maintenance works at any time. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Energy Harvesting System with Solar Panels to Supply Low Power Electronic Devices

2023 , Cumbajín M. , Sánchez, Patricio , Núñez M. , Gordón C.

Solar panels allow acquiring energy from the environment which can be stored for Energy Harvesting purposes. The objective of this work is to design, simulate and characterize different configurations in the harvesting stage, constituted by solar panels for energy harvesting systems of low consumption, identifying the most adequate arrangement to achieve the highest amount of energy together with the conversion stage. The methodology used has been design, simulation in Matlab-Simulink software and characterization with mini solar panels. The developed system consists of 3 stages which are: energy harvesting, DC-DC converter, and storage, focusing on the Energy Harvesting stage. The results obtained in simulation of 4.8V and 160 mA, and measurement of 4.60V and 134.5mA show that the mixed configuration is the one that presents better results in both voltage and current, concluding that the simulated and measured values are very close obtaining an error of 0.05% and 0.16% in voltage and current respectively and an output voltage of the converter of up to 26V. Finally, these results are very promising for Energy Harvesting applications. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Interactive Software for the Learning of Mathematics in Elementary School Students in the Province of Tungurahua

2023 , Sánchez, Patricio , Jácome L. , Sancho C. , Sánchez R.

This article shows a study on the impact of the development of a video game for the teaching of mathematics in elementary school students, developed mainly to strengthen knowledge as a new educational resource for teachers to give interactive classes changing the usual way in which they teach, which would cause the student’s interest in learning. The methodology used was based on three phases: first, exploratory research was carried out in the Gabriela Mistral institution in San Pedro de Pelileo (Ecuador), second, the video game was developed with an agile methodology, applying an adaptive algorithm in its architecture that helps the children’s knowledge to be modified through the game, expanding the knowledge information they have. Finally, a determined group of students was evaluated to know whether or not the game contributed to their education and it was found that an increase of 27.78% was achieved in their knowledge, in relation to the levels they had with the conventional learning method. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Design of a Synchronous Generator of Permanent Magnets of Radial Flux for a Pico-Hydropower Station

2021 , Flores E. , Cumbajin M. , Sánchez, Patricio

The design of a radial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator is presented, which can produce a maximum power of 2 KW at 600 rpm. Once the design was made and its main characteristics determined, the analysis was carried out in MATLAB to observe the behavior of the generator in its operating range. SolidWorks was also used for the elaboration of 3D modeling and finally in ANSYS for its electromagnetic analysis. The objective of this design is that the generator can be installed in a Pico-Hydropower station located in an Ambato–Huachi–Pelileo irrigation channel, in the Tungurahua province in Ecuador. This will allow users to get benefit from electrical energy in difficult access areas. At the same time, when used in the irrigation channel, it will be able to illuminate the channel and thus allow to provide maintenance at any time of the day. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.