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Teleoperation of a mobile manipulator with feedback forces for evasion of obstacles [Teleoperación de un manipulador móvil con retroalimentación de fuerzas para evasión de obstáculos]

2019 , Andaluz V.H. , Varela Aldas, José , Chicaiza F.A. , Quevedo W.X. , Ruales, María Belén

This work develops the teleoperation of a mobile manipulator using a kinematic and dynamic control. In addition, the operator receives feedback forces through a haptic device to evade obstacles. The experiments were performed in a local wireless communication network and using the AKASHA robot. The results show an adequate following of the references of control, speed errors are corrected with minimum communication delays. © 2019, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.