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Supervised learning for improving the accuracy of robot-mounted 3D camera applied to human gait analysis

2024 , Guffanti, Diego , Brunete A. , Hernando M. , Álvarez D. , Rueda J. , Navarro E.

Background and Objective: the use of 3D cameras for gait analysis has been highly questioned due to the low accuracy they have demonstrated in the past. The objective of the study presented in this paper is to improve the accuracy of the estimations made by robot-mounted 3D cameras in human gait analysis by applying a supervised learning stage. Methods: the 3D camera was mounted in a mobile robot to obtain a longer walking distance. This study shows an improvement in detection of kinematic gait signals and gait descriptors by post-processing the raw estimations of the camera using artificial neural networks trained with the data obtained from a certified Vicon system. To achieve this, 37 healthy participants were recruited and data of 207 gait sequences were collected using an Orbbec Astra 3D camera. There are two basic possible approaches for training and both have been studied in order to see which one achieves a better result. The artificial neural network can be trained either to obtain more accurate kinematic gait signals or to improve the gait descriptors obtained after initial processing. The former seeks to improve the waveforms of kinematic gait signals by reducing the error and increasing the correlation with respect to the Vicon system. The second is a more direct approach, focusing on training the artificial neural networks using gait descriptors directly. Results: the accuracy of the 3D camera to objectify human gait was measured before and after training. In both training approaches, a considerable improvement was observed. Kinematic gait signals showed lower errors and higher correlations with respect to the ground truth. The accuracy of the system to detect gait descriptors also showed a substantial improvement, mostly for kinematic descriptors rather than spatio-temporal. When comparing both training approaches, it was not possible to define which was the absolute best. Conclusions: supervised learning improves the accuracy of 3D cameras but the selection of the training approach will depend on the purpose of the study to be conducted. This study reveals the great potential of 3D cameras and encourages the research community to continue exploring their use in gait analysis. © 2024 The Authors

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Efeco scale for assessing executive functions in self-report format [La escala efec'o para valorar funciones ejecutivas en formato de auto-reporte]

2019 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Bolanos-Pasquel M. , Garcia-Gomez A. , Siiarez P.M. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

EFEC'O questionnaire is an instrument that allows assessing executive functions from an ecological perspective because it is based on a day-by-day behavioral report of an individual. The aim was to validate EFEC'O questionnaire in a self-report format. Participants were 250 Ecuadorian adolescents aged between 13 and 18 years (3/a?e=16.23. SD=\.Ti). As results, there was found a significant internal consistency (a=.64-.95), correlation among items (r=.32-.62), correlation among sub-scales (r=.40-76). confirmatory factor analysis of two factors (x2=3S.S7, CFI=98, RMSEA=. 065 [035-094], SRMR=027) and discriminant capacity in monitoring, cognitive flexibility. organization of material, initiative, working memory and planning of adolescents with differences on academic performance. In the discussion part, results are presented in relation to previous findings and taking on account the importance of having an instrument with an ecological validity to assess executive functions. © 2019 AIDEP. All rights reserved.

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Technological Intervention Through the Virtual Assistant Alexa in the Development of Linguistic Skills of a New Language

2021 , Cóndor-Herrera, Omar , Jadán Guerrero, Janio , Acosta Rodas P. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

Nowadays, technological advances have made possible the constant innovation of education, adding resources, tools, and technological devices that are rapidly updated, and improved, is in this scenario where it is proposed to take advantage of the benefits that technology offers, plus the set of informatic abilities that current students have developed from early stages, in benefit of education, since these abilities make easier for teachers to introduce tools, and technological devices into the teaching-learning process. The present research consisted on a technological intervention using the virtual assistant Alexa, with the aim of working on linguistic abilities to learn a new language. The study was conducted with a sample of 32 children aged between 9 and 12 years old. The procedure consisted in the application of an initial assessment (pre-test), then, along 6 weeks an intervention based on the application of Alexa virtual assistant was made, and, at the end of the intervention, a post-test was applied. The intervention focused on four abilities: vocabulary, comprehension of English language, communication skills, and skills of meaning. As results, in vocabulary, there were found statistically significant differences between the pre (M = 4.06), and post-test (M = 7.19); in the comprehension of English language, pre (M = 2.38), and post-test (M = 3.47); regarding communication skills, pre (M = 2.28), and post-test (M = 3.09); and, in skills of meaning, the mean obtained in the pre-test was (M = 3.31), and post-test (M = 4.66); these results contribute with empirical evidence about the improvement in learning a new language. From this research, it is proposed to continue using, and discovering the benefits of different innovations in educative context. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Evaluation of the skills of the prefrontal cortex: The EFECO II-VC and II-VR [Evaluación de las habilidades de la Corteza prefrontal: La Escala EFECo II-VC y II-VR]

2018 , Villegas C. , Ortiz D. , García A. , Bolaños M. , Acosta P. , Lepe N. , Valle M.D. , Ramos V. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

The pre-frontal cortex is the basis of the most complex mental abilities of human development. In its evaluation process, the EFECO scale provides an important contribution to assess its status. In previous investigations this scale has been studied with its configuration of 67 items, narrative focused on the deficit and evaluation of 8 executive functions. This research presents a new version of the scale, centered on its narrative in executive ability, proposed items to assess executive verification function and a summarized version of 42 items. The study included 118 healthy adults between 18 and 25 years of age (Mage = 20.72, SD = 1.65). In the results it was found that the EFECO II-VC scale (modified and complete version) obtained as internal consistency α = .96 and its sub-scales internal consistency between α = .64 and .81. The EFECO II-VR scale (modified and summarized version) obtained α = .94 and its sub-scales between α = .68 and .79. The internal consistency of the factors in which the executive functions are included were adequate: the supervisory system of cognition II-VC α = .93 and II-VR α = .70, while the supervisor system of behavior II- VC α = .93 and II-VR α = .81. The correlations between the executive functions assessed with both scales were between medium and large r = .36 and .94. The work is closed discussing the clinical and scientific contribution of the modification of the EFECO scale. © 2018 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All Rights Reserved.

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Serious videogames for teaching recycling based on the STEM Project

2022 , Chacon-Castro M. , Lopez-Quintero J. , Acosta-Vargas P. , Luna-Pineda J. , Jadán Guerrero, Janio

This article shows an educational practice laboratory, where high school students created educational video games for teaching recycling. This allows the formation of the STEM research with guidance of the researcher. This project had a great impact for the educational institution and for the students presenting this project at the I International Congress of Steam and Active Methodologies (2021). The objective of this research is to design and evaluate serious video games for teaching recycling based on the STEM methodology (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The strategy in this research is: planning, observation, action and reflection. The video game programming is done in the Scratch application where students program the code through blocks. This educational project was applied to 40 sophomore high school students from a private institution. Among the results it is found that there is evidence of a motivational increase on part of the students in mathematics class, due to the fact that when programming in blocks they are more active, dynamic and playful during the learning process. © 2022 IEEE.

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Technological Innovation to Assess Cognitive Functions in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

2021 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Acosta-Rodas M. , Acosta-Vargas P. , Salvador-Ullauri L.

The development of a neuropsychological assessment procedure through a technological platform for children with ADHD. This platform is based on Python programming language, where stimuli have been inserted and, to which, children evaluated must respond freely (letters P), and others to which must inhibit his/her responses (letters R), using an adapted button box (greater attraction for children with ADHD). Variables of interest to the clinician are (a) number of responses to impulse control stimuli, (b) total time of execution of the task, (c) time in milliseconds from the moment when the stimulus is presented until getting a response from the child, and (d) total answers made. This study was applied in children with ADHD versus children without the disorder, finding that children with ADHD presented a mean error of M = 5.05 while children without ADHD M = 3.42. © 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Immersive Technology-Based Guidance Module for Induction Motor Diagnosing

2023 , Naranjo J.-E , Caiza G. , Gallo-C V. , Alvarez-T S. , Lopez W.-O. , Garcia M.-V.

One of the main objectives of virtual reality (VR) is to simplify human resource interactions with equipment once a process is in operation, especially in the case of techniques that are related and whose devices communicate with each other. VR allows operators to become familiar with the production environment and the process in a tangible way during training, making them aware of the context where they will be working, both the physical space and the contingencies that may arise. This paper presents an immersive training module for detecting and correcting faults in induction motors. Two groups were considered for testing the effectiveness of the developed system: a control group and an experimental group. The tests showed that with this technology, the teaching-learning process time is optimized by more than 50%. In addition, with a p-value lower than the selected alpha level, it was confirmed that the use of VR, in this case, is more efficient than the use of conventional training methodologies. Finally, the usability of the proposal was evaluated, concluding that, although the system has several areas for improvement, it is beneficial for the industry. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Neuropsychological treatment of ADHD in preschool: Training of executive function [Tratamiento Neuropsicológico del TDAH en Preescolares: Entrenamiento de la Función Ejecutiva]

2016 , Ramos Galarza, Carlos , Bolaños M. , Paredes L. , Ramos D.

Preschoolers who have symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity and attention deficit manifest alterations in the executive functions: inhibitory control, working memory, monitoring and self-directed speech. It is essential in the preschool classroom to identify children who have difficulty regulating their behavior. The importance of this early detection is the possibility of avoiding a picture of ADHD with greater complexity in the child's future. Training of executive function in children who could present these symptoms has been described as a highly effective strategy. Researches affirm that training of executive function would decrease the likelihood that a child will have ADHD at school age if he had received early attention from preschool. From the clinical experience it has witnessed the evolution of cases of children identified preschool with symptoms of ADHD, and then do a training executive functions for periods of one to two years better, and even at the beginning of schooling have a less severe psychopathology, unlike children who have not received this early intervention. In this paper I will describe the clinical picture of ADHD in initial preschool, the relationship between this disorder and executive function and some strategies in the training of executive functions.

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The executive functions of the frontal lobe and its association with the academic performance of students in higher education

2018 , Besserra-Lagos D. , Lepe-Martínez N. , Ramos Galarza, Carlos

Introduction. Executive functions (EF) are a set of mental skills that allow to regulate the behavior, metacognition and emotions; executing a conscious control of the own thought. The development is progressive along the vital cycle of the human being, therefore, they meet involved in the social, emotional and academic development of the persons. There exist studies that affirm that the academic performance meets influenced by the level of development of the EF (inhibitory control, working memory, cognitive flexibility, monitoring and self-regulation) which relation has been progressively studied in diverse ages ranges and educational levels. Method. This article, has the aim to define and explain principal EF that they influence in the academic performance in university students. For it, there was realized a method of systematic review that allows to compile the investigations that affirm the above mentioned relation. Results and Conclusions. The scopes of the studies affirm that the principal EF involved in the academic performance of the university students is the working memory and in minor measure, the skills of planning, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility. Finally, there are discussed the limitations and projections that this study allows to approach; considering the EF to be a key factor for the academic university success and the implementation of instances of pedagogic supports that should favor the professional development of the students. © 2018 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.

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OMNIBEE: Autonomous Omnidirectional Robot for Service Robotics Applications

2023 , Andaluz, Víctor H. , Carvajal C.P. , Granizo J. , Varela-Aldas J. , Proaño L.E. , Pérez D.

This paper proposes the construction of the software and hardware of an omnidirectional mobile robot with the ability to receive linear and angular velocity commands to move from one place to another. In the prototype can be used controllers suitable for their configuration, capable of performing movements of the omnidirectional platform for the execution of specific tasks, the robot will also transmit the current speeds to have a feedback of any control, i.e., a control law for the execution of positioning, trajectory tracking, road tracking, among others. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.