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Aggression and violence in adolescents in the iberoamerican context, a systematic review

2022 , Javela, J.J. , Naranjo-Niño, B. , Ospina-Sánchez, D.J. , Bahamon, M , Cuesta-Guzmán, M. , Sánchez-Villegas, M. , Moreno-Londoño, H.

This research is a systematic review that uses the Prism method, searching different databases to systematically analyze studies related to aggression and violence in adolescents in Iberoamerica. Objective: The present study aims to systematically analyze studies related to aggression and violence in adolescents in Iberoamerica. Method: Research works were collected from a total of 5 databases. For the selection of the articles, keywords or search terms were entered, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. After the complete reading, a total of 47 research studies were selected. Results: The country retrieved with the largest number of articles was Brazil with a total of 11 documents, followed by Spain with ten, and the United States with a total of eight documents. It was also found that the database with the largest number of articles retrieved was Scopus, with 21 papers equivalent to 44.7 % of the total documents retrieved, followed by Science Direct and SciELO, each with a percentage of 19.1 %, equivalent to 9 documents. © 2022 Academia Nacional de Medicina. All rights reserved.

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Arboviruses in Mammals in the Neotropics: A Systematic Review to Strengthen Epidemiological Monitoring Strategies and Conservation Medicine

2023 , García-Romero C. , Carrillo Bilbao G.A. , Navarro J.-C. , Martin-Solano S. , Saegerman C.

Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are a diverse group of ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses, with the exception of African swine fever virus, that are transmitted by hematophagous arthropods to a vertebrate host. They are the important cause of many diseases due to their ability to spread in different environments and their diversity of vectors. Currently, there is no information on the geographical distribution of the diseases because the routes of transmission and the mammals (wild or domestic) that act as potential hosts are poorly documented or unknown. We conducted a systematic review from 1967 to 2021 to identify the diversity of arboviruses, the areas, and taxonomic groups that have been monitored, the prevalence of positive records, and the associated risk factors. We identified forty-three arboviruses in nine mammalian orders distributed in eleven countries. In Brazil, the order primates harbor the highest number of arbovirus records. The three most recorded arboviruses were Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis and West Nile virus. Serum is the most used sample to obtain arbovirus records. Deforestation is identified as the main risk factor for arbovirus transmission between different species and environments (an odds ratio of 1.46 with a 95% confidence interval: 1.34–1.59). The results show an increase in the sampling effort over the years in the neotropical region. Despite the importance of arboviruses for public health, little is known about the interaction of arboviruses, their hosts, and vectors, as some countries and mammalian orders have not yet been monitored. Long-term and constant monitoring allows focusing research on the analysis of the interrelationships and characteristics of each component animal, human, and their environment to understand the dynamics of the diseases and guide epidemiological surveillance and vector control programs. The biodiversity of the Neotropics should be considered to support epidemiological monitoring strategies. © 2023 by the authors.