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Salty Taste Intensity Classifier Through Multivariate Analysis

2022 , Fuentes E.M. , Varela Aldas, José , Verdú S. , Grau Meló R. , Barat J.M. , Alcañiz M.

Voltammetric electronic Tongues (VET) are widely used on the industry, especially when focused on sample classification, adulteration recognizement and quality control, a VET equipment developed by the Interuniversity Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development of the UPV-UV (IDM) was employed to develop the study, the results of each test were 7920 data, and different Chloride of Sodium concentrations such as 1.25 mM, 2.5 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM were tested. This is a part of a series of studies related with basic flavor recognize though VET, so the aim of this work was to study the capability of the VET to recognize different intensity of salt concentrations, supported on multivariate analysis. The results showed a concordance of more than 70.31% in the separation of samples, allowing to conclude as acceptable the performance of the classifier and the data acquired through the voltammetric electronic tongues. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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Virtual Environment for the Mashing and Boiling Process in Craft Beer Production

2023 , Pogo S.I. , Granizo J. , Andaluz V.H. , Varela Aldas, José

Process automation allows to increase production and improve the quality of craft products. This paper presents the implementation of closed-loop control algorithms for a mashing and brewing plant of craft beer. The proposed control scheme is implemented through the HIL technique, for which a virtual environment that simulates the behavior of the industrial process and a control card where the control algorithms are implemented are considered. To represent the behavior of the plant level and temperature processes, the mathematical model of each process is obtained, this model is used for the design of the control algo-rhythms, and the plant is modeled in 3D and incorporated into the graphics engine also has effects of realism together with been 3D in order to increase the level of realism to the process. For user interaction with the environment, an HMI type mantle center is incorporated to visualize and control the process manually, semi-automatically, and automatically, in order to test the control algorithms safely and avoid the risk of instrumentation damage or loss of real materials. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Criminal characteristics and psychopathy in women in prison [Características delictivas y psicopatía en mujeres en prisión]

2023 , Molina-Coloma V. , Lara-Machado R. , Lara-Barros B. , Valdez-Miño C.

Objectives: To compare the factors and facets of psychopathy based on criminal characteristics in a sample of women in prison. Material and method: Descriptive, comparative, cross-sectional study composed of a sample of 41 women incarcerated in the Ambato prison in Ecuador. In an individual session, the Hare Psychopathy Scale Revised was applied. Results: Recidivist women, with a juvenile criminal history and who are admitted to the maximum-security ward, have a higher score in the affective facet of the PCL-R. In addition, those women who are in the maximum-security pavilion have scored high in factor 2 (social deviance), mainly in the antisocial aspect. Discussion: This subgroup of women in prison is characterized by lack of remorse, emotional insensitivity, manipulation, inability to accept responsibility for their own actions, and superficial affection. Further expansion of the study of psychopathy in women is required. © 2023, Sociedad Espanola de Sanidad Penitenciaria. All rights reserved.

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Vortex Optimization of a Low-Head Gravity Hydroelectric Power Plant

2022 , Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel Ignacio , Rojas-Asuero H. , Riba-Sanmartí G. , Ramón-Campoverde J.

Gravitational Water Vortex Power Plant (GWVPP) is a Small-Scale Hydropower System which converts energy in a moving fluid to rotational energy. The main advantage of this technology is the low head hydraulic requirements. The aim of this work is to optimize the hydraulic geometry of the vortex, to achieve this, two prototypes (A and B) were designed and built to validate the proposed design process. The prototype A has a flat-bottom chamber and prototype B has a conical chamber outlet; both induce spiraling fluid streamlines. Prototypes were studied numerically and experimentally. The numerical study was developed in ANSYS CFX R19.0 software and the experimental phase was carried out in the fluid’s laboratory of the Technical University of Loja in Ecuador. The results show that the conical chamber improves strong free-surface vortex formation and increases water velocity in the center of the vortex flow. Finally, the proposed design method was validated and allows to reproduce the hydraulic structures of the gravity water vortex power plant. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Tuning the energy gap of graphene quantum dots functionalized by [sbnd]OH and [sbnd]COOH radicals: First principle study

2024 , Ojeda-Martínez M. , Pérez Martínez A.N. , El Hamdaoui J. , Courel Piedrahita M. , Feddi E.M. , Thirumuruganandham, Saravana Prakash , Ojeda Martínez M.L. , Cuevas Figueroa J.L. , Velásquez Ordoñez C. , Mowbray D.J.

In this work, we performed theoretical calculations based on density functional theory for graphene quantum dots considering three different sizes. We consider graphene quantum dots formed by 7, 19, and 37 rings of C atoms in a hexagonal arrangement. The electronic band structure of graphite and graphene were calculated to evaluate the methodology and parameters used during calculations. The modeled graphene quantum dots structures were initially passivated by H atoms, then the H atoms were gradually replaced by [sbnd]OH or [sbnd]COOH radicals to investigate the influence of oxygen on the chemical stability and the energy gap. Based on the electric dipole moment, the replacement positions were selected. The results demonstrate that all the structures are chemically stable and that the energy gap depends on the number of [sbnd]OH or [sbnd]COOH radicals at the edge of the GQDs. H passivation results in energy gaps of 2.83 eV, 1.87 eV and 1.33 eV, decreasing with increasing [sbnd]OH or [sbnd]COOH radical amount. It was found that the energy gap varies non-monotonically as the [sbnd]OH or [sbnd]COOH radicals increase. To better understand the origin of the energy gap and its changes by [sbnd]OH or [sbnd]COOH radicals, we calculated the DOS and evaluated the HOMO and LUMO by Fermi surfaces. © 2023 Elsevier B.V.

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A theoretical study of the electronic properties of hydrogenated spherical-like SiC quantum dots with C-rich and Si-rich compositions

2024 , Ojeda-Martínez M. , Thirumuruganandham S.P. , Baños A.T. , Figueroa, J.L.C.

Quantum dots have many potential applications in opto-electronics, energy storage, catalysis, and medical diagnostics, silicon carbide quantum dots could be very attractive for many biological and technological applications due to their chemical inertness and biocompatibility, however, there are seldom theoretical studies that could boost the development of these applications. In this work, the electronic properties of hydrogenated spherical-like SiC quantum dots with C-rich and Si-rich compositions are investigated using density functional theory calculations. The quantum dots are modeled by removing atoms outside a sphere from an otherwise perfect SiC crystal, the surface dangling bonds are passivated with H atoms. Our results exhibit that the electronic properties of the SiC-QD are strongly influenced by their composition and diameter size. The energy gap is always higher than that of the crystalline SiC, making these SiC QD's suitable for applications at harsh temperatures. The density of states and the energy levels show that the Si-rich quantum dots had a higher density of states near the conduction band minimum, which indicates better conductivity. These results could be used to tune the electronicproperties of SiC quantum dots for optoelectronic applications. © 2024 Wiley Periodicals LLC.

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Autonomous Learning Mediated by Digital Technology Processes in Higher Education: A Systematic Review

2020 , Fierro-Saltos W. , Sanz C. , Zangara A. , Guevara Maldonado, César Byron , Arias Flores, Hugo Patricio , Castillo Salazar, David Ricardo , Varela Aldas, José , Borja Galeas, Carlos , Rivera R. , Hidalgo-Guijarro J. , Yandún-Velasteguí M.

The concept of autonomous learning has been resignified in recent years as a result of the expansion of the different types of study. Online education in higher education institutions has become an effective option to increase and diversify opportunities for access and learning, however, high rates of dropout, reprisal and low averages still persist. academic performance. Recent research shows that the problem is accentuated because most students have difficulty self-regulating their own learning process autonomously. From this perspective, the purpose of the study was to examine and analyze, through a systematic review of the literature, on autonomous/self-regulated learning, theoretical models and determine which variables influence a learning process mediated by technology processes in the higher education. The findings indicate that: (1) autonomous learning is a synonym of self-regulation; (2) Pintrich’s self-regulatory model is the most used in digital contexts; and (3) the self-regulatory variables identified are wide and varied. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.

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Temperature control system with hysteresis for drying oven using IoT

2023 , Bucay-Valdiviezo J. , Veronica-Ocana Parra S. , Saa F. , Varela Aldas, José

The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) spread to the whole world, improving all kinds of industrial processes. Thus, temperature control and monitoring of ovens through the Internet of Things (IoT) is part of this technology, especially in the automotive industry. In this work, the temperature control with hysteresis of a drying oven is carried out incorporating the IoT, with the objective of maintaining the temperature within a certain range in the drying process inside an oven. For this, a thermocouple, heat lamps, couplers and an electronic board are used. The temperature data from the drying oven is sent to the internet via WiFi using a router. The oven temperature data is recorded in the cloud for its respective subsequent analysis using the ThingSpeak services. For the results, the temperature is configured in the range of 50 ° C to 70 ° C that is monitored through a mobile application developed in App Inventor. The tests carried out demonstrate the proper functioning of the system and the high usability of the application. © 2023 IEEE.

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Modeling and Control of Omnidirectional Robots with Displaced Center of Mass

2022 , Gallo L.V. , Paste B.D. , Varela Aldas, José , Andaluz, Víctor H.

This work focuses on the design and implementation of a control algorithm for tracking trajectories of an omnidirectional robotic platform. The design is based on a dynamic model that considers the center of mass displaced; this model is obtained by formulating Euler–Lagrange considering the kinetic energy that acts on the robotic system. This type of model is used for when robots carry loads and these are not located in the center of the robot directly affecting the dynamics of the robotic platform; validation of the obtained model is carried out experimentally with an identification algorithm using the robotic platform built. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

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Development of a Scale Prototype of Smart Bed Controlled Using a Mobile Application

2022 , Soberon J.C. , Gamboa G. , Castillo F. , Palacios-Navarro G. , Varela Aldas, José

The need for a technological system for health care for sick people is evident. This work develops a scale prototype of a smart bed controlled through a mobile application. The electronic design consists of two servomotors that act to position the bed; these actions can be activated through the mobile application. At the same time, the patient can be monitored by a camera and an infrared thermometer that sends the data to the application through the Internet. The local operating code is designed so that the position of the bed changes automatically according to a preset sequence. The electronic system is based on the ESP32 board; this chip integrates WiFi communication that allows the connection of the bed with the cloud-based in Firebase. Temperature tests were carried out with the help of people to ensure that the data taken was correct. In addition, bed positions and reception of camera images were tested on a mannequin. As a result, adequate communication was obtained between the mobile application and all the devices installed in the smart bed. Finally, an acceptance test is applied that validates this proposal with a good score. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.