Browsing by Faculty "Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Artes"
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PublicationAbsorber length optimization of on-chip colliding pulse mode-locked semiconductor laser( 2018)
;Gordon C. ;Carpintero G. ;Bente E.Javaloyes J.Scopus© Citations 5 2 -
PublicationAnalysis of Adobe Block Manufacturing Techniques( 2023)
;Molina M.A.R. ;Carvajal E. ;Sanz D.Freire L.9 -
PublicationAugmented Reality as a Promoter of Visualization for the Learning of Mathematics in Ninth-Year of Basic Education( 2023)
;Amaluisa Rendón P.M.Quinatoa-Casicana J.2 -
PublicationComparative Study in the Comuna Santa Clara de San Millán, Quito - Pedernales Earthquake April 2016( 2023)
;Fernandez I. ;Bernal F.Labrada Y.3 -
PublicationConvolutional neural network oriented to the gesticulation control of an interactive social robot with humanoid aspect [Red neuronal convolucional orientado a la gesticulación de un robot social interactivo con aspecto humanoide]( 2019)
;Arias E. ;Encalada P. ;García M. ;Granizo C. ;Tigre F.5 -
PublicationDevelopment and Evaluation of a Computerized Didactic Guide with Mathematical Foundations for the Teaching-Learning of Physics( 2023)
;Balladares-Pico L.M. ;Espinosa-Pinos C.A.2 -
PublicationHealth and Educational Impacts Reduction Using a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Web System( 2018)
;Davila L. ;Robalino F. ;Gordon C.Scopus© Citations 1 4 -
PublicationHeritage management and communication: Strategies for sustainable tourism in the Historic Center of Pasa. Ecuador( 2023)
;Paredes D.I.A.Jaramillo G.A.V.4 -
PublicationHybrid Storage System Based on Rectenna and Photovoltaic Cells for Low Power IoT Wireless Devices( 2023)
;Valle M. ;Gordón C.Peñafiel C.5 -
PublicationICT and Augmented Reality in Baños de Agua Santa-Ecuador, Tourist Attractions Generation( 2024)
;Oleas-Orozco, José ;Castillo F.Amaluisa P.11 -
PublicationIntegration of renewable energies in conventional power systems based on computational reliability( 2019)
;Ramírez L.Gordón C.2 -
PublicationKnowledge Society and Built Spaces in Ecuador and the Italian Veneto: State-of-Art( 2023)
;Ordóñez-León A.Tello-Toapanta Z.2 -
Publication“La Tejería” Festival: influence on the vernacula architecture of Poaló. Píllaro. Ecuador( 2021)
;Paredes E.M. ;Velastegui L.Núñez P.2 -
PublicationMetrics of natural light in traditional rural housing in Ambato( 2023)
;Jiménez-Sanchez Y. ;Del Pozo M.Armijos S.6 -
PublicationMichell-Banki a Promise Turbine for Pico-Hydro in Water Irrigation Channel( 2020)
;Ibañez, L. ;Escobar, L. ;Hidalgo, A. ;Gordón, C.7 -
PublicationMulti-criteria analysis of turbines for pico-hydro power plant in water irrigation channel( 2020)
;Hidalgo, A.Gordón, C.Scopus© Citations 1 2