Ramos Galarza, Carlos
Development and Validation of A Brief Scale to Assess Attachment in Adults: Psychometric Analysis in Latin America [Desarrollo y Validación de Una Escala Breve Para Valorar el Apego en Adultos: Análisis Psicométrico en América Latina]
Neuropsychological assessment of attention: Symbols and digits test.
Implementation of Virtual Learning Objects in the Development of Mathematical Skills: A Qualitative Analysis from the Student Experience
Using Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder: Technological Proposal
The role of executive functions in academic performance and behaviour of university students
Factorial Structure of the EOCL-1 Scale to Assess Executive Functions
Long-Distance Relationships: Use of Technology Advances in Communication, Idealization and Satisfaction
Technology in Favor of Disability: Prevalence Study in Ecuador
The role of inhibitory control in the ability to solve problems of university students
Rehabilitation of Children Affected by Attention Deficit Disorder