Ramos Galarza, Carlos
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Ramos Galarza, Carlos
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1 - 10 of 44
PublicationDevelopment and Validation of A Brief Scale to Assess Attachment in Adults: Psychometric Analysis in Latin America [Desarrollo y Validación de Una Escala Breve Para Valorar el Apego en Adultos: Análisis Psicométrico en América Latina]( 2020)
;Ortiz-Granja D. ;Acosta-Rodas P. ;Lepe-MartÃnez N. ;Valle M.D. ;Ramos V. ;Pasquel M.B.3 -
PublicationThe role of executive functions in academic performance and behaviour of university students( 2020)
;Acosta-Rodas P.Lepe-MartÃnez N.2 -
2 -
PublicationScale of clinical observation to valuate the third functional unit of the Luria theory: EOCL-1. [Escala de Observación ClÃnica Para Valorar la Tercera Unidad Funcional de la TeorÃa de Luria: EOCL-1.]( 2019)
;Benavides-Endara P. ;Bolaños-Pasquel M. ;Fonseca-Bautista S.Ramos D.2 -
PublicationLow-Cost Human–Machine Interface for Computer Control with Facial Landmark Detection and Voice Commands( 2022)
;Ramos, P. ;Valencia, K. ;Vargas, V.3 -
5 -
PublicationNeuropsychological assessment of attention: Symbols and digits test.( 2018)
;Acosta-Rodas P. ;Guevara-Maldonado C.B. ;Zapata-RodrÃguez M.Apolo-Buenaño D.5 -
PublicationTeleworking in times of COVID-19 [Teletrabajo en tiempos de COVID-19]( 2020)
;Ramos V.Tejera E.Scopus© Citations 11 4 -
PublicationModerator Role of Monitoring in the Inhibitory Control of Adolescents With ADHD( 2021)Pérez-Salas C.